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@coakley4mical says...

Is this another case of "Black Crab Syndrome?"
What do you think?

@coakley4mical says...

In terms of good governance there is so many ways to truly protect the fisheries sectors and spawn an increase in revenue and increase entrepreneurship.

@coakley4mical says...

#dna does worst in 2017 election than in 2012 terrible judge of character
Branville said: "The party leader claims that there has been no reduction in the public’s excitement level for the DNA and the party is still receiving “interesting” requests “from both sides of the political spectrum” from persons wishing to run under the party’s banner in 2017."
branville wrong or right
"Mr. McCartney has little – if any – criticism of Dr. Minnis’ leadership, saying that in the wake of the 2012 election, Dr. Minnis took over a party that was completely broken, in disarray and abandoned by its former leader.
#“Dr. Minnis is a good man and I respect him highly and what he has is a party set adrift after being dominated by a former leader who was a one man show,” Mr. McCartney said."
#who is really still calling the shouts in dna
Some believe that Branville is still controlling the DNA, even though Komolafe is leader elect of the 80 team member that participated .
#it took almost 10 years to see how almost 13,000 bahamians were fooled to follow a leader and dna. 10 years later it would show how wrong dna was again especially under komolafe as leader.

On Bran McCartney and the Young Turks

Posted 4 August 2021, 6:18 a.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#who does the by line ofthe article belongs to, a tribune reporter or not?
Could the writer of this article be Branville McCartney (former leader of DNA), or Arinthia Komolafe (present leader of the minority political party), or is it a DNA supporter or DNA Contributor. **I do believe the Bahamian public deserves to know, so we know if it is a hired or bias opinion or true journalistic reporting**!
#please make the following correction:.the name & the word "founded"
On May 12, 2011, along with current DNA Deputy Leader, **Chris Motimer** and others, he **foundrd** the DNA a mere 11 months before the next election.
(1.) This is what made me think that how can (dna, bm/ak or CM) they spell their own name wrong: **Christopher Andre Mortimer was born March 24, 1970 on the island of New Providence**.
(2.) Correct foundrd to **founded**. If the Tribune reveals that this article was submitted by a non-tribune reporter, then all fingers point at DNA and they should be ashamed of themselves.
#branville Mccartney of dna wrong. can you trust his opinion or the fact that he expresses, it is just like the present leader of the party.
Many people believe that nothing changed in the DNA party except for apparent foreign african control apparently more more FNM financial backings, male to female, light skin to black skinned
Might be under the influence of African voodoo or more practically influenced by strong supporters or believers of The People's Democratic Party of Nigeria (PDP) and Oluesgun Obasanjo political ideology (reference:… ) Note:
Obasanjo has been described as one of the great figures of the second generation of post-colonial African leaders. He received praise both for overseeing Nigeria's transition to representative democracy in the 1970s and for his Pan-African efforts to encourage cooperation across the continent. But, Critics maintain that he was guilty of Corruption, that his administrations oversaw Human Rights Abuses, and that as President he became too interested in consolidating and maintaining his personal power.
Oluesgun is listed as the #1 on the top 20 most corrupt politicians in Nigeria.
Oluesgun is a former Nigerian Military head of state from 1976 to 1979 and political leader of the People's Democratic Party (PDP) as well as the first democratically elected President of Nigeria from 1999 to 2007. He is reported to stole $25 billion from 1999 - 2007 from Nigerian treasury and $16.4 billion from the power sector alone.
let's just remember what the Mrs. Komolafe did to the young Boykin, a DNA candidate in the up and coming elections if what he says is correct, then DNA should resend their future participation for the 2022 election.

On Bran McCartney and the Young Turks

Posted 4 August 2021, 6:12 a.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#ad hanna talking the truth about the character and role of a pm...
The Truth be told! AD talking the truth 101% and if LOP was alive, he would have been the first to admit it. Didn't see it like that back then, but thanks for clarifying ad.
#ad hanna talking the truth about about branville Mccartney and his flaw in conceptualization.
That party of Branv. still doing the same, but what can you expect, You can't expect apples or watermelon from a Pumpkin vine! Hint: You can't expect to do the same thing but looking for a different result! Nope it doesn't work like that!
#branville Mccartney the epitome of the "lucifer syndrome"!
Ok! Now ask what does that mean.....

@coakley4mical says...

*My sincerest and deepest condolences to Glenys, her brother and family on the lost of; A.D. May they all receive comfort, tranquility and peace during this difficult lost.
It is usually these times when we look back and value the affect and effect that noted people have had on our progress, advancement and development as a country and as a nation. That group back then were special and did special things for the country!*

@coakley4mical says...

#the bahamas central bank and the sand dollar cryptocurrency and digital & mobile (d&m) banking.
As it relates to the article. It is about time and these have been the direction that C4M have been pushing since 2008, when it was in the infancy stage.
However; the laws on the book needs to be further upgraded in retrospect to D&M cryptocurrency but the Bahamas infrastructure & double redundancy and triple integrity to protect private, personal & confidential information of each user.
#do you remember.
Let us remember some decade ago how it was revealed that the US had been apparently violating the privacy of Bahamians back then which was via phone and emails. Now imagine when its your money. Besides the infrastructure; is the utilities rates need to reduce by 40% to 65% to be truly effective but in Grand Bahama, the Port Authority in the economic free zone will not give up that kind of monthly profit. Prices in Freeport & The Bahamas are unidirectional, that is they only raise!
#before the consitions are set in stone, we need to consider...
The Bahamas should either in prototype pilot mode test in an out island constituency district to iron out all the kinks. I say this because The Bahamas would be at the mercy of the super-powerful nations with top notch technology within the Caribbean, like believe it or not Cuba and those from the Lesser Antilles. Remember in March 1980 what Cuba did to the Bahamas and Bahamians because they had a stronger and bigger military than the Bahamas. Well imagine China, Korea, Russia, The Middle East, USA and Canada, The EU - UK, Germany, France, Belgium and The Kingdom of the Netherlands feel unfair trade and practices, they can open an all out attack on the system and cripple the economy worst than ever imaginable, in other words losing our sovereignty, especially if The Bahamas decides to quite the IMF and resurrect a tax heaven.
#still remember..
Remember how Netherlands ubiquitously had the Bahamas blacklisted and the parameters are not in place for the Bahamas to creep before we can walk or run yet. The reason could be because the framework and infrastructure is still fragile. but this seems to be political motivated, maybe to ensure that these FNM support High Tech companies national and international form the gatekeepers to the system. Just think China and Netherlands and think of human rights abuse.
Our internet highway and electricity grid needs vast improvements otherwise we maybe **causing more damage than healing**.
#Just think from June to November every year or think what happened the last time with Dorian imagine imagine greater than 88% dependency on a system like this means no one might be able to have access to gets their moneys. Have all of these contingencies been considered & resolved? So if this is going at a warp speed starting August it means someone will be making a lot of money and securing contracts that will make them very rich.

@coakley4mical says...

@Happyfly your links does not hyperlink, further more it takes you to the general FDA Gov site, but I don't see where it is that you are quoting or getting your information as fact or fallacy.
I'm sure you have the link to prove what you are summarizing but unfortunately it is not showing up.
the point you raised has some degree of merit. But I would rather read the article which says what you are saying for myself.

@coakley4mical says...

Usually when you are going to copy off a large section like this, it would be more beneficial if you added a reference source to look it up and know the authority on the quoted information.
Basic virology, Immunology and medicine, I spoke of in my first response in comparison to that of why no vaccine for HIV virus which belongs to a different family but have similar protein spikes.
In Immunology basically:
IgM antibody appears first, followed by IgA on mucosal surfaces or IgG in the serum. The IgG antibody is the major antibody of the response and is very stable, which interrelates to what was already referred to.

@coakley4mical says...

#combating covid in the bahamas with new governance, simple 7 points to help bahamians and the future of the country.
Contd. 2
# 2. the ball has already been dropped.
2ndly the ball has already ben seriously dropped in the mismanagement of the pandemic in the Bahamas.
# 3. educate and empower the bahamian people to take charge of this disease and their future.
The First lesson in combating ignorance is education. Invite open televised debates in favor of and against covid-19 vaccination and understanding the virus. That is what C4M believes in top down and bottom-up. Bahamians have the biggest stage to show our ingenuity, innovation and patriotism and lead the Caribbean.
# 4. we should be looking to understand the disease more & search & investigate better and deeper for a cure and prevention on our own population. [interactive].
# 5. changing our healthcare laws & policy to incorporate greater responsibility, due dilligence and harsher punitive damages & actions. [reactive].
We know one reason why Minnis is less likely to do this because some of his very friends are in the same profession.
# 6. look at and towards means, methods, & protocol to effeciently and effectively prevent and stop the spread of the virus. [proactive].
Prevention is better than cure! So far it seems that the government takes 1 step forward and 8 steps backward. Lets control our past by controlling & writing our future as we want it not how others are dictating that we have it. Be like a Lynden Pindling or a Randol Fawkes and try and take the Bahamas to a new era or get out of the way and let someone else does it.
#So clear the way, We Coming!