Comment history

@coakley4mical says...

The prime indicator that has always indicated greater than 98% probability. Those polling divisions was determined earlier after 7pm with the opening results and it has not changed even with 25% of the polls casted in that combination. I talk 100% coincidence with cause & causality!

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 16 September 2021, 9:09 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#predictions based on prime indicator of elections
It seems PLP will win the election based on a Prime Indicator constituency which have always gone to the winning matter!
Congratulations to PLP
Congrats to WW & BMc

>I Tell the truth as it is!

On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 16 September 2021, 8:32 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

In this day of technology and News of BN or BC, **TriB**, NG, FN, you didn't pull out your smart phone and record it. "Seeing is believing..." The Doubting Thomas Syndrome (DTS)!

On FNM Chairman defends PM's election decision

Posted 21 August 2021, 11:11 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#good points in your argument until at the very end with your closer...
What you were saying was good up until you ended your point with: "... support your independent candidate."
#the process of electing when there are no good choice doesnt mean you should make worst selection...
In many cases those very same Pico's are even far worst off. Its like you know: (1.) One is the Devil, and (2.) The other is Lucifer. they both are Masters of their trickery and deceit. (3.) Then, there are those who are like Little babies holding and playing with a loaded Gun and their little hands are always on the trigger, and the barrel is either pointing at you or it's in their mouth.
The big takeaway here is, that those same babies will quickly grow up into men and women, and they will still have the gun in their hands; this time if they survived there infancy; the barrel of the gun will now be pointing at you, you, we or me.
It's that simple! Look at some of these independent candidates (Pico's) or at the Minor Political Parties (Mino's) or, Nano-Political Parties (Nano's) and stop and think would you really trust them.
#this election is aboutwho you distrust the least...
This Election seems to be, which political party or independent do you distrust the least and How far are you willing to take it, that is how much are you willing to bet on the greater risk. What do you think?

>We have got to do our Homework in this Election!

On FNM Chairman defends PM's election decision

Posted 21 August 2021, 10:55 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#attack the message not the messenger
I may not like what @JokeyJack has written either, but:
Attack the facts or
Attack the weak points of his argument or
Fact check him, to show his error, mistake, misjudgment, or biasness or political favoritism or blindness,
But, no need to hurl depreciating mental incapacitation to adhere and cohere to reality in an attempt to demean his Intellectual Quotient, in other words *no need to go personal*.
That is not mature nor does it edify the dialogue!
This is election period, when so many lies, deceits, fake news are out there and coming out that we need to remain grounded, because what you may rebuttal him with may not help him to see the light, but it may be the guiding key for others or others of others to see the light or the glare!
I am sure @JokeyJack can fight his own battles but, I felt I had to chime in on this its called ethical fortitude!

On FNM Chairman defends PM's election decision

Posted 21 August 2021, 10:27 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#what is good for the geese is good for the gander.
Good Point Mandela but your argument is flawed! Reason is you don't have to go inside a bathroom to no it stink inside. Just walking pass the door will till you - in politics it's called the **Sniff Test**.
Robert G. Ingersoll said; “Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test. It is the glory of Lincoln that, having almost absolute power, he never abused it, except on the side of mercy.”
#something to shake your memory.
Please recall:

1. What was Philip Davis's position and role that ended about 4 years ago?
2. What Brave Davis was capable of doing when Speaker Halston Moultrie ranted on him and his personal life including his wife? Please, don't confuse **mercy** with "*allegiance*".

On FNM Chairman defends PM's election decision

Posted 21 August 2021, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#laws need to be change to offer more justice, equality and fairness.
The possibility to make these changes just takes political will, but it is difficult to think that MP's and politicians could not crack down on corruption at the root.
>The answer is simple **Put the Overt Responsibility on One Over the Other**.
Its like We the Bahamians have became too desensitized to these injustices of Immigration Unit vs. immigrants, so much so that we dismissed that MP's are legislators and where there is a problem with or in society or how society is being treated wrt citizens and non-citizens, they should revise or create/write proposal remedies. Yet has it been going on?
This is why this election you must consider candidates ability to be honest and truthful not what they say or other say they done.

#tackle problem of number of alleged cases of rape by immigration officers and police officers.
>We need an aggressive ethical department that seeks the truth; actively, proactively, retroactively and interactively, bring accountability, transparency and restore confidence in our system of justice. It can be done, but it takes political will and fortitude and all that I have seen so far are battling that demon, and guess what the demon seems to have a marked advantage on them.
**We need real leaders for real change, honest leaders for honest progress and true leaders for true development!**.
>#Coakley4MICAL #ChangeTakesCourage #LeadershipWithAVision

On Probe into detainee’s rape claim

Posted 21 August 2021, 9:15 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

This is hilarious reading you all comments back then!

@coakley4mical says...

"Haiti's paralyzed politics" shares no parallelism to Bahamian Politics in little degree or dimension. They aren't even politically dimorphic. I don't have to outlist the plethora of differences. But let me go with the most simple; Politics:
#canada is a constitutional monarchy with governor general but haiti a republic...
Guest who else is a Republic and not a Constitutional monarchy without a Governor General, not the bahamas.
No need to continue any further....
#who prorogued the house recently?
Of the 3 countries Canada, Bahamas and Haiti, like they say in the Sesame street game, " **two of these things belong together, but one of these things is not the same, can you tell which one it is to play the game** "?
The answer is haiti!
#don't be a cow being lead to the slaughter, distracted by the slow moving of the line and the stench of all the cow manure on the ground, but not the pellet gun that is shotting the cows ahead! that's foresight.
The important point is not to get distracted by the shiny object. In all my life Commissioner Paul E Rolle has been the first to commit such a nincompoop blunder, and he has to live with that, but pay attention to the main course of event, otherwise it is like a cow being lead to the slaughter. Don't loose foresight!
HINT: Furthermore; if Haiti got their act together Bahamians and more American companies would be visiting Haiti instead.