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@coakley4mical says...

#This is very simple to understand-
What was the expense to the taxpayers - the Bahamian people for:

1. "The administration’s decision to attend Expo 2020 in Dubai back in January"
2. "To send a delegation to COP 26, a climate change conference held in Glasgow, Scotland, last year"
3. "The prime minister has also travelled abroad in addition to these trips"

**Brave**; put things in Black-N-White for "HAM-less"; what did these trips total up to in expense.
You said they were all for the benefit and good of the country then the Bahamian people need to be able to put things in balance and we decide "yinna" listen.
Don't fall down the hole of suspicion and aspersions come out and let the people know how much these things cost and where we can see that things are paying off for ourselves!

Accountability, Transparency and citizens participation. Recall what Denzel Washington said to Will Smith, after "**The Slap that Rock the Awards**"; ***at your greatest moments the Devil comes looking for you***.
Now its up to you if you prefer your moment to be for 5 or 10 years. I doubt it would be anything like "**LOP**"; but that's up to you, remember **pride comes before the fall**, and no PM or few PM has been so arrogant and prideful as "**HAMless**", at least "HAI" rode off into the sunset and wrote a nice book. Listen learnt don't be like **Hubert Alexander Minnis** (**HAM** aka **HAMless** aka "**HA Minus**") or you will suffer the same consequences as he did in the elections. We Bahamian ain't interested in sorry afterwards or just before Elections.

#Do and show you care and respect the Bahamian people from now and you wont regret it later!
#Now, that's the best political advice anyone could ever offer you and chances are you would have already learnt that from the greats!

@coakley4mical says...

@Ohdrap4, maybe she might best serve the teachers if she stepped down and let someone more competent take over. This is the example you get what you voted for. Education has been like this and we blame the Ministry and the different switch in Government plp- fnm-plp-fnm-fnm for the state of education what about lets start looking at some of the accessory source with their "cult sauces" Elect competency over popularity and its one less hole we as a nation would be in. These people didn't just one day wake up and became an elected leader in the teachers union, they were groomed from the initiation.
#So the BUT needs new blood with a new direction that will help and assist their peers to think critically and progressively to help overcome the problems with overwhelming solutions.
This issue involves:
The MOE,
The BUT,
The School Staff & Teachers; starting with the principals,
The PTA's,
The School Boards,
Most importantly the P&G, and;
Most critically the students themselves.

This type of inclusive and collective approach, brings with it a metaverse of answers and a plethora of solutions.

Thinking outside the box and having these 7 "dimensional" approach within each of their parameters, dynamics and kinetics, coupled with good sound expertise in the medical and public healthcare field, would help demonstrate and distinguish the Bahamas as a change maker with caring, competent "multidimensional leaders".

#So can't blame this this person for trying, but at one point she has got to realize these things are beyond her capabilities and potentials, step aside and stop hurting progress by standing in the way and not being able to be more effective. An old Chinese proverb a great leader once said, "***Don't expect a pussy-cat to roar like a lion or inflict the same fear response...***"

@coakley4mical says...

#@Exodus Woo! You should be banned from this forum for such thoughts!

>You blaming the people because they, collectively; didn't choose your party favorite!

blame those small family favorites aka minor political party leaders of those minor political parties for distorting the reality and for not doing their jobs to present a viable alternative!
#You think Pindling and the others back then in the 1960's had it easy going against Racism and Oppression?
The Bahamian people can smell feces/manure a mile away, and some of those minor and micro parties hat they were selling wasn't even good as fertilizer and the Bahamian People could tell that! Lincoln has no way to go because he won't be accepted back into the FNM, no matter how much he begs and Mc DNA in the same boat.

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 18 September 2021, 9:28 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

He doesn't and didn't impress one bit; in medicine and out of medicine and worst as a leader. The one good thing about Dr. Minnis is he is Dr. Sands cooler!

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 18 September 2021, 9:15 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

i understand your dejavu, but some of those independent candidates or Minor Parties: Nano-Parties, Micro-Parties and Independents just on estimate there were about 252 candidates and roughly about less than 20% were independents. So that's a parliamentary registry that got $400/head that's more than $16,000 along just from Pico-Political Interest. But I digress; and I will respond to you via a riddle:
#What do you call a mice that follows a blind mice?
**Does anyone know the answer?**

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 18 September 2021, 9:11 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

What about the people that voted him back there? They needed to do a Perry Christie on him, if he was to truly learn a lesson. There was a lot of things that went apparently wrong with the elections something is not right! Even though the other party won; it doesn't hide the fact that there are incongruencies!
#suggestion: the person incharge of the parliamentary registry Should be fully investigated and charges brought against him. Something doesn't smell right and the smoke coming from the kitchen (PRD)!

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 18 September 2021, 8:59 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#response to @jokeyjack
Ha!! Ha!!! Look Lincoln Bain tried all he could to persuade the Bahamian people with the bait on the fish hook strategy! That is nothing more than a ploy to attract thirsty hungry people who are going thru extremely hard times. that's called taking advantage of situation with people! Do you know who gets caught on those fishing line. Hungry desperate people who have lost hope and faith. I call it **The Jim Jones Guyana Tragedy Syndrome** and it seems that Lincoln and Arinthia practice that with voters but only a small of the smallest fell into the snags of those things. A Hurricane coming and each of them want to tell the 2 little pigs we will be fine just make sure you have enough food and water in your hut.....

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 18 September 2021, 8:52 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

Congratulations plp ww, bmc, PD!

Minnis will be challenged! but he is probably to proud to step down so they may do a "Loretta Butler 2.0" on Minnis

@coakley4mical says...

The consequential actions indicated, the later actions showed The prime indicator PLP won as predicted @7pm

@coakley4mical says...

Minor parties have failed to break the rank and any of those mention to move into a major party status Neither:
Coalition of Independence - Lincoln Bain
DNA - Arinthia Komolafe
Disappointing performance!

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 16 September 2021, 9:21 p.m. Suggest removal