Talks in Haiti on tackling migration

A high-level meeting was held at Haiti’s National Palace between Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis and Haitian President Jovenel Moise yesterday, where both leaders committed to undertake joint initiatives that could contribute to reducing the flow of migration to The Bahamas.

According to a joint communique, Dr Minnis and Mr Moise also expressed their determination to find effective solutions to resolve the identification problem of Haitian nationals in The Bahamas; to this end, the government of Haiti has decided to establish a centre of delivery and collection of identification of documents at the Embassy of Haiti in Nassau.

The two men spoke ahead of the 29th Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of State and Government of the Caribbean Community, being held in Port-au-Prince.

The discussions were focused on the implementation of the three agreements between The Bahamas and Haiti signed in Nassau on July 29, 2014, namely: a framework for bilateral co-operation; an agreement on trade and technical cooperation in the area of quality control for agricultural products and exportable fisheries; and an agreement on the promotion and protection of investments.

According to the communique, during the meeting both men underscored the need for the creation of economic, commercial and investment opportunities between the private sectors in Haiti and The Bahamas, particularly in the northern and northwest region of Haiti. They also expressed their desire to strengthen trade links for the purchase and sale of agricultural products and seafood and exportable fisheries between the two countries, through accepted international quality control standards and emphasised the need to develop a maritime agreement between the two countries for maritime border control and to encourage closer collaboration between national, regional and international law enforcement institutions, including information sharing for greater effectiveness in combating illegal immigration, illicit trafficking in narcotics, the smuggling of migrants, and transnational organised crime.

Speaking specifically about agriculture and trade, Dr Minnis said by December 31, the government hopes to see fruits and vegetables from Haiti on store shelves in The Bahamas, once the products meet Bahamian guidelines.

The CARICOM meetings continue today and tomorrow.

Dr Minnis was accompanied to Haiti by his wife, Patricia, and a delegation of Cabinet ministers.


BahamasForBahamians says...

The Bahamas is at all time low following the election of Hubert Minnis to Prime Minister.

We have, on the one hand, Haiti's economic and immigration woes that pose a threat to the national security and welfare Bahamians here in The Bahamas - but our Prime Minister finds the time on his agenda to discuss importing Haitian produce and exchange gifts.

If the Haitian community had found the Prime Minister to even be remotely serious on the December 31st deadline - this picture shows it was a lie.

Posted 26 February 2018, 5:24 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

This Comrade PM promised to invest in Bahamalander - not into building another county's economy - and why hell do you give a gift to leader country who encourages the export their citizens ..... never seen a photo of a Bahamalander PM - receiving a gift from a Haitian president? {Somebody needs look into what was in that gift box?}.

Posted 26 February 2018, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

I don't trust this man to represent the best interests of the Bahamian people with clear, concise emphatic speech! Expect the status quo to be maintained!

Posted 26 February 2018, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Oh well!

Posted 26 February 2018, 7:09 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

"... both leaders committed to undertake joint initiatives that could contribute to reducing the flow of migration to The Bahamas."

NO !!!!! Not "reducing". Need "stopping."

Damn. Is this PM even awake? Does he live in the Bahamas? Is he a Bahamian? He can't be serious.

If election were held today, the PLP would take back the reigns of government - there is NO DOUBT about that. I absolutely HATE the PLP, but I would vote for them right now.

Posted 26 February 2018, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Posted 26 February 2018, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

JB357 says...

Dr. Minnis...ask this clown what the hell he plans to do to rebuild Haiti and create jobs and prosperity!! I have no problems with Haitians, but Haiti needs to come back to Christ with national acknowledgement!!

Posted 26 February 2018, 8:48 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Minnis must realize there is still an ‘unwritten ‘ economic embargo against Haiti. The Bahamas use to import lots of produce from Haiti. Then the US claim this produce was unsafe and stopped the exports. But they (US) went in, bought the produce for pennies on the doll, graded and packaged it and still sold it to countries like the Bahamas for fifty times what they paid for it. Mangoes, for example, were purchased at 3 cents each, and resold for upwards of $1.00. Haitian Coffee was purchased for dirt and rebranded and sold at huge profits. So Haiti remains poor while third countries benefit.

Posted 27 February 2018, 7:31 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

Haiti does not have a vested interest in stemming the tide of illegal immigration and the foreign currency it generates to their poverty stricken country! Bet Minnis has not figured that one out yet!

Posted 27 February 2018, 8:06 a.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Haiti is not doing what other countries, like China,Jamaica, Etophia, Nigeria, Japan ,Canada and even the more wealthier countries around the world are not doing. And that is exporting their citizens around the world. Several reasons for it but mainly many of these people send money back to their respective countries and help and stabilize their economies at least to the world's standards.

Posted 27 February 2018, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

Your statement makes no sense. Haitians go where they can afford to go. Unfortunately with meager amounts of cash available, they are EXPORTED to countries closest to them, hence our plight!

Posted 27 February 2018, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Yours is the statement that is misinformed. The Bahamas is not a final destination for most Haitians that end up here. It is a transit point to get to The US and even Canada. Only since Trump crack down on illegal immigration did the number of Haitians coming here increase.

Posted 27 February 2018, 2:09 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

I can tell this is going to be pointless but, for decades this was the final destination for many Haitians. Their large numbers here attest to that. There were some who trickled into the US, but slack enforcement of immigration laws, close proximity, easy jobs and money sent back home to pay the way for more who came here pregnant. The vast majority of Haitians in the Bahamas who cause us problems are over 18 yrs.

The US became a more desirable destination AFTER the 2008 earthquake .
They even have a problem with Haitians in the border town of Tijuana in Mexico (FYI).

Posted 27 February 2018, 2:24 p.m. Suggest removal

bogart says...

Roc wid Doc, Dr Minnis should also create a Minnis Plan similar to the Marshall Plan.
Perhaps he should negotiate and acquire fertile Haitian land on a 99 year lease pay a nominal fee and grow crops using the huge abundance of farm labour. Persons can be repatriated fron the Bahamas and if desiring jobs get first preferance. Bahamian Haitian venture can also be joined by other CARICOM menbers.
And no to any Bahamians wanting to move on our farmland an set up any shantytowns!!

Posted 27 February 2018, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma Comrades, a Imperial red government either incapable or unwilling pick up residents garbage on time and on regular schedule, run a public dump site nor shut down All Shantytowns before the 2018 year expires - shouldn't be trusted mess with "sludge oil" ... and with a company never before even seen, warehoused or transported a single barrel sludge oil - yet the PM really believes their carnival bullshi# of actually having $5.5 Billion invest into Grand Bahama..... why you think the PM ducks out House takes flight go talk more bullshi# with Haiti's broke president.

Posted 27 February 2018, 12:49 p.m. Suggest removal

stillwaters says...

Trump is loud and nasty when fighting to put Americans first. Fred Smith is loud and nasty when fighting to put Haitians first. Who do we have........a bunch of cute, polite shits who are NOT fighting to put Bahamians first. Suck teet.........

Posted 27 February 2018, 1:48 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Ma Comrades, illegal immigration can come to a full stop but it takes a real, sincere it's the people's time government. Somebody should look into what this Imperial red government is up to with its people - it will takes more than some stupid red shirts party's slogan.

Posted 27 February 2018, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

avidreader says...

A lot of you do not realize that this government was caught by surprise on election day 2017. They were not certain of wining the election and so were caught with a hastily thrown together slate of candidates most of whom ended up being elected, probably to their own considerable surprise.
Now we see that there never was any real plan to improve the situation of the common people, perhaps with the exception of illegal immigrants.
Like someone commented only recently: when the fire occurred in the shantytown on January 28th in Marsh Harbour, the PM was up there in a hurry.
When the same community was suffering incredible power cuts a few weeks later he was not in town.
Maybe he remembered what the late Sir Lynden used to say when there was a problem" :"Handle it".

Posted 27 February 2018, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Correct. Under the FNM - Foreign Nationals Multiply.

Posted 27 February 2018, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

John says...

Donald Trump has already launched his campaign for second term...any questions

Posted 27 February 2018, 7:33 p.m. Suggest removal

TheMadHatter says...

Nope. Just celebrations.

Posted 27 February 2018, 9:56 p.m. Suggest removal

joeblow says...

The PM goes to Haiti to represent the interests of the Bahamian people and while his wife eats Haitian bananas he talks about identification for Haitians in the Bahamas and the creation of economic opportunities for Haiti?

Who in that delegation represented BAHAMIAN interests?

Posted 28 February 2018, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

Since the 2016 elections the words " Its the Peoples time", "Transparency and Accountability" " Where the VAT money gone" " Forensic Audits of government agencies and those found stealing from the people to do the " Bank Lane Shuffle", have now disappeared, FOOLED YA. The new words are " Its better in the Bahamas for FOREIGNERS. The Illegal foreigners are now signing the song" say what you like, do what you like, we still got it going OUR WAY". Perhaps a delegation from Amnesty International should have been invited to attend aswell.

Posted 28 February 2018, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

screwedbahamian says...

2017 elections.

Posted 28 February 2018, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

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