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@coakley4mical says...

#combating covid in the bahamas with new governance, simple 7 points to help bahamians and the future of the country.

# 1. understand that minnis is showing his true colours as a doctor in how he is dealing with the covid pandemic. should uwi be ashamed or proud?
Minnis is a doctor: OB/GYN by profession, and how he is handling and dealing with the country shows his bedside manners and patient-doctor relationship he exercised when he was a practicing physician: OB/GYN. Let's be straight forward and clear, Minnis has studied is craft of medicine for a long time and if in almost 2 years dealing with this virus he has not been able to effectively and efficiently manage it without causing more harm and stress for his patient (the nation), then if he is voted out of office his license to practice should immediately be revoked!
Now, since we calling a spade a spade for Dr. Minnis then we have to be fair and square for everyone and to everyone.
the next one: Philip "Brave" Davis: All talking about how wrong and bad the MINNIS administration is handling the pandemic, but he ain't talking what how they would do anything different with numbers and an even budget or surplus. He is lacking the credible factor and he has no real science behind his logics nor accounting to justify the expenditure. This is truly a sad state, no wonder why the people
the other one: Just being very observant, just think, if the leader of one of those **minor political parties** has problems with handling her perm for her own hair,
then please tell me how she could intent to handle the country's healthcare. (Didn't mean to rhyme but it happens!)
Now to believe that from them, that would be bigger than a Nigerian Scam to believe all the nice hearsays of fantasy world and wonderland but are not practical nor fiscal to our national budget!
64 people out of 80 people voted for this female to lead them and that should mean that everyone without a Y Chromosome should vote for her. Who are these 80 people out of 340 thousand Bahamians. Wait, is this just another form of a deviant banished never to return again FNM type of Oligarchy, disguised as if it is something new? The former leader thought he was bigger than the hand that feed him, and found out that he was wrong.
The list of accomplished Bahamian women whom have made an impact and contributed a difference in the Bahamas, I can readily name 6. The fact of the matter is that I and many hundred of thousands other Bahamian only interested in the best person to do the job, whiles you campaigning on being the first female. Bahamians do not have a problem of whether their leader is male or female and you must be confused if you think so, the people you hanging out with aren't the majority. That is a want to be story line built by your "friends" in the media and those who have an invested interest. **dis here is real bahamian talk** !
{ **Now from here on end, I'll be very brief**! }

@coakley4mical says...

After 37 years there is no vaccine for hiv/aids.
There over 38 million people that are affected by the virus.
Like the Virus that causes covid-19, hiv has spike proteins on its surface that it uses to gain entry to the host cells, but the genes that make up the HIV spike proteins are very effective at rapid mutation thus resulting in millions of different HIV Strains and it is because of this it is more difficult to find antibodies that can neutralize all different strains. Whereas with COVID-19 there are plausibly 17 strains but 3 to 4 major ones has been identified and we have heard of the alpha and delta. The predominant strain in the Bahamas has been the alpha and official health reports that the delta variant has been detected in the Bahamas.
#lawyers and businessment should govern the country affairs.
One time ago, an astute politician told me that the leader of this country would not ever be a doctor; you need to study law if you ant to lead this country and become involved in politics. Then Minnis rode in decades later on his horse, and now I understand why he said. No doubt Hubert Ingraham was so indulge in trying to prove his "Politic-Fu" master wrong; that he talk his Padawan into succeeding him. he basically gave him a constituency.

@coakley4mical says...

#conspiracy theory of @jokeyjack may have some points of reflection.

*Your comment for as conspiracy theory as it seems, the future may reveal that most things points to the fact that **Economic Enslavery** has slowly been the move for the Caribbean since Jamaica had its stance under a certain leadership, burrowing large amount of money at high interest rates.
*You must preface a MO (Modus Operandi) which is an associative history and pattern of behavior. Remember this when you go to the polls and vote. You haven't outlined a true motive, but you have linked some pieces together.
#my suggestions for you and anyone else searching for the truth should be...
*Understand what is the **IMF**, and who governs it and how is it governed. That fact may surprise you! I can tell you it aint da Bahamas.
*Understand the **Slave Triangle**, the **Slave Trade** and who really proliferated from it and became more wealthy. (Hint look at the superpowers back then)
*Understand who still have; territories and colonies (nope not talking about the USA) in the Caribbean. That may surprise you.
*If you state that this pandemic is also being utilized to introduce a global change in finance and currency, then you must consider who or which countries have the most to gain. (You may want to look back to history since the common denominator is Slavery and see how did they do it so successfully).See who your politicians, political parties, and news media agencies are in bed with.
#time to think.
>Imagine if the powerful attacked Diabetes and Prediabetes the way they are with COVID then the Bahamas Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes rate would not be approximately 70%. That means about 7 out of every 10 Bahamians you know is either diabetic or prediabetic. Think about it diabetes and the effects of it has taken more lives than COVID and is still one of the **major national assassins** and anyone that comes up with a cure for diabetes, COVID or **being gay** is riding a tight rope if you don't belong to the **movers and shakers club**.

@coakley4mical says...

(6) Aryan Race
The word Aryan is an example of how words that originate as terms to describe seemingly neutral concepts can be adapted, manipulated, and radicalized for ideological or sinister purposes. 3 The term Aryan often was used incorrectly to describe a racial grouping of people. Aryans, however, are not a race and an "Aryan master race" does not exist.
The Aryan Race Adolf Hitler thought that people of Northern European descent were a superior race to all others known as the Aryan Race. Throughout World War 2 his goal was for that perfect race known as the "Übermensch".
This ideology held that the Aryan Races, people of Northern European descent, represented a superior and "pure race". An ideal member of the Master Race was referred to as an "Übermensch", or literally, a "Super Man". Any person not of pure, Aryan descent was considered an "Untermensch", or literally, a "Sub-Human".
The Aryan race is an idea that was formed in the 19th and early 20th century. The term "Aryan" comes from the Rig Veda and is the name of an ancient group of people in ancient Persia and India, who spoke an Indo-European language.

@coakley4mical says...

(5) Mulatto
The English term and spelling mulatto is derived from the Spanish and Portuguese mulato. It was a common term in the Southeastern United States during the era of slavery. Some sources suggest that it may derive from the Portuguese word mula (from the Latin mūlus), meaning mule, the hybrid offspring of a horse and a donkey. Mulatto is a racial classification to refer to people of mixed African and European ancestry. Its use is considered dated and offensive. A mulatta is a female mulatto

@coakley4mical says...

(4) Separatist
sep•a•ra•tist sĕp′ər-ə-tĭst, sĕp′rə-, sĕp′ə-rā″-►
n. One who secedes or advocates separation from a group, as from a nation or an established church.
n. One who advocates cultural, ethnic, or racial separation.
n. One who withdraws or separates himself; one who favors separation.

@coakley4mical says...

Sexagenarian - A person between 60 and 69 years old.
Septuagenarian - A person who is between 70 and 79 years old.
Octogenarian - A person who is between 80 and 89 years old.
Nonagenarian - A person who is between 90 and 99 years old.
These words are for specific age groups, and they are used primarily in formal contexts.
*So don't intentionally misinterpret this for being a separatist or divisiveness*.

@coakley4mical says...

(2) behoove
be•hoove bĭ-hoo͞v′►
intransitive verb- To be necessary or proper for.
intransitive verb- To be necessary or proper.
To be fit or meet for, with respect to necessity, duty, or convenience; be necessary for; become: now used only in the third person singular with it as subject.

@coakley4mical says...

#understanding words matters-2
(1) paraconscious
A new concept, the paraconscious, is presented as the third complementary member of the conscious/unconscious paradigm. A form of cognition dating from early intrauterine existence to sometime in the first year of life, the nature of the paraconscious is determined by the incompleteness of developing cognitive structures, giving rise to a form of knowing that does not allow for the generation of voluntarily retrievable mental representations. The paraconscious provides a conceptual framework for the understanding of "conflict-free" psychic development, thereby linking such apparently disparate phenomena as Stoller's core gender identity and primary transsexualism, Bruch's primary anorexia nervosa, night terrors, and ubiquitous convictions such as the belief in telephathy and the survival of death by human consciousness. It has profound implications for the treatment (or nontreatment in the case of primary male transsexualism) of significant psychiatric syndromes and raises crucial questions about the nature of learning during the earliest moments of our cognitive existence, about the nonlinguistic transmission of information and about the origin of certain widely held beliefs.
The paraconscious
D M Donovan
Children's Center for Developmental Psychiatry, St. Petersburg, Florida.
pmid: 2768022 doi: 10.1521/jaap.1.1989.17.2.223

@coakley4mical says...

#dear mrs. diane phillips: the pot calling the tea-kettle black
contd. 3

- (e) "Try to have a conversation about vaccines, for instance. It used to be Trump that divided us. Now it is vaccines."

- >(E1) Again, the writer absolutely defines herself see ref. (a), (b) and
(c), and she expressed; "It used to
be Trump that divided us." I never
heard the majority of the Republicans
which said that, but I did hear the
democratic sing that as their
national anthem about former
President Donald Trump. Now very
cleverly; you have just perfectly
incriminated your own altruistic
attempts, by laying your foundations
about who it is that is dividing us
and if anyone thinks differently then
you are dimwitted and everything else
you described in your closing the
circle description in ref (d-beta):
"...loud voices and obnoxious,
obsequious sycophantic behavior will
be spotted immediately by those who
could not care less about whether a
design is bespoke or not...".

#words matter
In the bible, the scripture says the power is in the tongue, basic physiology dictates that the most powerful muscle in the body is the tongue. Yes! words matter but according to our constitution, the freedom of expression and association grantees that right to one and all, even to you and I, even though my ideology is completely clockwise to your anti-clockwise one. So instead of trying to socio-psychologically puppeteer the mass think of free will, the same that The Good Lord gave us the freedom of choice. You see I understand and practice the political ideology Eu-NeoClassical Liberalism, I suggest you try it and like Mikey you might like it and trade-in the whip aka the pen for freedom! Today is now your emancipation and like Neo in the Matrix, you have been set free! But like they say, it's difficult to teach old dogs new trick!
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