Comment history

242 says...

thanks for the explanation. how do you consolidate an estimate or perceived future debt?

On PM: Deficit to reach $500m

Posted 1 June 2012, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

And he will continue to be until he EARNS respect. His own cabinet don't so why should anybody else. He is good at one thing though Finger pointing and not taking responsibility.

242 says...

That explains why this website on ur favorites list

242 says...

Why Rollins ain get on the blogger who believe he swim to the house of assembly to give his speech.

242 says...

I agree like and approve of this article. Which by the way is in the Editorial section.

242 says...

I was wondering that how does borrowing to pay off debt works. I mean I really don't know. Either it would put you in more debt or it would move your debt from one creditor to the other but still be debt. I am understanding that Perry budget to fill some of his promises are included in this "debt". They keep saying this but they have not given any exact figures or evidence. And they prolly won't. Minister of Finance using words like "I think" "It could be". Gi real numbers bey Perry n u like Numbers anyway.

On PM: Deficit to reach $500m

Posted 31 May 2012, 6:12 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

thats the loan PC was talkin bout right there

242 says...

cwc is london based.

On PM pledges to retake BTC majority stake

Posted 31 May 2012, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

Very true....teach a man to fish....

On Calling all DNAs to come home

Posted 31 May 2012, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

242 says...

goodbye to innovation and new technology. good job Perry. lets us renegotiate and eliminate progress. "for the people". cuz perry know the pwople hate smartphones n 3G

On PM pledges to retake BTC majority stake

Posted 31 May 2012, 1:45 p.m. Suggest removal