Comment history

242352 says...

Free power now as well,

just like Mario's Bowling get.

Boy tings good with this new PLP....

242352 says...

Good job, no I mean great job at scaring away any new FDI...

No company would want to set up shop here now, except maybe the Chinise....

On PM aims to take back BTC majority

Posted 24 July 2012, 3:47 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

I see that no one is Brave enough to comment on this one!!!

On Writ alleges contempt of court

Posted 23 July 2012, 9:53 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

If he was serious he would go ahead with Medical tourism which would be a big boost to our economy here in Freeport, but no, he thinks that offices in the old Island Palms is a better idea.
Give me a break!

Please give us in Freeport a break and do something for us??

242352 says...

“Medical tourism is a big boost to an economy!

as it would be here in freeport, but wait, we need adminastrative offices for urban!

Makes sence, let's overlook another oppertunity to drum up bussness for Freeport by a bad decission by the PLP.

242352 says...

He'll get off and the judge will have to leave the country....

On Writ alleges contempt of court

Posted 23 July 2012, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

242352 says...

Why were these men of god adorned with gold chains and braclets, when on TV the other night???????

Isn't that worship of the devil and coventing gold possessions?

They are the biggest sinners out there. They live in lavaish lifestyle while thier members strugle to survive.

Don't trust none of them...

242352 says...

Hy Tal,

Looks like Hubert is still in charge!

He tell Perry how to run the refferendem!

And you know Perry too Limp wristed to not do what Hubert say!!!

Ha Ha Ha HAI !!!

242352 says...

So GBPC says
"In fairness to all customers we must collect on unpaid accounts or terminate service when resolution cannot be found."

But yet BEC does not collect all unpaid bills from those special few!??

Then again here in Freeport, they pick up the garbage even when it's raining!!!

Oh I forgot again - private company!

242352 says...

This man has never had a real job, worked as a manager or owner of a company.