Comment history

zemilou says...

Indeed, students -- and parents, employers and the country as a whole -- are desperate for an educational system that meets their needs.

All must learn how to become functionally literate in the three Rs. That is, they must be equipped to, say, read and understand the equivalent of a story in this publication and, if they so choose, write a letter to the editor. Also, they must be able to understand and complete a job application — or an application to an institution of higher learning, whether it be a technical institution or college/university. Related to this, they must understand how to prepare for and participate in job interviews. They must have basic financial literacy skills, especially to understand the power of interest and loan and credit card documents that could cripple them with debt.

All must graduate from high school with skills that allow for meaningful options: further education or the skilled job market or both.

All must learn how to think. To problem solve. To understand the importance of why, how, and so what, not simply who, what, when and where.

zemilou says...

For decades it has been clear that the current state of public education requires substantial reform.

Even in Great Britain, the origin of our educational framework, it is widely acknowledged that the GCSE approach is failing to meet the needs of the majority of students. This realization is shared by various public and private entities, including Pearson Education, the world's second-largest textbook publisher.

For example, according to a 2021 report titled "Pearson’s Analysis of the Future of Qualifications & Assessment in England," which "surveyed over 6,000 stakeholders from across the education spectrum," the following key points were highlighted:

"[A] good system [of education] must equip individuals with the tools they need to thrive, facilitating access to work and engaging in life beyond school. It should be progressive, promote choice, and contain a broad and inclusive curriculum that exposes students to a variety of experiences to support their development of knowledge and skills. It should be a system where attributing failure is never a consequence of recognising achievement, and should optimise technology in doing so."

"[T]he current system is too restrictive, with too many rules specifying how qualifications and assessment need to be structured to be recognised by funding and performance measures. This has squeezed out the appetite for innovation, preventing the system from keeping pace with the modern, evolving world."

We don't need to -- and we can't -- replicate educational models from other countries such as Singapore or Finland, no matter how successful they might be. The current system shows that this approach isn't effective for the vast majority of our students. The Bahamas possesses abundant talent to design a system tailored to its needs. Also, finger pointing that assigns blame to either students, or teachers, or parents, or the Ministry of Education -- or any combination of the four -- counterproductive and unhelpful.

Much like in public education systems globally, reform is imperative for The Bahamas to provide better education for our children -- for their sake and to help ensure a viable long-term future for our country. Successive administrations have recognized the necessity for reform, but addressing it requires tangible actions, not rhetoric and platitudes.

zemilou says...

After exploring the Exempt app, I wondered if I'd even purchase anything the next time I traveled to the US. In the article and some of the comments, my fears that the process is both cumbersome and burdensome were confirmed.

As one who has to travel with a laptop, it would be helpful to have access by this means. At least, it would be possible to have multiple screens open.

A bit cynical but, if the majority of users were visitors, I bet the app would be considerably more user friendly; as in, say, type in your items and the price paid (e.g., kyodoled Suggestion Box with Lock, $25.99 -- something clearly needed at LPIA) and have technology do the work for you.

zemilou says...

A link to the article referenced above: "Dreams and Deadly Seas."…

zemilou says...

Hopefully, the authors of the revised code won't start from scratch, and will build on the commendable work done for the 51 page "Guide to Housing Standards for The Bahamas: Build Back Better" (a "precursor to the fourth edition of The Bahamas Building Code") published by the Ministry of Works in August 2020.


zemilou says...

A way of making those of us, especially those who travel extensively for pleasure, feel good because we've "neutralized" our impact on the environment? Greenwashing? Another money making scam?

As a February 22, 2023 New York Times story about studies regarding the effectiveness of carbon offsets noted:

"In most cases, carbon offsets do not capture or reduce real emissions, and they have a dismal record when it comes to actually averting future emissions. Air-travel carbon offsets are no different, as our colleagues at The New York Times concluded. What’s worse: Even if the projects these offsets supported were effective, they are so inexpensive (about $19, for instance, for a round trip on Hawaiian Airlines from Honolulu to New York) that what you pay wouldn’t come close to negating your share of environmental damage caused by flying."

zemilou says...

Those interested in a logical discussion of the topic of reparations might want to take time to listen to The Guardian's (UK) podcast "Cotton Capital: the Guardian and reparations" where journalist Maya Wolfe-Robinson looks at the subject of reparations.

Among other people, she talks with Barbara Makeda Blake-Hannah, a leading figure in the reparations movement in Jamaica, and Laleta Davis-Mattis, chair of Jamaica’s national council on reparations which advises the government on the path towards reparatory justice and Jamaica's representative on the wider regional Caricom council. for reparations.

zemilou says...

Perhaps because Carey is a paid consultant for the south Long Island project??!

On BNT voices concern over sunken cargo ship

Posted 9 January 2023, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal

zemilou says...

Your assertion is accurate, Mr. Prime Minister. How about being original, though. So much of what you say is after the fact - especially after other world leaders have broached the subject.

By the way, beyond speechifying and using Haitians - especially immigrants - as a political football, what concrete leadership are you providing in terms of meaningful assistance to neighborus like Haiti? What are you suggesting be done to meaningfully reduce the carbon footprint of our tourism industry? I don't, for example, see your administration prioritizing the development of eco and scientific tourism.

zemilou says...

Be careful about cherry picking news. Yes, Charles III did meet with these five leaders on Saturday, but he met with more leaders of the Commonwealth Realm, including prime ministers Gaston Browne (Antigua and Barbuda), Kausea Natano (Tuvalu) and James Marape (Papua New Guinea) on Sunday. Note, too, that, of the 56 members of the Commonwealth of Nations, only a quarter (including the UK) are still part of the Commonwealth Realm -- countries that recognize the British monarch as Head of State. So it makes sense that he would meet with these leaders.

On Prime Minister meets King Charles III

Posted 19 September 2022, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal