PM's Christmas message: 'We must continue to work together'

Prime Minister Perry Christie has delivered his Christmas message, saying: 'We must continue to work together, so that we can rise together.'


ohdrap4 says...

The queen once said annus horribilis.

he forgot that part.

Posted 24 December 2016, 6:10 p.m. Suggest removal

JustSo says...

**???????? Pm's Christmas Message: '*We Must Continue To Work Together'*?????????**

Needless to say, like the majority of us, I didn't waste my time listening to whatever this jackass said, but WTF? When Did **"WE"** ever START working together? And who's the **"WE"** this clown is referring to?

Friends, family, lovers and fellow pirates perhaps?

Posted 24 December 2016, 7:59 p.m. Suggest removal

JustSo says...

**???????? Pm's Christmas Message: '*We Must Continue To Work Together'*?????????**

Needless to say, like the majority of us, I didn't waste my time listening to whatever this jackass said, but WTF?

When Did **"WE"** ever START working together? And who's the **"WE"** this clown is referring to?

Friends, family, lovers and fellow pirates perhaps?

Posted 24 December 2016, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

Yes there will be a rising. JANUARY 9TH.

Posted 25 December 2016, 7:58 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

Posted 25 December 2016, 12:30 p.m.

SP says...

**We Don't Want Christie Dead. We Want Him Jailed & Humiliated For Life!**

Sir Lynden Pindling took the easy way out with death.

Death is too easy an out for this lying, good for nothing pirate. It would give deserving Bahamians *gran placer* to see Perry Christie face the people in a court of law, charged, sentenced and jailed for the many treasonous acts and gross corruption he and his crew of pirates perpetrated against our country and people.

Least we forget, also make room at The Bahamas Department of Corrections (HMP) for Hubert Alexander Ingraham who is equally guilty of treason and corruption!

Posted 25 December 2016, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Is the PLP going to also put up a statue of Vomit Christie at the airport to remind us of our great leaders? Why not rename Nassau Island to ChristieLand while their at it? It will also be the Nassau Airport in my eyes, Pindling and Christie gave us nothing worthy for us to remember them for, or to put up such as symbol of respect such as a statue in their name. Just like they did in Iraq with their dictator's statues.......tear it down!

Posted 25 December 2016, 2:52 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

**???????? Pm's Christmas Message: '*We Must Continue To Work Together'*?????????**

Lol...Needless to say, like the majority of us, I didn't care to waste my time listening to whatever this jackass said, but WTF? When Did **"WE"** ever START working together? And who's the **"WE"** this clown is referring to?

Friends, family, lovers and fellow pirates no doubt!

Posted 25 December 2016, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

We finally agree on something SheepRunner12, the best thing this F-ing a$$hole could do for the Bahamian people on X-Mas is to go swimming with the sharks with a bleeding leg wound. This greedy egomaniac doesn't even realize when he's no longer wanted, he's like a loud mouth F-ing drunk in a bar who won't leave when asked nicely. No, vomit Christie the greedy MF-ing a$$hole has to get his fat unwanted ass thrown out the door by the bouncer. Three more days of having to look at this jerkoff's ugly face in the media and I'm outta here! On this great day, God's son's birthday, I pray to his father to give the good Bahamian people the strength they need to unite, march on Jan. 9th as one people, and to over come this F-ing evil bastard's Satanic greed; rot in hell Perry Christie!

Posted 25 December 2016, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

BOL ............ have a merry Christmas (from wherever u is)

Posted 25 December 2016, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Merry Christmas SheepRunner12

Posted 25 December 2016, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

meaning: Prime Minister, Finance Minister and The Ruler all people in the Bahamas or me, myself and I.

Posted 25 December 2016, 10:22 p.m. Suggest removal

Socrates says...

i can't wish death on anyone. there is the vote.. want him out? use it next year.. peace to all....

Posted 26 December 2016, 3:28 a.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

He was boood out of Kelly's Home Centre by customers. !!! Time is up !

Posted 26 December 2016, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

hallmark says...

How can he fix his mouth to talk about working together, when all of their deals are secret and don't involve the Bahamian people who they supposedly represent.

Posted 26 December 2016, 10:49 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Can't wish death on a demon, but the demon wishes death upon you everyday for the last 40 years as he steals from you. The demon could care less where your next meal is coming from, he's eating like a king everyday on you. No X-Mas presents this year, the demon doesn't give a f$%k, he got thousands of dollars worth of gifts on you. You say you don't have money to dress your children for school, the demon doesn't give a $hit about you or your children, he just got himself another $2,500 John Gotti business suit on you. You voted him in, you feed him, you dress him in mobster business suits, you house him in a beautiful gated community while you live in a littered ghetto. You pay for his cars, gold jewelry,Rolex watches, $350 Italian shoes, his wives many trips to Atlanta first class; you must love this demon to be so generous. Wake the f$%k up people, you put the demon in office, you can put the demon out in the streets too; MARCH on Jan.9th in unity and send this demon back to his father Satan in Hell where he came from!

Posted 26 December 2016, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

Well said.

Posted 27 December 2016, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

LOL, Happy New Year BMW! Every time I see a BMW it almost brings me to tears, I once had a chance in my youth to buy a used 1978 BMW M1 for $30,000 and turned it down for a 1963 Corvette, what a F-ing a$$hole I am, LOL! F-ing Corvette is now only Worth $100,000 or more, but the ugly ass orange MF-ing BMW is now worth $500,000 or more!

Posted 27 December 2016, 10:36 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

It's no wonder that Bernadette doesn't put up with him.

Posted 27 December 2016, 1:34 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

BOL .............. She doesn't even live with this bag of Vomit anymore

Posted 27 December 2016, 3:26 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Makes you wonder why she's always in Atlanta, if I was his wife, I would rather make love with my hand than have that disgusting leech touch me.

Posted 27 December 2016, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! You Red Bloggers spit personal insults at the prime minister, whilst Loretta and her gang MP rebels have turned your once proud party all green on floor Peoples Honourable House of Assembly and up in the Upper Red Chamber.
It's obvious that you don't give a damn that her divide and conquer ploy is beautifully at work in the Senate and on the floor Peoples Honourable House of Assembly, whilst you be messing with the nation's PM.
I mean, seriously, shouldn't the focus of your insanity be aimed at your own red shirts MP's out to destroy your own damn red party's already comical, broken, twisted leadership?
Comical that the green party's Bran and Rodney lead the opposition's official charge up in the upper red chamber...And that all Seven-Coup's House MP's, no longer respect the membership of the red party.

Posted 27 December 2016, 1:51 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

LBT and her elves are happily sailing into their political sunset ......... the sun is about to rise on HAM and the FNM .......... sit small Tal ........ Get real in 17

Posted 27 December 2016, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

To the contrary, My Dear Comrade Watson Sheeprunner12, together you red shirts didn't even notice that due Loretta's dominance over the red party, Minnis was made sit small by Loretta cause he never delivered the regular Leader Of The Opposition's Christmas & New Year's Day Message... And regarding me to sit small, kindly let me say is tis the WILL of the 410 red party's convention's voting delegates who are being made sit small by Loretta.
Loretta's two Christmas and New Year's presents to the red party's membership were the green's Bran and Rodney....And the turning of Seven-House MP's into greens.

Posted 27 December 2016, 3:48 p.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

You can lead a whores to water, but you can't make him think.

Posted 28 December 2016, 9:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Alex_Charles says...

thanks for the 4 downgrades bro.... also thanks for putting us in a hole that is threatening the very standard of living we have. Thanks bruh

Posted 27 December 2016, 6:14 p.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Tomorrow is my last day here in Nassau, I will post a photo tomorrow that will give my good friends the Bahamian people strength against their oppressors the PLP. It will inspire you as it did me when I first saw it, it is proof that a peaceful march in unity can accomplish anything you desire. It will also prove that the USA is the greatest country on Earth. We have our problems no doubt, but this photo will prove that the USA only continues to move forward and not backwards as the Bahamas has shown me. On January 9th, the Bahamas is going to make history, I can feel it, I can sense it, the number of people that will be at that march is going to overwhelm you. It will no doubt in my mind going to be the first step of making " It's better in the Bahamas" a true meaning; f#$k, I may even move back and leave Hawaii behind! I'll see you tomorrow my dear Bahamian friends, God bless you all...........But he has already, LOL, you have the beautiful Bahamas!

Posted 27 December 2016, 10:10 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! The elites within the red party are determined to do a complete shutout the middle class that makes up the bulk of red party's 410 voting delegates at convention.
If any of you red bloggers are paying attention, you would know this that the elites are well on their way to have done away with the middle class.....And those red bloggers that are criticizing the prime minister only cause you seek a distraction away from wiping your tears to get over what Loretta and the Six-Coup MP's, have done once powerful red party.
Minnis's reign has been smashed and broken only to have become a thin shelf of himself over the past two weeks.
Sadly, the middle class reds that make up the red party's core membership sit silently whilst Loretta uses her sledgehammer to smash their party into unrecognizable pieces.

Posted 28 December 2016, 11:12 a.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Comrade Russia you really need to stop drinking, you know Perry Christie is the only thing stopping Bahamians from living a normal life. You must be on his payroll list just like Birdie is to defend such a greedy dictator. You would sell your own mother if asked by the PLP because you refuse to believe that they are the problem; it's called denial my Russian friend. You are also the kind of man that still believes a woman should be lower than a man, your personal slave. You are exactly the same type of slave master your forefathers had. Once oppressed for hundreds of years and now you enslave your own women, what a F-ing hypocrite you are.

Posted 28 December 2016, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Bouy. . . what a statement. . . **"WE MUST CONTINUE TO WORK TOGETHER".** . .Lol! That party never listened to anything the people had to say. . .it seems. . .now its their "time" to be ignored. . .HIS ANTICS WILL NOT WORK THIS TIME AROUND. . .HE HAS LOST MUCH GROUND WITH THE PEOPLE. . .HE IS NO LONGER TRUSTED. . .I DO HOPE HE DISCONTINE MAKING SUCH GRAAND STATEMENTS TO THE PEOPLE. . .IT MAKES HIM LOOK "CHEAP"!

Posted 28 December 2016, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Martin Luther King would have never imagined in a million years that his image would ever be inside the most powerful office in the World; the oval office. But there he is to the left of the photo I posted, his MARCHES put him there. The USA only moves forward, not backwards, we have our problems, but we keep moving forward. God bless you all my Bahamian friends, hope to see you again someday; MARCH on Jan. 9th and make it better in the Bahamas again!

Posted 28 December 2016, 11:52 a.m. Suggest removal

goodbyebahamas says...

Posted 28 December 2016, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

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