FNM struggle to fund convention


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Free National Movement is said to be struggling to find the hundreds of thousands of dollars needed to host next month’s convention as a debate has erupted over who is responsible for finding the funds.

Former FNM Cabinet minister Tennyson Wells is among those who have sided with party leader Dr Hubert Minnis. He told The Tribune that those who fought for an early convention should find the funds to host it.

Others, like former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette, said that the responsibility lies with the party’s leader. It’s not clear how much next month’s convention will cost.

However, in an interview with The Tribune yesterday former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson placed the cost at no less than $300,000.

Meanwhile, Mr Symonette said the hotel rooms will cost about $100,000 and additional money will be required for paraphernalia, advertising and media, among other things.

“The leader of the party is responsible for all aspects of the party,” the former St Anne’s MP said when contacted. “If the leader was going to have a convention in November, he went to council and things happened so he moved it forward, so obviously he must’ve had in place plans to fund the convention in November so those plans should come forward to fund the convention four months earlier.

“We’ve been talking about a convention for six months. When the difficult times hit the fan, you can’t pass the buck,” Mr Symonette added. “If the leader of the FNM can’t raise money for the convention how the hell is he going to raise money for the general election in less than a year?”

Mr Symonette dismissed grumbles from some in the party that the FNM has not yet made a down payment at the Melià Resort, saying a determination is still being made on how many rooms will be needed.

“I don’t know if a down payment is due up to now,” he said.

The Tribune was told by sources that the party’s payment of utility bills such as light and cable, as well as real property taxes and staff salaries has been inconsistent in recent years as the party struggles to raise money.

Sources told The Tribune that the FNM’s big financial backers have refrained from providing money because of discontent with Dr Minnis.

It is not unusual for opposition parties to have financial problems.

After the Progressive Liberal Party lost the 2007 election, it owed the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas nearly a quarter of a million dollars.

In late 2011, the government-run broadcaster secured a Supreme Court judgment against the PLP, then leader of the opposition Perry Christie, and PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts for the payment of $247,974.16.

Nonetheless, Mr Symonette said it is problematic that Dr Minnis has also failed to pay off substantial amounts of the $1m debt the party inherited following the last general election and bye-election.

Regarding the initial convention date, he said Dr Minnis “had no money in the bank for the November convention.”

“There are substantial sums of money outstanding since the last election that Dr Minnis has failed to pay, notwithstanding comments to the effect that it has been paid,” Mr Symonette said. “Those (untrue reports) have been spread by his side. They are unfounded and I’ll swear on a stack of bibles that they are.”

Former FNM Chairman Darron Cash said yesterday that the party should be in a more healthy financial position than it is now with less than a year to the next general election.

“Given the present dismal state of the failed Christie government, any opposition worth its salt that’s seen as a credible alternative to the government would be awash in financial resources to wage a successful general election,” Mr Cash said.

“It is a matter of grave disappointment that the FNM is not in that position today. It is for a variety of reasons and one of them is certainly the fact that the leadership of the party at present does not inspire confidence in the people who are committed to good governance and have the financial resources to put their money where their mouth is.”

Mr Wells, however, alleged that those who have prompted Dr Minnis to call an early convention said they would find the funds necessary to host it. He also said those persons are appearing to backtrack on that offer because they do not think Dr Minnis will be defeated next month.

“I was told that members of the finance team got up and said during a meeting that all the back-biting would stop if they moved the convention forward,” Mr Wells said.

“That’s why Minnis moved the convention forward, not because he was concerned about them fighting in the back. And now my understanding is the results the team was looking for, they don’t believe they are going to get it so I see Brent (Symonette) in the paper saying Dr Minnis should accommodate the six parliamentarians who oppose him if he wins at the convention. The leader don’t usually get up in that stuff. The finance committee should find the money. They said they would. Now that they see a defeat is assured, they don’t want to pay for their defeat.”

“They also want to control how the convention is dealt with, rather than the way it is usually dealt with where you provide the money and the treasury and convention committee deal with the planning and spending for the event,” Mr Wells said.

Mr Symonette denied this yesterday, saying Mr Wells may have been referring to an earlier event.

“He may be confusing different finance committees,” he said. “There’s no question in the previous one day convention (in 2014) when we were talking about healing the party, I personally got up and said we will find the money to hold the one day convention provided you don’t go over $300,000. I don’t know who said we will find the money to pay for this one.”

When contacted yesterday, FNM Chairman Sidney Collie declined to directly respond to questions about the party’s financial preparedness for next month’s convention.

“I don’t know where their information is coming from,” he said. “I am following my mandate straight through. I have appointed 12 subcommittees and a national convention committee. All are working feverishly to put on a convention for July 27-29.”


“We’ve been talking about a convention for six months. When the difficult times hit the fan, you can’t pass the buck. If the leader of the FNM can’t raise money for the convention how the hell is he going to raise money for the general election in less than a year?” - Former Deputy Prime Minister Brent Symonette.


DillyTree says...

Minnis has money -- let him pay for it if he's so sure of his leadership abilities.

If Minnis loses at the convention, campaign money will miraculously start appearing. Mark my words!

No one wants to fund a losing proposition. With Minnis gone, there's hope.

Posted 28 June 2016, 1:26 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

So the people will get "sold out" to the "bay street boys" faction of the FNM party huh? How come no one want to fund a losing proposition. . .and the six are getting their "tails" handed to them on a platter all over the place. . .seem to me sir that the winning proposition is Rocking Wid Doc. . .Lol! But good sir or mam. . .I cry shame of your connotation. . .they will fund the party "if they can have the lion share of the jar" is not how we want to wake up after the election in 2017!

Posted 29 June 2016, 10:50 a.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

What happened to all of Minnis' millions? Oh yes, that's right - when he became leader of the FNM he told the donor's committee that he is not putting any money into his party and that they need to get and give him whatever money is needed to keep the party going. He has his minions crying about white people, but wants the white donors of the party to make sure he has a party to keep and ruin.

Now that's leadership for you, right?

Posted 28 June 2016, 1:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

But wait!! Minis is a great leader, so they say. Surely the great leader can raise $300,000.00 easy.

But then again maybe he........well I leave that up to you.

Posted 28 June 2016, 2:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Rhetoric says...

This article has no source at all?

So is this what the Tribune has reduced itself to?

The FNM rumour mill?

Posted 28 June 2016, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

desmoins says...

Is Brent Symonette not a source? He's chairman of the Finance committee and he said there's no money in the bank for a convention.

Posted 28 June 2016, 2:26 p.m. Suggest removal

desmoins says...


Posted 28 June 2016, 2:39 p.m. Suggest removal

pilgrimagerock says...

Well said. I couldn't have said it better!

Posted 28 June 2016, 6:13 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

The mouth piece for the white oligarchy . . . it seems my friend! But they must remember that President Obama did not have the backing of the Democratic Party monied people. . .he had the belief of the small man. . .they nickel and dime their campaign right into the white house! The PLP under LOP was in the same state. . .had the will of the people and the white man had the money. . .they were even doing skullduggery with persons loans. . .jobs and anything they could use to discourage voting for the upstart LOP and his broke party. . .the rest is history!

Posted 29 June 2016, 10:45 a.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! Rather than the "gang of six" red shirts MP's - continuing with their destructive letter writing campaign, they should instead be receiving a directive letter from Her Excellency Dame Marguerite to explain if the one who feels they have this divine right for the leader's job, along with their other MP's and senators who were appointed as shadow cabinet ministers, are in fact still on the job since their appointment back on June 17, 2012? And if so, would they be so kind as to inform HE of their substantive progress to date of letter?
How does, they have done little to more of nothing on the job, sound to readers?
The disappearance off the list of many names since 2012, speaks directly to how damn dysfunctional this bunch of shadow cabinet minsters have performed even when trusted with play with monopoly money and make believe decision making?
MP Loretta Butler-Turner shadow minister of Social Services and National Insurance?
MP Neko Grant shadow responsibility for Works and Urban Development?
Senator Desmond Bannister shadow minister of Education, Science and Technology?
Senator Zhivargo Laing shadow minister of Finance and Financial Services?
MP Edison Key shadow minister of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Local Government?
MP Hubert Chipman shadow minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration?
MP Peter Turnquest - shadow minister of Grand Bahama?
MP Richard Lightbourne - shadow Attorney General and minister of Legal Affairs?
MP Theo Neilly - shadow minister of Tourism, Transport and Aviation?
Senator Kwasi Thompson - shadow minister of Environment and Housing?Senator Heather Hunt - shadow minister of Youth, Sports and Culture?
Comrades might I remind you that the one and only responsibility of a shadow minister is to do nothing but to shadow the governing party's cabinet ministers. You tell me, how did they on their respective jobs?
Once after you've read this long list of interesting names and the political fates many of them have met since their appointments - and the only after you've stop laughing - you tell me if a broke party should be scrapping together Five hundred thousand dollars to undo the democratic votes of a vast majority of convention delegates who voted Minnis in and Loretta out?
Why in havens name would I have even had to bother with faking such a long and interesting list of MP's and senators and shadow cabinet minister?
These people, all thems, are for real!

Posted 28 June 2016, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Why doesn't Minnis and his group reach into their pockets and fund their own party for once? They tear people like Symonette to shreds but they want his millions and make demands on his cash as though it belongs to them. Since they have such a problem with white Bahamians, then get out of their pockets. Since Minnis is for the darker hue as his Facebook page once said, then let them all gather together and take their party from the elites (aka white people) and pump the millions in necessary to keep their party going. **That's** what's called putting your money where your mouth is, just as the white Bahamians who they trash have been doing in the FNM for decades. It is a damned disgrace that Minnis has turned the FNM into a race-baiting organization, but since he has chosen to do so, let him, Bobo, Toogie and all his minions fund "the people's party." He also expected Brent to fund the November convention had it remained at November because again, he had no intention of investing anything into the party he wants to take him all the way to the office of Prime Minister. Yet this is the man who his minions worship - a man who only wants the party for what it can do for him, but not the other way around. That is exactly the kind of Prime Minister he would be should this country suffer the gross misfortune of such a thing.

Posted 28 June 2016, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Economist says...

Well said. Tennyson Wells has millions, Minnis is not a poor man either.

Posted 28 June 2016, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Exactly. Wells talks about the phantom UBP running the FNM. Well let him take his millions and rescue the FNM from the hands of the great white ghosts.

Posted 28 June 2016, 10:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Well_mudda_take_sic says...

There are very few in our society more racist and non-inclusive of others (like LGBT) than Minnis! Minnis is one Zebra who can't hide his stripes...those closest to him have always known him for what he is and unfortunately tend to share his deeply "rooted" view of the world. Yes, when it comes to Minnis, it's all about those "Roots", the kind of "Roots" that Pindling would run repeatedly on T.V. in the run-up to a general election. This dinosaur Minnis really must go.

Posted 28 June 2016, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

> Former FNM Cabinet minister Tennyson Wells is among those who have sided with party leader Dr Hubert Minnis. He told The Tribune that those who fought for an early convention should find the funds to host it.

This lowlife Wells is well aware that only the party's council can decide to hold a convention. Regardless of what those 6 MPs wanted, if the council voted no, then no it would be. The party's highest body has voted for this convention but the leader of the party does not want to ensure that the convention is funded and carried out, all because it does not suit his personal wishes and purposes. Yet he is bribing delegates left, right and center with taxpayer dollars funneled to him by PLP Ministers. Bahamas, take a good look at what wants to replace the PLP - a red replica of the PLP in the person of Hubert Minnis.

Posted 28 June 2016, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Now you are saying Doc is bribing the delegates. . .earlier it was BBB and word on the street is that Brent is doing the same . . .NOW WHERE YOU ARE SAYING THAT SPACE SHIP LANDED AGAIN IN NASSAU? I thought since we are talking out of we backside without using our brains I thought that I should plug that "juicy one in too". . .what a buncha yard chicken actions. . .

Posted 29 June 2016, 10:56 a.m. Suggest removal

jackbnimble says...

This doesn't shock me. The white knights have stopped their financial support because they do not want Minnis as leader.

Well his mantra is that he is for the poor man. Pity cuz poor man don't pay bills.

The day they get rid of him is when the party will be fully funded. They keep him and they not only lose the little financial support they have, but I guarantee they also lose the next general election.

Hard head bird.....

Posted 28 June 2016, 4:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

> The white knights have stopped their financial support because they do not want Minnis as leader.

And if Minnis and Co. truly saw this as a problem, then why do they keep going to these men for money? Why don't they use their own money? That's the question that needs to be asked of them. Minnis wants their money but doesn't want them to have a say. Nobody funds political parties to the tune of hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars because they have nothing better to do with their money. He who holds the gold makes the rules. Minnis has gold; alot of it if his disclosures are to be believed. So what is Minnis calling Symonette for? Let him reach in his pocket and fund his so-called push for the poor man if he believes in that so much. But he doesn't. He is a fraud of the highest order. He has been behaving in this manner since he became leader; this did not start with this upcoming convention. He won't give his party a dime, but wants to be king on the throne that party has given him. Conventions are not just about the leadership race as that is not the only race or measure that is on the floor of a national convention. Conventions are foundational to democratic parties. But Minnis is not a democrat by any stretch of the imagination.

Posted 28 June 2016, 5:57 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...


Posted 29 June 2016, 11:01 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Those who wanted another leadership race should pay for the convention. And those who feel the need to replace the current government should make donations. Come election time the government will have the public treasury at its disposal, the newly licensed numbers boys, the Chinese, other foreign investors who need favor, of course and mega rich supporters like Franky Wilson, Bradley Roberts and Brave Davis, The Maynards and many more. Many who have stakes in Bah Mar and other projects under the PLP. They will dig deep in deep pockets to ensure this government stays in power so 'dey could finish get dey tings." If FNM or DNA supporters play cute with financing then this government will see another 5 years. And remember Christie has everything bet on this election because come 2022, he will be too old to run, especially as leader.

Posted 28 June 2016, 4:32 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...


Posted 28 June 2016, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

BMW says...

That is good for his ass.

Posted 28 June 2016, 8:47 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

Roc wit Doc" has lots of money and the 5,000 babies he has delivered should all put their money together. I believe he will win the leadership of the FNM. but I hope and pray he looses the election. I do not believe he will be a good PM for the Bahamas. He says and does some outlandish things. If he can not run a party how will he run a Country??

Posted 28 June 2016, 9:35 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Birdie. . .cute one. . .those outlandish things are called. . .justice, honesty and right actions. . .NOW THAT IS SOMETHING MOST CURRENT POLITICIANS HAVE LITTLE EYE FOR. . .THEY HAVE BEEN CORRUPT FOR SO LONG. . .EVIL IS GOOD AND GOOD IS EVIL TO THEM! LOL!

Posted 29 June 2016, 11:06 a.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Honestly. I would not donate a dime to this FNM.

Posted 29 June 2016, 12:09 p.m. Suggest removal

Reality_Check says...

You and me, and many, many, many others!

Posted 29 June 2016, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrade Reality-Check, you means you wouldn't even hold an 'English High Tea' to invite the masses over to see how the upper classes have evolved since Pindling's Bahamaland's independence?

Posted 29 June 2016, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Say many many more! Child a handful of white people and the few around here doth not many people make!! Lol! Remember Obama. . .the democrats did not want to bank rolled him either. . .they said he was wasting money because the Americans would never elect a black man. . .further more he do not have the leadership skills. . .the small man believed in him. . . together they Nickle and dime their way to the white house. . .and the rest is history!! Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe. . .Doc really don't need yall ya know. . .so hold on to ya money. . .this ride ger be rough!! Lol!

Posted 29 June 2016, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Sorry cannot contribute, Papa took my small pension away in 2011.

Posted 29 June 2016, 12:40 p.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Sorry, cannot contribute, Papa took away my small pension 2011.

Posted 29 June 2016, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

I don't put this one on Minnis. He wanted the convention in November, politically it may have been the wrong date, but maybe his reasoning was financial. The gang of six FORCED the July date. I don't blame him at all. These guys are like babies screaming to hold the pot of hot grits on the stove. We gonna see who have grits on them on July 2nd. (I hope it ain't Sands or Rollins, we gonna need them)

Posted 1 July 2016, 5:48 a.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

Hey. . .I did not see it like that. . .maybe the November date was financial. Now I don't condone "choppin off heads them". . .bit I would compile a list for doc if he wins the upcoming convention! Neko Grant and Lightbourn are "antagonistic" and condescending. . . those two should be sent out to pasture. . . Rollins is "bellicose" . . .immature, not grounded, selfish it seem, but he is young and have some :things" on him the size of mars. . .he has a future in nation building!! The others have "exposed" their dirty dealings to the people. . .when they brought the public into their business they never expected that the people would see everybody involved. . .even them!! LBT et al were like the wizard of OZ. . .showing us the big screen picture from behind the scene. . .however, Toto(LBT) pulled back the curtain and exposed to little man behind the curtain running the show!

Posted 1 July 2016, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

licks2 says...

So Brent S. them are "giving" money to the FNM aye? What these people got up their sleeves is anyone's to guess! Did rocking doc convinced them to "gee" them some money? Or. . .are they funding Papa resurgence at that convention. . .who is likely to get beat. . .because it for sure not to elect LBT. . .they know that horse done dead!!

Posted 4 July 2016, 11:50 a.m. Suggest removal

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