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What a shame, Our Government, our PM is a "Follower", not a Leader. Just look how were just signing on to all these Globalist movements/ Dictatorship policies, etc. This has nothing to do with Women, rather the Alternative Lifestyle people. This is all about them....Following Bidens policies....instead of following Jesus's Commandments and rule of law. Until we get back to our Christian Roots; we will always be on slippery slopes to Hell! Rise up Followers of Christ...rise up!


How stupid and ignorant can some Citizens be? Stop this inhumane Taxation now!! We call on the Government to stop this. How in the world can a Government come on people's private property and value or revalue it? Hmmm.. how? And who sanctioned this tax? DId the people who voted for you asked you to put this tax on them? Did the people, your Employer give you their mandate to tax us to Poverty? Let me tell you Government People, you have no right to carry on this taxation. 1. Tell us how much stupid money you had to pay to put in the computer system, just to run this extortion? Bahamians are clueless, they bought in a US Company/Consultants to tell them what to do with us, and set up this system...Tell us, the Bahamian people how much money you ended up paying to install a system to extort money, for life from the backs of hard working families. Most of us have to work dam hard to pay off our 15 to 25 years mortgage, with much sacrifices, and rightfully so, we all want a home for our family. YOu think Government People!!!! long and hard, how these families have to pay for upkeep of their homes. Do you help them fix the holes in the roof, or the rusting electricals, the plumbing, the falling walls, the leaky roofs, the driveways, the gardening, etc, etc. Do you help to pay for any of this. So what gives you the right to tax people "FOr Life" !!! you hear me for life!! paying you a second mortgage?!! Its not right, its extortion! You already collect millions in taxes from other means, I wont even go into all of them, you all know. And, tell me where does all the tax dollars go? Petition for abolishment of these taxes is coming! stay tuned. Bahamians I ask you to stand for something, please! Please stop letting these Administrations dictate to you and telling you what to pay, and how much and how high and how long. We the people, we the voters, it is time we take our roles as the employer, and then give our governments, "our mandate/vision" not theirs! wake up!!!!


Successive Govts. Who run the country like their homes, and the stupid voters who just don’t Clare to voice their disgust, and those whose cars hit pot holes everyday, complaining to themselves whilst paying road taxes, and yet the decay remained for decades…..the stealing of pPublic funds from rtd and all the other govt. offices ..yet no arrest…..what more ddo you expect. “chicken shit Governments in a chicken shit town!!

On Time to clean up Downtown

Posted 23 March 2022, 11:45 p.m. Suggest removal


"One" is absolutely correct. The likes of a Thug who had all is Dirty money legalized by Per r y Christie, without even seeing a Court Room! Criminal and disgusting! Perry should be held liable and should face prosecution because he went against the People's Vote. We are giving positions to people with no morals or integrity, no values, with 10 baby mammas, and another on the way....No wonder the country gets no where, Because of PBDavis can become a PM, any and all of his thugs and hired #5$$ . ANd where is the outcry from the majority on this appointment? Oh I know, some of these voters love corruption, and love money, and because he made money from the fools, and he gave them a fraction back through the occasional win, they worship him...why dont these same gamblers go and see his palatial estate Ocean Estates, and then go back and look at their leaning over homes, with no running water, and no money to buy food. We are dismal, this country! Stand up people for what is right.


People are Adults, live in a democratic society, then the Governments become followers, not Leaders, and start listening to one man. No one, not even Government has the right to mandate anything, you can't force people to take experimental anything, then tell them they cant work or travel. Great, let them all suffer...Until citizens wake up, they will always be like sheeple. World boycott day is coming! Stand up for your rights and freedom people of the world. Let them know who's the Employer and whose the Employee. The Employers are the ones who set their Companies policies, rules, etc. how come we let or give governments Card Blanche to do whatever they please? hence the mess we're in today. Wake up!!


You tell me where in the world any Government have the gumption to come charge you, for life for your own "Private Property"!!!! The hell with them... No one, it doesn't matter who, whether your RIch or Poor should be paying any such Unconstitutional Tax. And yes, stop hating on those who worked hard in their lives to become successful and financially cant just say "Let the Rich pay". Stop being vindictive and jealous, go out and amass your own wealth.
So let's get this straight, does the Government help you repair your home, when the pipes go rusty, and your plumbing breaks, and your roof leaks, and your electrical shot, your driveway falling to pieces, your patio rotten wood, your building painted, your bathrooms fixed, your house painted?, etc? Does the public pass through your private property? People work all their lives working so hard to pay their mortgage off, and they are relieved when that time comes, and they can start to enjoy a good vacation or get something they really wanted....but NOOOOO, greedy Governments, whom we put in power; who work for us....once they get in, they dictate and get Power Hungry, they do not care about us! Most Governments do not care about your happiness. Look at where we are today...because you let your Governments dictate to you, and you are the Employer, and you just complied, and complied..what else do you expect..they will take a mile, laughing at how stupid citizens are. So wake up, and sign the petition to "Abolish Property Tax! Abolish Property Tax!!!


Aren't there allegations to be answered by PBD? Why is he not being questioned in connection with social media posts, et al. When we continue to vote in corrupt people, we should expect no better. Garbage in...garbage out! Period!!!

On Former PM Christie: Drop in voters is a concern

Posted 20 September 2021, 9:04 p.m. Suggest removal


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On GENERAL ELECTION – as it happened

Posted 16 September 2021, 10:33 p.m.


unfortunately the dna is not the party; they are never prepared!! Any serious Candidate or party would have been preparing from after the last Admin was voted in. Not to mention this women has nothing it takes to Lead a Nation. Coalition Leader we watched for several years; he's been doing his homework, working very hard from day 1. Folks would do better voting all these parties out, because thats just what they are " Having carnival like parties in Rallies to evoke fake emotions that has nothing to do with talent and Leaders with Morals, ethics, values and integrity, with proven track records, etc. There should be a space on the ballot that reads " None of the Above" whatchall tink!!? THen we get a fresh start to pick decent, upstanding people to run our country, we set the vision as voters. Remember Folks, you are the Employer, they are the Employees...So you should have the power to Hire and Fire! Amen!!!!

On ‘A lot to do to ensure a smooth vote’

Posted 12 September 2021, 11:30 p.m. Suggest removal


When intelligent people, with good values, Morals, Ethics, Diplomacy, leadership skills, people or CEO's with proven track records of running successful companies, sit by and do not offer themselves to help our Country, then what do we expect when we vote for people, who have No Class, No values, No moral or ethical fiber in them. Phillip Brave running!!! Minnis got the PM job! Lord have mercy, if they can run for PM, then any Dog can run. Are you telling me we cannot do any better than this people of the Bahamas! Stop the madness on these crazy hyped up motorcades that leads to nothing but more money in the pockets of thieves who raped this country, keep us taxed to poverty and steal our hopes of enjoying a beautiful life with our families. The Country that God gave us all to enjoy, were giving away. Remember Voters, you are the Employer! not the Employee of the you should tell them what you want. We set the goals. We tell them what we want to see in our country and where we want to take it! Not the other way around....thats why they are arrogant, we let them just run amuck and do whatever the heck they want with us!! The devil is a liar!! Give this country a chance with new Leaders.