Comment history

242352 says...

Just wait until they pass the 35 hour work week by making the employer pay for the standard lunch hour.
Then you will not be able to call him during lunch either!

On PHA to answer

Posted 31 July 2012, 3:21 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Smart Move - the project may have been subject to being Nationalized.

They like Puerto Rico because in America they don't Nationalize private bussneses!

Here is the Bahamas under the PLP 2.0 they do as they please to suit themselves

242352 says...

Sorry if we bothered him on 'his sunday'!!

i still can not believe that he would say that.

He is clearly not fit for the job to take Sunday off when babies are dieing!

The ironary of the whole thing is I bet that PGC probably never said a word to him about the comment.

Just wait to dengue fever starts up, where will he be, well I guess we won't know if it's a Sunday.....

On PHA to answer

Posted 31 July 2012, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

So Acording to Tal Russel - victimization is alive and well and OK under the new PLP 2.0

When are the PLP 2.0 going to get to work???

On FNM condemns victimisation

Posted 30 July 2012, 3:49 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

2.0 Too Funny.

242352 says...

explaining that he was being disturbed on “my Sunday".

Did he realy say that?

That's our Sunday - the peoples Sunday, you gave up 'your Sunday' when you were elected.

I am sorry, but you are the Minister of Health and as such are to be made avaibale 24/7.

This is crazy, don't bug me on Sundays, my birthday, holidays. Is this guy for real?

The PLP only works a six day week, and I guess they can't wait for the 35 hour week as well!

Bunch of jokers....

242352 says...

Nothing will hapen with this, nothing will be done.

Christie only said this because the report came back and he didn't want us to say that he didn't respond and take action.

In the mind of his supporters - he did take action - he spoke about it.

So he has acted on it.

We will never hear anything else on the matter,

you watch...

242352 says...

I am surprised to learn that it is only 15.7 miles. I thought it was much more then that.

On Fresh delay for roadworks project

Posted 26 July 2012, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Maybe with will have Urban 3.0 by the time this is Finished???

On Fresh delay for roadworks project

Posted 26 July 2012, 3:58 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

The power of Urban!