PM: No secrecy over Baha Mar


Tribune Staff Reporter

PRIME Minister Perry Christie said yesterday there is “nothing secret” about Baha Mar and that lawyers have instructed him not to divulge relevant details because of the sensitivity of the matter and the amount of money being transacted among parties.

He criticised public figures yesterday, questioning whether they are fit for public service in view of their criticism of the government’s limited revelation of details surrounding a recently struck deal with the Export-Import Bank of China (CEXIM) to get Baha Mar remobilised.

Mr Christie’s comments came during a groundbreaking ceremony at the Bahamas Technical & Vocational Institute (BTVI) to mark the beginning of construction of a $2.3m smart classroom complex at the institution.

Though he was expected to focus on the need for technical education investments in the country, it was clear Baha Mar was on his mind.

Striking a tone of defiance and frustration, he frequently diverted his focus toward defending his government’s actions from critics who say insufficient details about Baha Mar were revealed during his evening press conference on Monday.

“As we debate Baha Mar, and they say they don’t believe me even though what I say has to be approved by the courts and held by the courts for the time being – people got to believe I’m stupid,” he said. “And when I say people, those who say that in all my years in public life, I would get up to the Bahamian people, speak to their future about Baha Mar which is the most complex, vexing issue that resulted in downgrading by Standard & Poor’s specifically and question marks by Moody’s, rating agencies, that I would get up and announce something that wasn’t true; the naivety of people in public life amazes me to the point where I question their fitness to serve.”

Sources told The Tribune Mr Christie was eager to “set the record straight” on Baha Mar, hence his comments.

His statements are unlikely to stop the criticism from opposition forces and others who have questioned the motives behind having the Supreme Court documents relating to the Baha Mar deal sealed.

However, some lawyers have noted that it’s not unusual to have documents sealed until negotiations have progressed beyond a sensitive stage.

As long as the documents are sealed, they say, it is not desirous to publicly disclose the information within them.

Mr Christie said: “Lawyers advised me that when you’re dealing with a matter that is predicated on huge inflows of capital into the Bahamas as a part of the agreement, you must restrain yourself until such time as the triggers in the agreement are pulled.

“Do I want to go through the vexation of people calling me names? As our society matures, as we wrestle with the proverbial mud of politics, we are strengthening our democracy, yes, but there comes a time when people must try to understand the economy and the discussion and the conversation should be of how are we going to advance ourselves when you hear the International Monetary Fund speaking about productivity?

“When unions are faced with challenges, Sandals, it all ties together. We have an obligation as a country to advance the economy of the Bahamas, to be able to justify the existence of institutions like BTVI because young people who are trained must feel and have the hope that they are being trained to go into the workforce and do work. In all things the proof of the pudding is in the eating. So whatever is the element of secrecy and how it intrigues people, it has to come out. And people will determine how could a bankruptcy turn into something positive outcome for the people who are affected.”


“When we negotiated the Baha Mar deal, our friends on the other side of the table knew there was no compromise when it comes to protecting the interests of Bahamians,” Mr Christie said. “That is why everyone who had a franchise there and was Bahamian had no chance in a new dispensation coming out of bankruptcy of being able to retain the stall that they spent millions on. Every Bahamian, every Bahamian who had an interest and spent money in there for a franchise we have protected that for them. That’s what I’m talking about: hope. That’s what I’m talking about. And it knows no colour. It knows no politics. And that’s what’s critical about our country, that we recognise that in a democratic country there will be divisions, but we don’t allow those divisions to go so deep that they challenge the humanity of our country, the continuum that should exist where we are all able to operate together in the belief that this country is for all of us and that we must carry this obligation forward in a way where the political directorate, notwithstanding looming elections will understand that when it’s my turn to govern, one day it will be yours. That’s what democracy is all about.”

Before ending his 30 minute speech, Mr Christie returned to the topic of Baha Mar, emphasising that international organisations and the Bahamian people will be able to see what his administration has negotiated.

“People of the world are looking at Baha Mar,” he said. “There is nothing secret (about the deal). I know that when I sit at the negotiating table that the IMF will look at what I negotiated. I know that the rating agencies will look at what I negotiated. I know I have to let the Bahamian people know. “There’s no secrecy. There’s no intention for that. But we have to recognise that the Bahamas lives in a world where when hundreds of millions of dollars, like a billion dollars, as part of an agreement has to be transferred to the Bahamas, you don’t jump up and talk about it until such a time that your lawyers say it is now time to talk.

“Agreements negotiated (are) predicated on huge inflows of capital. I spent a year and a half staying in my office at 1am because 1am in the morning here is 1pm over there (China); keeping staff in the office, working, negotiating, cajoling to get the right result for the Bahamas, for Bahamians who are owed millions of dollars, for Bahamians who invested millions of dollars, for young people by the thousands who need to be paid, to have their pension rights collected to National Insurance, to have their rights collected to the country, all of that. That’s what happens in today’s world.”