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242realtalk says...

I do my utmost to pay attention to what is happening in the Bahamas and to Bahamians. I do not claim to know all and I have not heard about any abuses in Cuba to Bahamians. I am not saying it has not happen, I am merely not aware of it and if I hear about it I will stand fight for the rights of my people.

However, that does not diminish what is going in our own borders and the allege abuse is one thing...stuff happens. It can and should be rectified and we should be about treating all humanely.

The problem is we have been lied to by our leaders on this issue. I was with Minister Mitchell until, it became clear that we as Bahamians were being misled. I have several family members and friends that work in PMH.

So at that point, my real issue is being misled and then when I question why the deception I am called traitor less than Bahamian. How dear I question the Minister, I dear because I pay you and you are accountable to me. Do not try and play this is Bahamian vs any other nationality. This is Bahamian elected officials being untruthful to Bahamian voters citizens.

We have never had a plot , I guess you mean plan for this nation.

242realtalk says...

Rory, you must be very old and inadequate, I will not continue on this trend. The reality is the issues re bigger than your lacking and mamma issues.

Your excuses for the PLP and the mess that is going on is remarkable. It is incomparable to anything the FNM has done. Please show me where it is even close, you and your PLP spin doctors manufacture matters keep saying it and then call it a scandal.

The reality is you yellow shirts can campaign, but can't govern!

These matters of which you wish to ignore are significant and if allowed to spiral further out of control does no good for any of us...However, keep your spinning and excuses for the nonsense of the yellow shirts.

242realtalk says...

You yellow shirt freak

242realtalk says...

Hey leave ya mamma out of dis...who cares!

242realtalk says...

Rory and Tal the yellow shirt minions keep spinning. By the way you yellow shirts, did anyone ever say abuse does not happen anywhere else? Did anyone ever say that some may not try to cover it up when it does? What has been said that is becoming increasingly clear that we as Bahamians have been lied too. What is also of critical importance is we have a Minister who handled the matter improperly from the very start and now that is blowing up in his face he is crying for national unity.

By the way, the reports are at the PMH and there is evidence there.

Well, since the Minister has poorly handled his portfolios and is becoming increasingly more embarrassing for the Bahamas, PM Christie will have to fire him or ask for his resignation soon. I know Perry would not be foolish enough to tarnish his entire government for the inexcusable behavior of one 'too smart' Freddie.

Now let's go yellow shirts, let's spin, deflect and

242realtalk says...

Tal, has a minion called Rory. Who ask for proof from one side, but has yet to make the same demand from his PLP.

It is really funny to see how far PLP spin doctors will go... Go spin, tell us that the abuse and apparent questionable link of the PLP to Nygard does not matter. Tell us minion, how the stealing and abuse of our land is not important...PLP