Comment history

242352 says...

Moncur needs to go back to the church and seek to solve all their problems that they have and start to respect our woman.

He is porbably a wife beater and thinks it's ok!

242352 says...

They pick up the trash here in Freeport in the rain.

OH, sorry - private company!

Not goverenment workers tem!

242352 says...

Bell is an ex cop and may have people out to get even with him so I think if he wants a gun - then no problem.

Notage has no past need that would suggest that he should carry a gun.

Next we will start having shoot outs in front of visitors....

On Shop owners applyIng for guns

Posted 8 June 2012, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Another issue with GB power is the way they bill.
They have a rate they bill up to 350 kwh per billing period.
after that first 350 kwh the rate is higher.

So your bill has a charge for 1-350 kwh and then another charge for 350 - what you use kwh and that charge is higher.

Then on the total kwh that you used you pay the fuel surcharge which was 23 cents last month.

On top of that they do not seem to have a set and regular billing period. Some months it's 30 days some months it's 36 days.

My question has to be - what is the reason for the difference in chages if you go over 350 kwh????

we need urca involved here big time.

The other big problem is that high up people in the GBPA are also on the Power company board so how can they be tasked with being the regulator when they are also shareholders.

it ani't right.

The PLP said right here in Freeport at one of their ralleys that they would lower our power bill if elected.

Well, get to work PLP - lower my power bil.

242352 says...

I don't have a problem with Bell carring a gun as he is an ex cop and may have persons still out to get him.
However, why would a sitting MP need to be packing a gun.
AND lets hope that nothing happens and he has to draw his gun and start shooting in public.
Can you imanagne a shoot out in the streets, possible even on Bay street in front of tourists???

On National Security ministers carry guns

Posted 8 June 2012, 10:51 a.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Great Mr. PM,

Now please start to get to work, you won now get to work on solving all these proplems.
You are 30 days in and 5 years will be here fast so please get to work.

And best of luck, we all need to work for the better of the Bahamas, no matter who won or lost or what color shirt we wore!

242352 says...

That looks like a photo of the PLP MPs money fund in his closet. Well, stolen (in true PLP fasion) by his driver (who was in his closet).

TAL - where would you get this photo?

MP Peet said he had it to pay collage fees for his kid in the states.

Well, we all know that US Schools do not accept cash! Period ! No cash accepted!

And all us money must clear central back approval.

splain me that one tal

(and keep the red shirt stuff out of it, because this is all yellow stuff)!

On FNM fires back over slush fund claims

Posted 6 June 2012, 3:37 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

I spoke with my MP and he said not to worry about paying my light bill cause he believe in me and he would make sure they don't cut my light!

Now I can get my new weave for the weekend!

Boys tings good now!!

242352 says...

We can't talk about the oil deal until we have set up everything and who is getting what. It is all a very behind closed doors thing just like Bluewater....

Now we will get Blackwater Oil company, with unknown partners and no track record.

But we will get the oil!!!

242352 says...

Once again Tal you show that you're not the brightest bulb on the tree!

What does your comment have to do with the issue?