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@coakley4mical says...

#proroguing parliament at this point
Is as expected, would happen!
#bahamain politics 505
Minnis is doing whatever he can to survive & either encourage/manipulate the **Bahamian ElectoratE (BEE)** to give their vote to him & his FNM or legally coerce the vote in his favor or against the PLP.
Wait, I don't think Minnis is paying **Philip Davis** & the **PLP** any mind. It doesn't seem he has any political respect for PLP leadership; "actions speak louder than words". Many believe that the PLP torch should be **Julian Russell** & **Chester Cooper** with more of a fight to the more rejuvenated plp.
#who wins in a minnis vs. davis political boxing match?
**Minnis vs. Davis in a 39 round political fight**, Minnis will take 27/39 definitely out JAB Davis (hint: COVID Vaccination), & still Minnis; though old & weary has some vicious uppercuts hooks, crosses + insulting SLAPS in the face. So the only line of victory is a tag team approach & that means other PLP Candidates has got to step up tag in & really help out: be vocal, be visible, be transparent, be true, be honest, call a spade a spade + label where they stand!
For example; this strategy only works for the Major Political Parties, but in the Bahamas there are:

1. **Only 2 Major Political Parties**,
2. About 4 **Minor Political Parties** (Mino's),
3. Many **Nano Political parties** (Nano's)
4. A conspicuous amount of **Independents** (Pico's)

Nationally from a psychological perspective, the entire PLP team has to step its games up, exercise, practice & spar more often + more intensely. Look for constructive criticism & learn how to overcome it with the truth not more lies. This has been something that has been missing from Bahamian Political Science for a long time!
#the pineridge battle - Mcalpine-less?
The most evident & most obvious to date is the Pineridge Constituency Battle, in which it appears that had Freddie McAlpine remained a FNM favorite he would have easily dismissed with Ginger Moxey. In a one on one political debate, Freddie would more than likely treat Ginger Moxey like his first wife, so she would lose that leaving with a political black eye. However; Ginger will more than likely carry 30%-35% with a max of 42% of the votes, whiles the FNM candidate would sweep about 51% and Freddie McAlpine would mop up about 8% with the remainder split between whatever other pico, nano, or mino there are. McAlpine has too much political luggage, but McAlpine has **a devil's tongue to tongue-tie the twisted till tomorrow touches Tuesday**.
#on the fnm menu - "ginger snaps" anyone?
It is forecasted and predicted that McAlpine's future politically would amount to that of Lincoln Bain after Minnis disposes of him with a flurry of political punches, but it is doubtful that Minnis would give him any much credit instead he is going to politically spank Ginger to make "**Ginger Snaps**"

@coakley4mical says...

Let's think, did Minnis put and promote Paul Rolle there just to show that he is a *bumbling idiot*, Commissioner Rolle no Offense intended! Everyone makes a mistake but I am sure now, you won't ever make that mistake again! It make me think how many cases have you overview and supervised where you made little mistakes that have big consequences?
You are on the big stage and everyone eyes are on you, to command the respect and authority. Of all people, you shouldn't be making those kind of errors. Fire or put your secretary on decommissioned duty if she is the one that proof read the declaration.
#putting the blame in the wrong place - maybe it wasn't commissioner rolle's fault, so it had to be who?
Well, let see the chain of command that is exposed:
(1.) From the Prime Minister Hubert A. Minnis to inform
(2.) The Governor General C.A. Smith
(3.) The Commissioner Paul E Rolle
So if either 1 or 2 informed him and these things are done in writing that it will be the 22nd Sept 2021 (2021/09/22) and then Comm. PE Rolle went out to the public and read Friday Sept. 22nd 2021. He bears the blame and the fault.
#reason for commissioner paul e. rolle's misspokenness or deliquency in the declaration...
(1.) Maybe P.E. Rolle's blood sugar level was low! After all, you know about 70% to 75% of the Bahamian Population is either Diabetic or Pre-Diabetic!
(2.) Its due to COVID19. Isn't that the protocol blame it on COVID! Please someone test him; pcrt. covid19 in remote cases can manifest as acute selective amnesia of the frontal cortex lobe.
>Paul you made a mistake just hurry up and comeback out and apologize for the correction regardless of who made the mistake or error, you are still going to get blamed for it, because you definitely won't say it was the Governor General or The Prime Minister and next time be more alert!
"A word to the wise is sufficient..."

@coakley4mical says...

Good question is it:

- Friday, Sept. 24th 2021
- Wednesday, Sept. 22nd 2021.

It would be Wednesday! It should be appeased but its valid.

@coakley4mical says...

@GodSpeed, change that name. Ahhh!
Your username and Response to @John; this reminds me of the John Cena Character in The Suicide Squad 2, **The Peace Maker**:…

@coakley4mical says...

@TalRussell, I think you may have misread the direction of the wind. Study a little world politics to get the bigger picture by standing back a few meters.
#world politics matters
In trying to understand Minnis's strategy you have to understand world politics; that's the level that Minnis operates at. You can take a look at what Justin Trudeau did a few days ago and understand how right here in the comments Minnis was warned about calling snap elections but instead stall and let the campaign process play out. **And so he did!**
But now; with lackluster counter fight and a lot of counterfeits Minnis and the FNM executives may call it when they want.
>Possible Hint: it may just be a christmas day gift, if not; a double dutch liberation!

@coakley4mical says...

#minnis played moultrie like a fiddle...
Smart political maneuver by PM Minnis! You may wonder if all of this was not plan from the start? If it wasn't that means that the Speaker Halson Moultrie was not so smart politically nor strategically, he was literally puppeteered by Minnis, from beginning to end and now Minnis finish with him and he will end up maybe just like Lincoln Bain!
all of this is starting to make minnis think he is a julius cesar?
There are some deep seated situations really here and all of this would sooner or later cause Minnis to feel like "Julius Cesar".
#having a lynden pindling campaign leadership style and air about yourself...
Stop and think about it; Minnis has develop somewhat of the Prime Alpha character, like the **character of Pindling vs. Cecil Wallace-Whitfield**, that is, he knows there is no way he can be beaten by the opposing political party and the minor political fractions (NOT a Movement nor a Party) nor independents don't stand a chance!
>The Battle is how to sweet talk the Bahamian Electorate, for one last dance, one last kiss!

@coakley4mical says...

Hi @John:
In the words of Barrack Obama, "Don't boo; Just Vote!"

@coakley4mical says...

#ok! for it to be discussed & acknowledged: the proposal **: bsd $500.00
1. **on the front**:
**The Bahamian $500 dollar Bank note** with the main photo of **Hubert A. Ingraham** and a secondary image of a matured **Flamingo** in the background flying to the right.
2. **on the back**:
Note a big photo image of a huge **Bahamian Grouper** on 1/2 of the slanted side, and on the other slanted side is that of an iconic image of the scene of one of the industrialized pharmaceutical business building; in the hawksbill area of Grand Bahama.
3. **the color** of the bank note: Golden-yellow and pink.
this goes in to effect asap (Hopefully I am able to propose it personally); whether hubert ingraham is alive or well gone in the after life!
So from this point onward he knows what is coming.
#If you agree click and give this a thumbs up!
©2021 Coakley4MICAL. All rights reserved.

@coakley4mical says...

#attn: fred mitchel (fm) and carl culmer (cc): "ahh! you two just kiss and pick up!"
Freddie & Carlos, I am surprise that I have to warn CC, and give Fred some legal advise about the potential libelous comments made by Carl, and the defamatory remarks made by Carl or possibly the tribune reporter.
Now; unless this is the truth that from high school Fred Mitchel would do things that Carl stated above, then that means Carl is alluding that Fred is Sociopathologically wired like that! Then that is disturbing; especially since he served as Min. of Foreign affairs! Furthermore Carl seemed to have implied, nope; he stated; but that's if the reporter is any good of a journalist; then Carl stated that Fred has been leaching off the Bahamian public finance; regardless of his professional studies. and then the only thing Fred volleys back with is those 3 points. Well it was 3 effective contra-punches but Fred either was hit to hard that he forgot about the uppercut landed by *Carl* "The Clocker" *Culmer*, or *Fred* "Astaire" *Mitchel* wants us to forget about it.
#if that is the case then both fred mitchell and carl culmner needs to stop with the political patty-cake game!
The Bahamian people are out of work and can't find a job, have families to take care of and food to put on the table and for the 2 of you to continue on any further is a disrespect to the Bahamian people and the Bahamian electorate and it shows you both and your party are more distant than ever from the pain and discontent the people are feeling, either in the here and now or just think of the what to do tomorrow!
#so; like i said you 2 need to pay attention to the bigger picture!
a wise man once said; "**A word to the wise is sufficient**!"

@coakley4mical says...…

#a better bahamas...
This small update illustration represents the working behind The future Bahamas, after a Political antibacterial & antiviral regimen along with having to repair and transform the economy into a more productive and diversified media, which would result in a lowest unemployment rates in Caribbean history, a drop in interest rates to favor homeowners, an increase in quantitative and qualitative activity of The Bahamas Security Exchange, lower utilities rates by 50%, and a sharp envious increase in doing business in The Bahamas index as the fallout, that would make this the richest period ever in Bahamian history, in addition to free education up to master degree for academics, and most importantly the least corrupt era as well. Is this possible, of course it!
But now you may have to wait to find out more....