Comment history

young242 says...

This post seems to be the blame game, the government of the day sets the budget, so get to work and stop complaining. I drive around this island and all government buildings and historical monuments are in need of serious reppairs. repairs just don't happen in a 5-year term all our governments have fallen down when it comes to maintenance. No complaints and blame the other won't get my vote again, working and results do.

young242 says...

This post is so one-sided, it doesn't talk about the false promises made during the campaign trail, the countless persons being fired daily. The Large sums of money boarded but every ministry screaming broke.

The writer decided to minimise the needs of Bahamians living on Cat Island to suit their political bias. SHAME on you.

Did you forget that PM Minnis said absolutely nothing during the gener equaliy referendum, he allowed millions to be wasted and helped to stop progress in the Bahamas to turn Bahamians against the PLP.

By the way, Brave Davis Meet with PM of Dominica, not with PM Minnis, but in his own capacity.

As the saying goes, people that live in glass houses should not throw stones.

I'm all on board for helping Dominica but the government has an obligation to Bahamians, so far the cabinet has done absolutely nothing except fire people and stops progress, I want to hear about forwarding movements of this great country. When a government can tell its people, it plans about rebuilding the Bahamas, then it should make grand gestures for another without public disagreeing.

young242 says...

look yall worrying about the wrong thing, this is what was talked about in Parliment. I didn't elect a group of persons to play childish games in the house. I elected a group of people to work, Policy and deleveopment. Freeport is staring, Islands destroyed, children being gunned down, families hungry and unemployment is high.

I could give two hoots about Bannister and Fitzgerald, I want to see things happening.

The next time it is decided to release the name of a list, ensure that the entire list is release. I'm tired of the FNM PLP games, I want to judge all, not just one side, If you're not willing to laundry your dirt I don't want to hear about some else.

On Bannister dares Fitzgerald to sue

Posted 28 September 2017, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

young242 says...

I'm sorry but Prime Minister Minnis, your tears get no sympathy from me. My sympathy goes out to the mothers who lose their young children in the past few weeks. Bahamian mother that you represent and have a constitutional responsibility to, I would respect you more if you decided to allow the children from Dominica to come, and then cried for the dead, young, innocent Bahamian children. I'm not much of a crier but, the headline “i love you to mommy” moved me more than anything else I have heard this year.

Mr. Prime Minister, man up and join your countrymen as we are hurting.

On UPDATED: Tearful PM defies Dominica critics

Posted 28 September 2017, 5:34 p.m. Suggest removal

young242 says...

Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands explanation of the government not being able to carry out full roof repairs at the Princess Margaret Hospital ahead of Hurricane Irm, is because of the lack of funding due to previous reckless spending by the previous administration.

I would the Minister to tell the Bahamian, what does he call spending $2.6million on insurance premiums to only be able to collect $250K, then telling the Bahamian people that the terms would have to be revised. Mr. Minister that was reckless spending on the current administration, as a Cabinet Minister, you are apart of the decision-making process as to where money is spent. I don’t wish to hear what was done, tell me where the money is being spent now, after borrowing a large sum of money, that I have yet to seen justified in terms of policy, decisions or infrastructure upgrades.

Mr. Minister is your excuse to not being able to fix a roof honestly going to be the previous governments reckless spending after borrowing $1 billion, because if that is the case you don’t deserve to be in the seat in which we elected you to be.

Mr. Minister, I have a suggestion, if the entire cabinet did not rent buses to tour New Providence (to be talked to like children at Albany) or take the entire cabinet to every Island then maybe there would be $500k for your to completely repair the hospital roof. I might have voted FNM, but STOP the excuses it TIME to WORK

On Hospital roof repairs hit by funding crisis

Posted 28 September 2017, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

young242 says...

This bill is worse than the first one, the first one took the power away from the ministers and placed the power into the hands of the judiciary. This bill allows Marvin Dames to have the power to authorize someone to spy on Bahamians. Have we as a country forgotten the a body was moved on Marvin Dames watch when he was a chief of police, he was the first on the scene and could not answer.

Nah, the country needs to wake up. No minister and/or political party/politician need to have that power.

On New spy bill tabled

Posted 28 September 2017, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

young242 says...

The Fox Hill MP, Missing along with the environmentally Minister and the Commissioner of Police.

On Police launch Fox Hill offensive

Posted 20 September 2017, 11:01 p.m. Suggest removal

young242 says...

Reality_check - you really should watch what you say about people (especially families private affairs) in a country that is only 400,000 strong. I sure your family isn't made up of all saint. It's attitudes like that way so many people are killing one another.

Just saying there is a time and a place for everything, and this wasn't the place or the time for that comment.

On BPL’s elite list 'just a privilege'

Posted 20 September 2017, 10:52 p.m. Suggest removal

young242 says...

The entire list needs to be published.

On BPL’s elite list 'just a privilege'

Posted 20 September 2017, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

young242 says...

I want to see the entire list, not just 9 persons, all on that list must be public figures.

On BPL’s elite list 'just a privilege'

Posted 20 September 2017, 10:39 p.m. Suggest removal