Comment history

242 says...

How the Beres song go? "I see you as a queen and a lady......" lol

242 says...

Just last week he said it would have gone over budget but not by that much now it delay even further than schedule under his watch. How is this even possible, without Hubert Ingraham there to single-handedly cause the delay himself. I am confused...

On Fresh delay for roadworks project

Posted 26 July 2012, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

LOL!!!! of course what else you expect? You ain see Jim Jones at them Gold Kool-Aid rallies???

On Fresh delay for roadworks project

Posted 26 July 2012, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Not to be confused with the New New PLP, PLP 2.0, nor PLP 2030....I miss any?

242 says...

In some countries the Government filter the internet and the people see what they want them to that your plan PM?

242 says...

I would assume at this exact moment the crowd went wild and began uncontrollable chants of "plp alllll the way!!! And A Fresh Wind is Blowing!!! Cuz the "New" PLP 2002 is here!!!"

242 says...

Here is quote from a 2002 Fred Mitchell speech in Fox Hill, which he posted the transcription of on his own website.....

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is important for you to turn up to your respective polling stations and to vote ‘NO’. You must vote ‘NO’ to all five questions. I am like the Honourable Arthur D. Hanna in that regard. I don’t need to know the facts. I just need to know where to vote ‘NO’. "

242 says...

Good looking out...I read Fred Mitchell's Referendum remarks dated 13th of Feb 2002...and he said which is on his own website and in his own words that there is no need to change anything on gender equality because it is a trick by Hubert Ingraham..... and now in 2012 he stands up in the house and said this exact thing needs to be amended....WOW!!! Fred, PM PC, Brave ETC....I got one thing to say to you all the digital age will be your downfall....Mr. Mitchell's website is still up and he now is contradicting himself....that must be why they got beef with CWC and Cable Bahamas they want internet gone cuz it will expose them....and you go ahead and try to delete your 2002 website, won't work buddy everything ever posted on the WWW is archived forever whether you delete the domain or not...the internet erases nothing it will turn back up. Make it easy speak the Truth from Day One

242 says...

That is K Bell for sure...

On FNM speaks out over exit

Posted 26 July 2012, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Tribune, do you have any archived articles from 2002 with PM Christie's campaign against the referendum?