Comment history

@coakley4mical says...

#ATTN: bahamian242, JanetG
Someone should throw a **Cry-Baby-Party** for them!
The reality is THEY need to grow up; beyond this point. Instead of crying over this don't they & Fred Mitchell understand that they are empowering Minnis; with the "they talk but I do" attitude.

@coakley4mical says...

#talk is cheap and money buys land....
The PLP crew including Fred Mitchell it seems to be running right into Minnis's Roach Motels; where roaches check in; but they don't check out, by arming and weaponizing Minnis with the cliché; "They (the PLP) they Talk talk, but I (Minnis & the FNM) Do action!
#apoptosis and tthe remnant "m-RNA"
Seems like Minnis is using basic psychology to outsmart and gain political points on the PLP.
DNA is undergoing apoptosis and some time ago seemed to be cancerous. The show down at The Killarney, still has Minnis as the fastest shooter against all in a recent blitz small random sampling polling on the trustworthiness of the leaders running for Killarney constituency, the gunslinging battle of trustworthiness and ability to lead was a remarkable 10 out of 10 in favor of Hubert Minnis compared to a female leader of a relatively new minority political party no more than 2 electoral years old. In that show down, the younger political party leader doesn't seem to stand a chance a chance at teetering over 4%-8% of the total vote in her constituency.
#hubert minnis a political party leader decapitator aka "the decapitator".
Perry Christie is the biggest example and by all appearances and signs; Minnis seems to want to repeat the same thing with new PLP leader and his constituency.
**I'm stopping here what do you all think**?

@coakley4mical says...

#attn: ddk, Thisisours and Birdiestrachan, I have to give you guys a thumbs up for just about always trying to put a Foot Down on PM Minnis.

Now let me correct you all, Minnis is an **Opportunist** if anything. Recall to his new honorary addressing as "The Most Honorable", a skewed reflection to AD's discussions and talks of an Honorary Bahamianization system.
Furthermore; sounds like he was just waiting from AD to past over, before he pander to the same Hanna's constituency. It's politics borderline Politricks! Had he come together with the PLP, and Independents and announced this as a We idea that would have been good politics!

@coakley4mical says...

#the_oracle you have an interesting point of view (pov).
i can appreciate your comment, because the Bahamas leadership and governance needs to hear from the people, constructive criticism or restructuring it to be constructive. I believe in the dogma that; "it takes friction to sharpen a sword".
I understand what you are saying, The_Oracle and you labelled something that needs to be fix. To do that lets understand what is behind that; Corruption is the biggest and most powerful pathogen to National Trust.
Just like the 1st step to recovery from addiction is self assessment and admitting that you have the problem. and the next step is taking making an honest effort to resolve the problem, so it does not dominate you, that is the country.
So I am glad you admitted it, because corruption is rampant and wide spread throughout the Bahamas and in other countries as well. But let's reach a reference point. Of the 33 other regional relatives, you honestly believe that Bahamas would be lower ranked in trust than some of the Mega-Island Economies within the Caribbean? I know you can't think so. The Bahamas first of all is the only Macro-Island Economic state in the Caribbean with the most potential and capacity to engineer forward, upward and onward, but we need to come together. And please recall our leaders and the HOA represents the majority percentage of where the Bahamas is on the Corruption Index National (cin).
# reason to logic if we put corrupt politicians in power, then how corrupt does that make us as the electorate?
Well that subtitle explains it all, that if we put corrupt people in power, then really how innocent are we or how corrupt must we be inside. The thing is every 5 years in the Bahamas since the early 1970's, the Bahamian population has been able to reflect on the decisions we made and correct those the majority of us I want to believe are good in heart and intentions!
>"One man's junk is another man's treasure..." in other words, one man's POV of doomed is yet another man's POV to determination to resolve!

On IMF chief: Bahamas ‘leading revolution’

Posted 13 August 2021, 11:44 a.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#george smith talking sense

1. i call a spade a spade and for the majority of the things/points that George has said against Halston Moultrie, fall well within the walls of belief and credibility. (99.9%)
2. About why the PLP lost the 2017 election. (100%)
#george smith - the cents ain't adding up
i call a spade a spade and to say that the 100% of the people would select PLP in this coming election well that's just preposterous. But then GS did not take that to that length, he was just saying that 100% of the people would say that their lives were better during 2012-2017 compared to 2017-present. Well George, obviously, The Government did not properly handle the COVID pandemic from the start and still are mishandling it. there was Hurricane Dorian, and his disaster relief as commander in chief was less to be desirable as a caring person and that's just based on his response in a crisis management press conference with people in Abaco suffering. But GS you can only correlate 30%-45% and a discretionary 10% to 20% of the undecided so that's about 40%-65%. So, the results would draw some correlation at best averaging around 3 to 5 out 10 persons.

On Moultrie ‘worst Speaker in history’

Posted 4 August 2021, 11:35 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

First of all what Halston Moultrie is talking - Let me explain it in terms of a plate of food.

1. **the ceramic plate is 1/2 broken & chipped** (That's a big problem!) So you can't trust eating off this plate. He talks about Rights yet the Bahamian public have seen, heard & read his atrocious disrespectful, bias, impartial, discriminatory remarks that always seemed to favor one side over the other. But now he wants to sell us the idea that he's fair and a fighter for Bahamian Rights. He's like Little Boy blue that cried wolf! The plate is the presentation and the experience felt, heard and seen.
2. **MEAT - The Cracked Conch (Protein):** is good but half cooked & yet 1/4 of it is infected (bad food management, safe and security). The meat represents the **Primary Topics ** & is the substance of the matter. He raised some good points. As a matter of fact his rant reminded me of the very thing which he said himself & he is trying to use the same approach like in The **[code noir][1]** & everything he is doing is that itself! So now that I can give people the key they can unlock the mansion of **HM's political deceptions and Politricks**!
3. **RICE (Carbohydrates):** Is undone but looks good from far, but the rice still has pieces of pebbles and rock in it, not to mention that the rice is not fully cooked its half done. This represents the secondary points and are the **Issues**.
4. **baked macaroni & cheese (Side Order -Major):** Well lets see if anyone catches on and understands
5. **potato salad (Side Order -Minor 1st):** We know what Moultrie is proposing isn't possible nor feasible for it to be effective, but it does allow for "constituency sweethearting", so only some or a selected few will get it.
6. **Fried Plantain (Side Order -Minor 2nd)** This is just like Side Order - Minor 1st, qualitatively and quantitively it is restricted by his limiting factor. The politricks is: play da people like fools.
7. **fork n knife** Represents the news media.
8. **guava duff w SAUCE (Dessert)** In reality there is no dessert, just the illusion of one. Much like the statement he made: "“*I would not stand in their way because the government has a mandate on behalf of the people & once the government decides it wants to do something the Speaker is not to stand in the way*." Even if Moultrie had the pair to stand up & do something he wouldn't, because Minnis is still his puppeteer, Minnis is allowing or instructing him to do these things. Therefore that means Minnis is directing these things & has castrated Moultrie a long time ago. Recall: PM decided to have him stay on as speaker, what a humble but fragile position he has & yet he is suppose to be so impartial, but Moultrie has appeared to failed even that prerequisite! It appears that he tries to act like a **big black Gorilla** in front of the show, but behind close doors it appears that he is not more than a **Rainbow Pygmy Marmoset**.


@coakley4mical says...

@IslandWarrior: I contend that the people haven't lost faith in Our Democracy, that is the lie that the Minority Lead Parties in specific a particular party, wants everyone else to believe for political mileage. The simple fact is that the Bahamian electorate is losing or have lost faith not in Our Democracy, but in those that represent us in the Honorable House of Assembly (HOA), where our needs are suppose to be put first and foremost! That is what has been lost! The system works, its just that the gatekeepers and gate controllers are abusing the power, because they have became drunk with power. *And absolute power corrupts absolutely* !

@coakley4mical says...

Wow @sage! I think you might have tittered your overexaggerating just a little too far with the hierarchy. But I see the point you are making and that should be addressed.

@coakley4mical says...

#is this the case of 1 bad apple that can spoil the whole barrel?
@Sickened: I don't think it is the reason why she trotted, **I saw the interview asking why and she claimed she felt she pulled something or that something was about to be pulled so she tune down the throttle**.
However, if it is the reason why she did really and medical examiners can not find the reason or support the facts with the actions, then I am of the believe that Shaunae Miller-Uibo should be ostracized and castracized from Bahamian athletic participation; not for life; but for 20 years (the equivalent) plain and simple and be permanently expelled from the Bahamas Athletic Association as a player, coach or trainer.
But at the end of the day, it is only her one that would have suffered, she wasn't penalizing anyone except herself and the nation. Now on behalf of the country nation; she should be held accountable to pay back whatever the cost for the trip and everything included. It would be high time that this type of conduct or behavior be addressed, but somehow I should hope that she is not that immature to think along this trajectory. Because; if she did, then the Bahamas Athletic Association, The Bahamas Ministry of Sports & Culture and The Ministry of Tourism, The AG Office, needs to seriously consider understanding and prosecuting her case for such selfish and self conceded actions, She was there representing the Bahamas, and that should have no place in our country at that level. That then would be the example of 1 bad apple can spoil the whole barrel!
Marco Rubio sent a message of how proud Americans are to represent their country, a burning desire so strong that sometimes that is the determining factor between a Gold and 4th place. That's Patriotism. Our national forefathers that brought an independent Bahamas, that's Patriotism. For the Bahamas to be better then we need stronger and bolder in your lives and in our actions as individuals and as a nation!

@coakley4mical says...

#in response to @tribanon:
I'll give you the benefit of a doubt. But since you wrote "typically", let me consider that you may not be attempting to take a swing, since it is obviously clear and primarily my response here is atypical.
**I'll let you try and catch that one**!
Let me rephrase it, I asked the Tribune 242 community; if this was a case of BCS.
I write things and write about things that I know about, or have experienced personally or less so indirectly. I am asking what are their thoughts or what have anyone heard or understood. It is a subject that has been tightlipped. I have sources that drop the info. I don't know either of the two role players in the storyline, or at least I don't think so!
#to quickly outcast the notion, my mission, don't involve tearing or holding anyone down or back, people would inevitably do that to themselves!
But, I or we may not seat on the Bench, but my/our intent is Objectivity, Truthfulness and Transparency (OTT). So those types of childish games you are referring to, I am beyond that! Our Bahamian people deserve the Truth and a truthful voice that will call a spade a spade but also show how the game is played!
I practice one thing: (1.) I call a spade a spade, and hope that the person may try to do some retrospective and retrograde self analysis and avoid the stigma of being categorized, typified or iconized as: a Hypocrite, or a Liar, or a Fool, or a Queen's Donkey!
Remember; Pride comes before the downfall. When I write it, you can go and carve that in the headstone.
What I will not do is follow anyone blindly! I like to put the logics and reasons, the data and facts on the table and drive from there. I let people hang themselves; I am no executioner. everyone has got their own ∆G, ∆H and ∆S. I should **hope** that you are **not** one of those blind mice; nor a puppet!
*I challenge you to feel free and put your "hope about/of me" to the test, but be careful, like Mark Twain said; "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.*"