Comment history

242352 says...

They just anounced on radio that she was found on Cat Island and OK.

On Police launch search for girl

Posted 12 June 2012, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

excelent move, very good job.

242352 says...

It is just slackness on the new goverenment, that's all.

Hopefuly they will stop blaming the FNM for everything and start to get to work on running the country.

So far all I hear is 'the blame game'

242352 says...

Sounds like humuan smuggling again.

The persons with the boat need to be proscuted and put in Fox Hell.

We need to get tough on this issue.

242352 says...

Rain never stops garbage collection here in Freeport.

Oh. I forgot - private company!!!

242352 says...

It was all just talk, just like before. While I wish them well for the good of the country I fear that the things they said during elections were just to get the vote. Give them credit, along with the DNA factored in they won.

Let's hope that they get crime under controle !

242352 says...

I guess this wasn't part of 'ready on day one"!

Day one means - start right away!

242352 says...

I never could figuer out why they charge one rate from 0 -350 kwh and then once you go over 350 kwh you get another colum with a higher rate. It costs them the same to produce a kwh no matter how much the consumer uses.

Also, they could help us out by reading or meter in shorter periods, ie. rather then 35 days cycle do 20 days cycle. That way alott of us could stay under the 350kwh

I am glad to see Osman pick up this fight again now that the elections are over.
We all need to band together in this fight here in Freeport!

Good job Osman

242352 says...

ready on day one!!!

242352 says...

ready on day one!

Say What????

On 'Using RBDF a mistake'

Posted 8 June 2012, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal