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@coakley4mical says...

#dear mrs. diane phillips: the pot calling the tea-kettle black
contd. 2
c) "what i detest, and that is not too strong a word for it, is pretentious words. i call them **new money words**."
(c1) This here seems to highlight the bipolarity or the disassociative personality. Fact: in the age of post independent Bahamas, many of the racist white class affluent referred to the Bahamians or negros or blacks that where not economically or financially dependent on the white masters cashflow, were referred to as "new money", compared to; for example; the first premier of The Bahamas, whom, he and his descendent enjoyed what was called old money, not "old old money" - those who made their fortunes from direct slavery in the Caribbean. So this statement is classist at best and racist at least. The "New Money words" is a diminutive, like in the days of slavery, calling a person a Mulatto, and they were in between not belonging to the rich nor the poor, therefore with Mulatto they were neither black nor Caucasian (white); but in between. But back then, even having a percentage of black in you, meant that you were not white - In the polarity form this is Arianism or the reign of Adolf Hitler period of creating a pure white race, tall, blond hair, blue eyes and not a deviant according to the German Nazis which was meant not practicing homosexuality. In one scenario it is classified as acceptable whereas in the other its wrong; you judge! Again, I refer to the writers point (a) and (b).
(d-alpha) " If you want to criticize someone, why wouldn’t you use a word they could actually understand, like dimwit. Or why call someone a sycophant when what you mean is totally lost on them and anyone else around you is wondering exactly what you mean and what you say about them when they are not within earshot."
(d-beta) "Words matter, choosing them carefully, toning them down in the heat of political battle and a year of so much tragedy and so much at stake will be more important than ever. Go gently, firmly, wisely into the fray for those with loud voices and obnoxious, obsequious sycophantic behavior will be spotted immediately by those who could not care less about whether a design is bespoke or not but treasure their right to vote."
(D1) Again, the writer of this column out rightly then calls anyone that goes against what she is saying a diminutive dim wit, how clever, the very same attitude that she condones is what she incriminates the anti- or contra- followers with. How quint! Pay close attention the writer defines this in d-alpha and ends this the circle drawing with d-beta.

@coakley4mical says...

#dear mrs. diane phillips: the pot calling the tea-kettle black
Normally, I would have just past over this one with the epitome that; it just is not worth it, because the irony of hypocrisy behooves me that it illuminate the sneaky double tongued paraconscious inductions that is being registered or programmed skillfully to manipulate and puppeteer the Bahamian populous.
First let me preface; I do not know Mrs. Diane Phillips, and based on the hidden dogma and philosophy she has presented, wanting to know her would not be on my list of things to do nor researching who she is, so I will have to roll with the punches and take the consequences; if there is any.
But; what I can say is that she is a white (Caucasian) woman, probably US educated in the era pre-70's. If her photo is not recent then she is probably a Sexagenarian, Septuagenarian or even a Octogenarian. Most definitely she is a democrat or she may claim apolitical to limit the perception of any political biasness, and her ideology maybe that of government rule over family in the political cell theory. Therefore, that may be expressed that "everyone is equal, but not everyone should be entitled"; the rule of those with the greater power over those of greater numbers. You know something like what Lynden Pindling and the black Bahamian Women fought for that resulted in Roland Theodore Symonette and his rich friends/colleagues losing **undisturbed** political power in the Bahamas pre-1967.
So here we go; in brief:
(a)"AS a writer, I love words, simple, honest words that say what they mean."
(a1) Therefore; we know whatever you (DP) are writing about you (DP) have apparently painstakingly thought this thru completely!
(b) "I like words like even-handed, even though things and people rarely are."
(b1) Therefore; I can deduce here is where the Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde personality comes in. Again, the author is very clear cut in what she says and is saying and will strategize to say. This is synonymous with a mentalist; before standing you in front of a mirror; telling you, there is a monster in the mirror; but don' be afraid of looking in the mirror, the monster can't hurt you, because it is separated from you by the "mirror glass" between you both. So when you see the monster in the mirror you do not become afraid or alarm, because if you destroy the mirror, then you destroy the monster! Also, remember (a) above.


@coakley4mical says...

#there still has not ever been a female leader of a major political party in the bahamas from 1955 to 2022!
The major political parties functioning today in the Bahamas are The PLP and The FNM! Mrs. Komolafe your statement seems to be a recyclable afterthought of deception and slight play of hands in misdirection, and this was said then and it appears it was said with an intent to deceive the public and electorate or the Caribbean or global Community.
If so then please feel free to correct the statement of allusion delusion and illusion. "This goes out to all DNA aka *truly RNA and m-RNA*", stop trying to deceive the people to paint a picture, and just be plain and straight forward.
#if you are alluding or stating that you; arinthia komolafe is the first female leader of a major political party in the bahamas; please by all means, i dare you to respond to & clarify this comment!
# bahamians will vote for commonsense and logic not for fashion!
This organization is not entitled to a vote because you are a female/woman, you get the Bahamian vote when you prove that you worth the value to called a Prime Minister.
What you are saying and what is being written in this article sounds a lot like Democrats of 2012 Hillary Clinton Campaign - Vote for her because she is a woman, how about integrity, humility, sincerity, truth and honesty, sympathy and empathy. It did not work for Hillary Clinton as Democratic Candidate for US Presidency and 100% sure it won't work for you in The Bahamas! Bahamians are too smart, we want to best person for the job, whether it is man or woman!
#bill cosby the proof is in the puddin
Based on how Your organization handles it own members who disagree with you and your board, you have more than ever shown that you and your organization are not ready to lead the Bahamas and won't possibly ever be ready. If what Boykin Smith said is TRUE of what happened, Mrs. Komolafe should have stepped down immediately! but instead you didn't.
Sounds like you would be worst than Lanisha Rolle (FNM). No wonder why you allegedly tried to smash Boykin's phone, no doubt a lesson learnt from Bain and Rolle when he recorded their conversation. Allegedly you & your party frightened the be-Jesus out of that Boykin. Your party ratified him as a candidate to want to represent people, instead he had to fall on his mommy issue protector in Camille, you & your party should have been teaching & training Boykin how to change his own pamper first & make his own baby bottle before trying to send him out to fight for others when he has to learn to fight for himself. A true leader would have been able to detect he wasn't ready for the number #1 position, so how many of your candidates are like him? That's terrible what you all did & you want to refer or allude to your party as being a Major Political Party?
#If that is what you are saying, be woman enough to respond so you remove all doubts?

@coakley4mical says...

#Very good point @John!

Everything about that polling does not pass the smell test! It was like the polls and media input on the election of 2012 USA Presidential Race of Donald Trump vs. Hilary Clinton.
Too many skewed and a poor ethical and moral approach. Shame shame on Ragnar, triple shame on Culmer and FNM for trying to play the Bahamian people and electorate as fools.

#The biggest problems with this poll:
(1.) Credibility
(2.) Independency
(3.) Methodology
(4.) Believability in the interpretation of the results.
(5.) Format and Intent (Ethical approach)

The biggest issue by far, and they even know it via statistical means. Which is the Bahamian electorate is more than 100,000 and 1% of that is about 1K and yet they took less than 50% of that and used that as a sampling pool. It would not surprise me if a Bahamian files a legal case against Ragnar and worst is the case if it can be proven that the stimulus of this originated somewhere in Detroit, then we would have foreign powers intentionally and obviously interfering in a country's electoral process. the only way that it can be solved is legally in a court of law for the facts to come out. Accountability must be established and culpability commissioned!
Come on man you can't fool bahamians that easily!

#advice to the fnm and minnis machinery
Drop down on your knees and ask for the people's forgiveness. Use the 2020 concept of the Baptized Prostitute becomes a Virgin Mary.
Bahamian people are a forgiving people but they don't like to be played like a fool, because this dangerous love affair is beginning to become toxic and the jolted lover could end up doing very terrible stuff that may gain their way into Bahamian history if the FNM and Hubert Minnis try and play the people again. The Bahamian people just want Equality, Justice, Fairness and most of all Transparency and Accountability. There is a whole lot of Haitian descendance in the Bahamas and a disgruntled Haitian-Bahamian community at the brink of exploding and know you add the **Born Here True Bahamian** and things could look very ugly. (You get the picture?).

@coakley4mical says...

#GuavaDuff your 1/2 right But let me help you!
Yes! I too hop that our scared electoral process remains uninfected with ills of power hungry decrepit.
Furthermore, this shows the astuteness of our forefathers that drafted our great constitution, there are some flaws, but nothing that can't be fixed: amended or ratified!
#now to help educate you on the statement you made earlier#
We must understand that presidency is done by a all or nothing system of state votes, which is my colleges. each college carry a weighted mean.
It is not judged by popular vote but by college vote.
Therefore when you make a statement that he lost by 8 million votes, its is deceitful if it is intentionally and you know better or it is bias rant of emotion and not knowing any better. But that is what this community here is about to help educate and help the blind to see, the lame to walk, the dumb to hear. In the words of Jay-Z, "You can pay for an education but you can buy class"!
#think about this case scenario plp 60k votes, fnm 50k votes - however fnm 20 seats and plp 19.#
Our constitution tackles that clearly and decisively, HOA is not by popularity vote it is my constituency gained.
Never loose site of the war when you are in a battle!

@coakley4mical says...

#minnis's political surgery @play#
But, **Lorretta Butler-Turner** was not the only fall from grace. Minnis squeezed and coiled PLP Leader and incumbent **Prime Minister Perry Christie** in the most despicable manner, by turning his base against him; his constituency and that was absolute **political surgery** at its finest. Calling a spade a spade and being completely objective!
#whats expected from those who go against hubert minnis#
It is expected that any candidate and that is any candidate no matter ho successful under the FNM machinery, once they would have been spotted they will be coiled to political death and consumed and the list includes:
(1.) **2017 Pineridge MP Frederick McAlpine**, a former PLP at the core who was politically baptized an FNM by Hubert Alexander Ingraham aka HAI. Hubert Minnis is practicing the same surgery against **Freddy McAlpine**, the thing is he is not smart enough to recognize that he has been painted as **the Deceiver**, the Satan, and will undoubtedly fail and fall. The moment that McAlpine runs against an FNM Candidate he would have broken the FNM cardinal rule, created from the old days of Cain & Able, do not politically strike at your political brother in elections, he is out. Minnis will effectively illustrate that Freddy Mc is a *Political Harlot* but Freddy is caught between a rock and a hard stone and he will find that **Jamonitis** is *easily contracted and more fatal than* **COVID-19** once you contract it. Bye-Bye Freddy. But maybe Freddie is trying to suck as much attention as possible like a "Political Attention Whore" and has no intention of running as an independent like Lorretta Butler-Turner did! Time will tell and show Freddy's Political IQ.

(2.) **T. Brent Symonette** *(More on this later)*.

(3.) Possible **Duane Sands** *(More on this later)*.

(4.) **Halston Moultrie** could be seen as nothing more than the commodity seller, or the African that would capture and sell his own people into slavery, this could be the deal of Minnis-Moultrie but Moultrie will sound find out that he is wrapped and coiled in Minnis grip, next to be eaten whole. Halston's political upbringings was a little like that of Freddy but the fate will be the same!

@coakley4mical says...

#in response to @TalRussell
It seems your argument or comparison is equivalent to a fortuitous response that Jack The Ripper, may have said if he was caught in todays time and age; that is "He raped the woman because her skirt as too short and therefore she will learn never to wear short skirt like that again, because of being raped!
#what is the hoa speaker doing to stay in power - under the table compromising possibly?
Secondly; may you have thought that maybe Mr. Speaker was probably willing to compromise far more than the others were willing to, like they had too much morals, ethics or conscious ?
Recall this is a game of political chess, played right before your eyes. Minnis survived the Lorretta Butler overthrow from the first time ever Lost of Power as Leader Of The Opposition.
For those who may not have studied politics in the Bahamas;
#pm hubert minnis a political python#
*pm Hubert Minnis is a political Python*, he needs to see the attacker or the attacker needs to be exposed and then (HAM) he can close the distance and attack squeezing and suffocating the attacker politically. The condition is referred to as #Jamonitis.
100% effective to date: Lorretta Butler-Turner, Perry Gladstone Christie. Some believe that Minnis practice the dark art of political voodoo aka "Vu Do".
#the lorretta butler buthery: win the battle loose the war#
Let's ask Lorretta R. Butler-Turner; former MP & former Leader of the Opposition in HOA 2012-2017 from Dec. 2016 until May 2017 what happened. The grand daughter of Milo Butler & from first becoming a HOA member in 2007 for Montagu constituency and then again as a member for Long Island constituency in 2012 she planned to repeat the same initially in the 2017 election for long island but for the first time in her political life as an Independent and not as a FNM in *post-Jamonitis Era*. Minnis strategically made minced meat by the pound of political pedigree Lorretta Butler in the 2017 election where she lost by double digit percentage points to the 2nd place vote getter who was a PLP candidate: Glendon Errington Rolle, & she was the incumbent for the LI constituency. She lost to the FNM candidate, Adrian Paul Gibson, by 38% points. LBT was political pedigree and Minnis made minced meat burger by the pound of her stripping her of her political pride and the hard work her grandfather had sacrifice for the Bahamas to ensure greater democracy, but she became a political outcast ironically, a political lucifer post expulsion of apparently the political *helel* aka "HAM" from heaven Minnis sold it that iniquity entered her heart & in reality that she was the dragon & her tale dragged down 6 other MP's. Lorretta butler disgracefully only got 252 of the 1461 votes casted in the Bahamas General Election 2017 constituency of Long Island. There Lorretta Butler-Turner was seen casted down & out of her political Heaven after being painted with political iniquity by Hubert Minnis skillfully.

@coakley4mical says...

Well first Halston would have to prove that he actually and truly had one to start off.
Is this not the man that "blasphemed" about democracy.
I think it is time that the Honorable HOA have members that re true to themselves and to the good intent of the Bahamian people first and foremost!
If the facts are as in the media with media spin, shame shame on you Halston!
*May the Bahamian people forever remember your harassment, assault and rape of the Bahamas constitution and its laws*.

On Speaker in new clash over report sign-off

Posted 22 July 2021, 11:04 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

That was insipidus!
A Blithering idiot would of course deny he is one. ergo the sign of being a blithering idiot! lol

On Speaker in new clash over report sign-off

Posted 22 July 2021, 10:56 p.m. Suggest removal

@coakley4mical says...

#letter to the editor: in the words of president joe biden; "come on man; you can do better than this".
This was recycled news without a twist or turn , new angle or dimension, I imagine this was supposed to be analytical and critically informative, but then again; I suspect that it was a rush project; something to say that it was done.
#The article should have been better written!

The author should have:
Left out trying to start off a paragraph with the quotation (it shows the "toddler journalism"), I am sure the tribune's editor and proofreader would have instructed him not to try that style again until he has some more years of experience to actually master it, but good attempt.
Suggestion: Go back to what you learnt in journalism school. Opps! I don't think you went to SOJ, but no matter; please listen to your editor and proof reader and wait until you have mastered reporting and journalism before trying to produce an article like this!
#Now I am seriously considering being a news editor.
Remember, you are presenting the facts:
The what, where, when, why, how much, who said what and to whom, what was the atmosphere/environment and what are the reactions/responses from eyewitness, earwitness, testimonies and what professionals are saying pro and con; central to the topic and theme. Those are the basics!
#it takes friction to make a sword sharp
Words of wisdom: "A word to the wise is sufficient"

On Economic reliance on New Providence rises

Posted 17 July 2021, 10:01 p.m. Suggest removal