Miller: Former Deputy PM was in 'lose-lose' situation


Tribune Staff Reporter

OPPOSITION Leader Philip “Brave” Davis was subjected to a “lose-lose” dilemma by the actions of “men hungry for power” during his tenure as deputy prime minister and minister of works, according to former Tall Pines MP Leslie Miller.

In addition, while addressing allegations of misfeasance within the former administration, Mr Miller also told The Tribune he was sickened over the mention of many of the claims being presented to the public. However, he said, there were many good people in the Christie Cabinet who he did not think were aware of some of the allegations now being brought to the forefront.

Speaking about Mr Davis, Mr Miller said: “Hindsight is 20/20, if he knew then half way through that term what he knows now, he would have begged (former Prime Minister Perry) Christie and those closest to him, to all walk away.”

Current Works Minister Desmond Bannister on Monday revealed that under the Christie administration, public/private partnerships were not coordinated through the Ministry of Works and were allowed to begin without technical experts at the ministry weighing in on a number of matters relating to them.

Mr Bannister also made public details of a letter penned by Mr Davis in which he warned Mr Christie that members of Parliament were “authorising contractors to undertake capital and property maintenance works” to be paid by his ministry without the Ministry of Works’ consideration and approval.

Seeming to defend Mr Davis’ past actions, Mr Miller told The Tribune that he believes that the letter was only written because the Cat Island, San Salvador and Rum Cay MP felt as if he was “at the end of his rope.”

“In his mind, him being a man of the people and wanting the best for this country, he knew things had gotten to a point where things could no longer be salvaged,” Mr Miller said.

“He took exception because he knew the situation was of grave concern and he was in an awkward spot.”

Mr Miller suggested that a “select few” in the former Cabinet saw their close bonds with Mr Christie as a “ticket” to do as they pleased when they wanted to.

While he did not name these ministers directly, Mr Miller said for many of them, their “over-exuberance” to do right by Mr Christie and his bid to stay on and keep power often led to these persons “overstepping.”

“Each minister believed that they could do what they wanted to do. This was particularly the case with works and infrastructure contracts and as much as it hurts my head to consider where that brought the party, the facts show that they did what they saw as best for re-election.

“As the man responsible for infrastructural upkeep of the country, Brave was in a lose-lose spot because it is hard to stop men hungry for power.”

Offering some insight into the working dynamic between the nation’s former leader and his second in command during their 2012-2017 tenure, Mr Miller indicated that there were “struggles” between the two men at “a number of junctures.”

Mr Miller said the “power struggle” only intensified when Mr Christie walked-back plans to step down midway through his second, non-consecutive term as prime minister.

Before the 2012 general election, Mr Christie said if elected, he would step down half term and make way for a successor. However, he later said he intended to serve a full term and was elected for a second non-consecutive term.

“Now if you remember, Mr Christie said he was going to serve only half the term,” Mr Miller said. “I mean, if you sit as the DPM, you assume that you would ascend to that spot, right?

“That time came and went. (Mr Christie) was still in place, and to make things even stranger, those select few was making moves as if they were the man himself.

“We look at that Perry-Brave ticket and think one thing, but you have to remember, Brave once wanted to challenge Christie.

“One party didn’t want to make the party look bad so he sat back the way you should and wait. In his mind, he was doing the right thing. But look how it worked out.

“I think it was a situation of ‘I am in charge and I am going to stay on,’ that was a big deal. One wanted to retain power, the other wanted to reach that goal.”

Asked if the failures and short-falls of the former administration would hinder Mr Davis’ political future, Mr Miller said only time would tell.

“People are going to see Mr Davis for who he is. He has always been the go-to-man for everyone that has worked with him because he has a heart for the people and doing right by them.

“Brave is always going to try his best to help whoever he can and that hasn’t changed. It’s a reason he still there; his people know what he is.”


The former Bahamas Electricity Corporation executive chairman said he is disheartened by the things being attributed to the former government.

“I would say, the majority of the ministers were not informed, many of them were not aware that these things now being talked about, that these things were actually happening.

“No way in hell,” Mr Miller stated.

“No doubt in the world, you’re talking of persons the calibre of Damien Gomez, (Michael) Darville, (Michael) Halkitis; these men would not sit there and be a party to some of these things. That’s a fact.

“You’re talking about Glenys Hanna Martin, not in a thousand years these sorts of things could happen with her knowing. These are good people, and to imagine them sitting around a table and hearing these things; they would feel how I feel when I hear it now, sick to my damn stomach. All my head hurting hearing about these big ass contracts.

“I could say that Leslie Miller had no inkling that these things were going on. This (expletive) is ridiculous. But now, the party is carrying the label and we have to fix that moving forward. We have to work extremely hard to clear names and have a better future,” he concluded.


bahamian242 says...

What you mean by walking away?? For Perry Christie or Brave Davis to walk away from Elected Government??

Posted 23 June 2017, 2:40 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Comrades! The only thing the Pot cake - ever walked away from and should comment on - is why as a PLP MP and BEC Chairman's- he ran up an unpaid $200,000 light bill at BEC.... And the $1000 donation cheque - he had promised to handover to help abused women and their Crisis Centre.

Posted 23 June 2017, 2:49 p.m. Suggest removal

proudloudandfnm says...

Will the PLP ever be a legitimate party ever again?!?

Ping and Perry. Two of the most corrupt leaders this country has ever seen.

I see nothing to say they will change. Next time they're in office we can expect exactly the same corruption, incompetence and areogance.

Perry Christie must be prosecuted and jailed...

That man is a traitor and he should be treated as such...

Posted 23 June 2017, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

What a terrifying admission that some people are above the Law and that the Police and Judiciary are powerless in the face of political pressure not to investigate or prosecute. And he says it so matter-of-fact, as if it had always been the normal state of affairs. Anyone reading this will inexorably come to the conclusion that the Bahamas is a banana republic. And they would be right.

Posted 23 June 2017, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

If Mr. Banister has proof of wrong been done he should bring a case against those concerned'
until then they are allegations. Just talk.

Posted 23 June 2017, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

I saw one of the cheques today in the paper Birdie. Maybe you were one of the ones getting juiced.

Posted 23 June 2017, 4:25 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamalove says...

One of the problems in our society is that over time all of this theft will eventually get legitimised. Long after these tiefing politicians are dead and gone, leaving their descendants very wealthy, Bahamians will be using words like "prominent" and "elite" to describe the heirs of these crooks, just as in the case of the Numbers boys and the rum-running families of historical past. The dirty deeds are soon forgotten and the stolen money is eventually washed clean. This is why it is important to pursue these cases and prosecute! Not just name and shame. Unfortunately, we all know that nothing will happen and these crooks will be left free to plot their new schemes for the next 5 years they are in governance.

Posted 23 June 2017, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

You're too generous, theyre legitimized the minute they buy the BM and their first 1000 dollar suit. Bahamians worship money, as George Smith said on gaming referendum night "why does it matter how you made your money", and he supposed to be a reformed Christian. **The LOVE of money is the root of all evil**

Posted 24 June 2017, 4:15 a.m. Suggest removal

birdiestrachan says...

You saw one of the cheques today..So what does it prove or mean The FNM Government
has no plans to move the Country forward. so they talk foolishness. They had better get to
work. Grand Bahama sent five FNMs to the house and the people of GB are in need of jobs.
What about that? At least the PLP got Baha Mar up and running. What will the FNM
Government do about Our Lucaya??

Posted 23 June 2017, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

Be patient Birdie ........ It took your PLP five years to frig this country up ...... Do not expect miracles in mere months

Posted 23 June 2017, 7:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says...

"*No doubt in the world, you’re talking of persons the calibre of Damien Gomez, (Michael) Darville, (Michael) Halkitis; these men would not sit there and be a party to some of these things. That’s a fact.*"

Halkitis had to sign the cheques....him and Wilson. Gomez resigned I think that says something about what he "suspected" at minimum. Darville? He still saying nothing wrong so don't know why his name call.

"*#“I would say, the majority of the ministers were not informed, many of them were not aware that these things now being talked about, that these things were actually happening.*"

Were these guys dim witted? They sat in cabinet? The boys under the dilly tree were talking about garbage contract kickbacks, BAMSI kickbacks, overinflated contracts. these guys were actually IN the room, they didn't ask a single question? Review a single report?? No one questioned why all these unqualified contractors were getting multimillion dollar contracts? They were having issues with the work before 2017 one blinked an eye when Shane was put in charge of NIB?? No one thought anything fishy when he was made responsible for the distribution of 150 million?? Come on Mr Miller you more street smart than that

Posted 24 June 2017, 4:09 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

They were not given the five(5) senses test before being appointed. No they were waiting to be blessed with their gifts.

Posted 24 June 2017, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Truism says...

Is it stupidity or ignorance that causes a supposedly intelligent person to be saying a former minister of state in MOF had to sign the cheques. WOW! How little does these experts know about collection and payout of government funds.

Posted 24 June 2017, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

ThisIsOurs says... little I believe he "literally" sits their and signs each and every one of the cheques to be distributed? Do they use a digital signature? WHO CARES? The point is if he doesn't know and have to "ok" one contractor getting cheques totally 2 million dollars something is terribly wrong and he een doing his job...but I guess all that's a given considering

Posted 24 June 2017, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

But ................ Was it not Chairman Potcake who gave Minky that big $2 million BEC clean-up contract??????? ...................... Say it een so!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 24 June 2017, 5:20 p.m. Suggest removal

SP says...

When Leslie Miller was threatened with being fired from BEC as chairman, he warned them he would "tell the whole story in living color if they mess with him"!

Miller is just as guilty as all the rest of the **P**illage **L**oot **P**lunder pirates and his actions also should forensically be audited for wrongdoings.

He is guilty of borrowing millions from BOB without repaying a dime and has no choice but to play dumb and innocent at this juncture. As being part and parcel to **P**illage **L**oot **P**lunder rape of BOB, he is guilty by association in everything he knew about and colluded with!

The Bahamian people will NEVER forgive Leslie Miller for his anti-Bahamian remarks on every talk show condemning Bahamians and praising Haitians!

I pray this unpatriotic potcake dog go to J-A-I-L with all the rest of his **P**illage **L**oot **P**lunder colleagues.

They are a disgrace to the country and the Bahamian people!

Posted 25 June 2017, 6:32 a.m. Suggest removal

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