‘Tell public what really went on with minister’



CONCERNED Citizens of The Bahamas have issued a 48-hour ultimatum to the government to make a public statement about  what allegedly transpired between a Cabinet minister and police officer in May, insisting “further pressure will be applied” if their demand is not met.

Ricardo Smith, speaking on behalf of the advocacy group, said this pressure could mean rallying civil society and other groups to protest. He said it was also possible the group would seek international intervention should the matter continue to linger.

He was referring to allegations against Transport and Housing Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis that she allegedly assaulted a police officer with her vehicle during an exchange at the Carnival road march in May.

 The Elizabeth MP has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

 Still, Mr Smith said yesterday that “nobody is above the law.”

 “It appears as if this minister who is involved is above the law,” he said. “We, as citizens of The Bahamas, must adhere to one law - a law that governs us all. It doesn’t matter if we are the garbage collector or the chief minister of the country and no one can be above it.”

 He urged the government to launch a full investigation as he claims it is a public matter.

 “We now have on record persons who witnessed the incident, who have now taken the position to come forward,” Mr Smith continued.

 “We believe that as citizens we must be fair to the government and allow them to do what they have to do, but also when we feel that justice is denied we have a right to act.

 “I believe that the day for action is soon. And so we want to put the government on notice and to give them 48 hours. Make a public announcement as it pertains to Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis and what happened with that officer on that day.

“If they fail to, we will begin to rally the civil society, the religious movement and all within the society and then we will have to decide whether a demonstration will have to take place and if there is a need to call for international intervention because this cannot go unchecked.”

 This comes after Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis last week in the House of Assembly defended the Transport and Housing minister.

 The Prime Minister said: “As far as I’m aware, my inquiries told me that whatever he (Dr Minnis) is now promoting to be an investigation was never an investigation. I understand there was something what I call for my purpose what is the execution of my duties, nothing more than an interior inquiry to determine if there was any truth or otherwise before they move to investigate and that’s where it lies and if he wants to know, he just needs to go to the police to find out – nothing more or less.

 “I’ve spoken with the minister and I’m satisfied of her explanation to me and to others. I’m not on social media like others, but I was privy to a social media photograph of what’s supposed to be the incident. It appeared to me that a police (officer) was moving another police (officer) and was chastising him from what I saw on the video.”

 However, earlier reports by the Police Staff Association (PSA) said the officer involved retained an attorney as he had to seek medical attention for his injuries and they are awaiting the conclusion of investigations into the matter.


tribanon says...

Cruel PM Davis obviously got word to former Police Commissioner Rolle that nothing must come of this matter regardless of the facts and no doubt cruel Davis also made it clear to new Police Commissioner Fernander that Jobeth Coleby-Davis is to be treated as being above the law.

Had any other person not connected to cruel PM Davis did what Jobeth Coleby-Davis did, they would be looking at some serious time in prison. This lunatic, Jobeth Coleby-Davis, attempted to cause serious and possibly lethal harm to a police officer using her vehicle.

The video evidence alone of this most serious incident provides compelling reason for Jobeth Coleby-Davis to be charged with attempted vehicular homicide.

Posted 13 July 2022, 10:12 a.m. Suggest removal

sheeprunner12 says...

How can Brave try and cover up for his thuggish daughter in law???

Paul Rolle the wimp caused all of this ...... He whined about Minnis bullying him, then he turned around and played blind, deaf & dumb when his officer got run over by this gal.

What kind of society are we living in?????

Posted 13 July 2022, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

DontAssume says...

I totally agree with you 100%

The society we live in is one in which we have allowed politicians, their cronies, allies, and bedfellows to mistreat us on a daily basis. They have continually been untouchable, above reproach, and never adequately held accountable. The revolution that is required to address our political issue, must be championed with a broader view orientation...where the standard of our representation is not fraught with corruption and self-servitude from these politicians--we must overcome this tribal mentality (Bahamians must call a spade, a spade).

Posted 13 July 2022, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

The_Oracle says...

Davis will not be his own undoing, it will be those surrounding him, both inside and outside the Government halls. It always is.

Posted 13 July 2022, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

TalRussell says...

Unless this unfiltered news to popoulaces' of The Colony is a mistake say, all we must adhere to one law - **a law that equally governs us all** ...  And apparently, It **doesn’t matter,** be we are garbage collector, sister crown minister or the chief premier of The Colony, where none of the three above can expect be above it.**... Aren't you as political observers, just lovin' the attempts at flavoring all this ― Yes?

Posted 13 July 2022, 6:20 p.m. Suggest removal

tribanon says...

That poor police officer's career and any opportunity for his advancement within the RBPF would effectively come to an end if he pressed charges. Same goes for the other police officers who witnessed the incident. But that should not have prevented a full and proper investigation of the matter based on the available video and audio evidence that went viral on the internet.

Boris Johnson had to step down as PM of the UK for partying at Number 10 Downing Street in breach of COVID-19 protocols. Yet here we have a Bahamian cabinet minister who in a fit of rage used her vehicle in an attempt to run over a police officer and she is not even brought in for questioning by the law enforcement authorities. And why hasn't the official opposition been shouting out for a parliamentary hearing into this most outrageous incident?!

Posted 13 July 2022, 8:10 p.m. Suggest removal

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