Comment history

242 says...

All he had to say was that was the new plp and this is now plp 2.0....different people.....

242 says...

So are you saying the police only do their job when their party is in? Cuz Urban Renewal was always there...why do the police need a cheesy slogan to fight crime? it's like urban renewal is batman or somethin

242 says...

well his best ain SImply the Best....and you right it has only been a few months let's see how everything goes

242 says...

and why didnt the yellow shirts do it from 2002-2007...I guess they was still in vote no mode.... ....u ain serious

242 says...

Good letter....that is true the only thing that appears to be important Prime Minister Christie is to beat an interview after election the first thing PM PC said was he is glad that he was able to show that he could beat Ingraham...forget all the things you say you were going to do the thing you wanted the reporter to know was that you were happy that you can show that you can beat Ingraham and that you feel vindicated..... It is a Game to PM PC and unfortunately he uses "the people" as his strategy....and 48% of the people will never EVER see this.

242 says...

Not one word from the infamous Tal Russel.......

242 says...

The Prime Minister loves to point blame away from himself

242 says...

mash someone else corn? lol not that serious bro it's all in good fun....good one Positive...I set myself up for that

242 says...

Don't worry he ga pull a L. Miller and say he was takin out of context

242 says...

Kind of remind ya of communism....