Comment history

242realtalk says...

They all ready have BEC, Bahamas air, etc, etc. Give someone else a chance. Anytime, some other Bahamian group attempts this mafia like group just uses its political influence to squeeze every other Bahamian group out.

Hogs, I say!

On Letter: PM should accept FOCOL plan

Posted 5 September 2013, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

242realtalk says...

And the fallout continues... Taxes what taxes, they are fees and the are negligible.

On HSBC unveils Bahamas exit

Posted 2 September 2013, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

242realtalk says...

"Oh what a tangled web weave when we first decide to deceive" SIr Walter Scott. Looking us straight in the eyes our Minister of Foreign Affairs who believe the Bahamian people is "Loony".

On Minister's pledge on Cuba probe

Posted 2 September 2013, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

242realtalk says...

Yes, Rory the matter is specific to the detention centre and how it was handled. Or that did not occur to you? Using your thinking then why not see who should be held accountable for the countries drug problem of the 70's and 80's that is directly responsible for the social fall out today.

Now would that make sense in this poll?

No one is saying this poll would decide the fate of either of those two. It is a public opinion poll, similar to the $1 million dollar plus referendum held earlier this year. Or you really do not understand?

I understand you support the PLP and wish to defend them, however, you do not really put forward good arguments. I guess that is why you name call and seek to be belligerent.

I accept your apology, but you miss so much things you need to apologize for a lot more:)

242realtalk says...

Rory clearly you do not think, the rules/laws that govern any officers on the RBDF will determine what happens to them and thus a poll would not be necessary.

However, no such law governs Ministers, normally it is done by what the senior party officials feel. I would believe you would understand the difference, but then again you have not proven that bright thus far.

242realtalk says...

This is one occasion that I will not criticize our Prime Minister of the Bahamas. I did not see it, but I am sure given the time constraints (5 Minutes) he stuck to script and his delivery would have been on point.

So I salute and stand with our Prime Minister for representing our country at such an auspicious occasion.

Good job sir and God bless the Bahamas.

On PM: 'Carry on Luther King's noble struggle'

Posted 28 August 2013, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

242realtalk says...


On PM: Public will know the truth

Posted 27 August 2013, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

242realtalk says...

Rory, to me you are four letter word that happens to be blue. How is that you yellow or yellow shirts is racist? Interesting that you will cuss out people and name call and now you want to scream like a scared little child for being called yellow shirt or yellow supporter.

I smile... However, back to the issue - how do you feel about Nygard and what is being alleged in the article about taking of we tings - our land?

242realtalk says...

Stapedius, I will not insult you as I could see how you could have gotten confused. What I wrote was dealing with multiple matters from different names, I will not say people. So it was not all in reference to you, however, you were not able to pick that up and seemed to have taken it that way.

In the name of sensible dialogue when have we ever had a plot. I have seen no documentary evidence of it, now if you are referencing what may have been in someones mind that does not count. So can you please illuminate to the rest of us when was such a thing and where it could be found?

242realtalk says...

Thanks Rory, your book should be written obviously you are such a great wit, with an excellent grasp of language and nuances.

You remain in your state of denial you Yellow one, because it would be a shame if you were green.