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This country will never get anywhere near decent! Because we vote for Party and stupidity, we vote for corruption and some Men and Women with no morals, values, integrity. The sitting PM started with a lie, the former PM's all started with a lie, and We wont even talk about the one one in the Yellow shirt, who dear aspire to be a PM, with a track record the reaps of corruption, disgust and sweethearting. And where are the honest Journalists' in this country, who wont even put the right questions to these candidates. If you could lie, cheat on your wife, and steal from your clients, how could you put yourselves forward to Lead our country? And many Bahamians know that most of these Politicians have no values or morals, some of them are married, and sweetheart like crazy!!! Sure no ones perfect, but we have to pick a team that has some upstanding, proven track records of success, etc. have etiquette and decorum, and a real not fake heart for the people. And yes, just because a person is nice, does not make them a good leader, or because the women dress nice!! its quite shallow...use your intelligence this election, and vote for a change, what are we scared of..we are the Employers, we set our own manifesto. If there is anytime for the Bahamas to show that we are not a bunch of corrupt people, looking for handouts, the time is now to vote in a new breed of younger people to take this country to the level it should have been decades ago. RIse up wake up from slumber and laziness people and vote for better.


The audacity of any human being or Government to advocate Mandatory Vaccinations!! Please stop! Use your brains:…. At least there are still some humans who use their own God given intelligence and immune systems.…. GOd will have the final say.…. Here is the fact, the fact is most people being admited are Vaxed! MSM will tell you its the unVaxed? Think... and watch how every country or state in the USA that has low Vax rates, suddenly their numbers just go up? There is something going on...and people need to wake up. In GOd we trust!


Dear God help these fake lying people, who are putting Philanthropy behind their names. Its all ulterior motive to try to get people to like them and be on their side. If people fall for this nonsense, they too will fail. The former administration Leader should be prosecuted for legalizing the numbers gambit, and all those who were running gambling houses should wonder were a nation of corrupt people! It is time citizens of Bahamas take a stand. a stand for Morals, decency, ethics, values integrity, if they call themselves children of God!. Time to set an example and show the world that we do not tolerate corrruption!


Please, Please stop with this Card Blance approach that everyone should violate their bodies and inject a substance. There are many who have severe allergies. We were given an immune system to fight viruses, so let those who would prefer to let their immune system work, alone...leave them alone!!! And this thing about stopping people from travelling? that is a direct violation and and not constitutional.. so stop spreading that narrative people! Honestly, citizens are their own worst enemies! So those who want to take the jab, let them, its their choice, and those who do not, its their choice too. So let those who took it, stay on one side and those who do not take it, can then move to another town/city/country. Andros should sell to all those who want to let nature and their immune system takes its course. Why not!


dr. sands is absolutely correct indeed! It is just wrong! For example... We have 3 kids, and wanted to take them to Eleuthera for the weekend. My Lord the ticket price to eleuthera, the covid test for all 5 of us, and then also the Bahamas GOV. visa will cost us $40.00 each! How can they have a conscious doing this to people man! No one can travel with families to help boost family island economies! you should only need a rapid antigen, God knows a lot of bahamians got that covid back in late 2019 early 2020, i think were immune, seriously. I know a lady who got it back in October 2019, and she said she has not gotten it again...and thee are many stories like that out there. Dr. Sands makes common sense most of the time.....Dr. Sands you gat my vote!

On ‘Time to move on from PCR test’

Posted 23 March 2021, 9:08 p.m. Suggest removal


Real property tax collection should be abolished forthwith. Firstly it is unconstitutional, just like in many other parts of the world. That is why, in some countries, Citizens are finally standing up. We should never again allow any Governments to dictate how we want our country managed. We the people hire them, and so we the people should grade them, just like in any other private/corporate business. Think about it, would you hire A CEO to run your country and let them run amuck with whatever he wants to do with your Company? Similarly, we the People hire the Government, but we should give them the Mandate or Vision we would like to see. Had we done that decades ago, The Bahamas would have been the envy of the world! Because then, we would have elected reputable, upstanding Individuals with values and morals, ethics, those with proven track record of successful businesses, whether local or International. It is time to rid ourselves of the 2 party systems, and stand strong together as citizens of this Country. start fresh. Fire both parties, it is time. Now about ALbany....unbelievable how arrogant some of these Foreigners are, and cheap too!...they do not pay for nothing! not even groceries, furniture do they pay duties on. ... The resort was given concessions when they were building, but its long finished. and these concessions should not have been passed to people who rent or even own or build homes..when Bahamians, struggling Bahamians, have to pay! This must stop. And do not think they do not brag about it! Also those Albany people would not think twice about buying some stupid painting for 50,000 dollars, or pay some foreigner to do work for them 200% more but than they would pay a local professional for the same services. Shameful. SOme of them come to this country, knowing its predominately black, and they are as racist as hell!. do not come to this country if you hate black people. Ask any of them if they have any black bahamian friends? go ahead ask? They think they are better, well I would rather live off our land, and eat from my garden, than watch some of these racists foreigners operate in this country. Truth is truth.. ALbany, Old Fort and all the other foreigners should pay the same tax the locals pay. PERIOD!


If any of these new Candidates had an ounce of Integrity, they would not and never align themselves with a known corrupt party... period! It is a fact and clear that the Bahamian Tax payers money has been used, abused and mismanaged over these decades! Just because they all walked free, does not mean they aren't guilty. Repent! God has the final say.

On PLP old guard signed on for fight in 2022

Posted 4 February 2021, 9:45 p.m. Suggest removal


All for me! Leslie Miller?! who gone put a post on FB pretending to be a philanthropist! Laughable...she did that, and used kids, to win a laptop, then called herself a philanthropist! Ask her who she's married digger, numbers guys, illegal numbers guys. Lets see which party will deal with that.....we voted NO to gambling houses, and that Perry man gave them card blanch, now dey all over the island. If this was in AMerica, they could not get away with it. Das probably why the USA don't have an Ambassador....cause perry left crooked Brave in charge! WHat a shame! We could do better than this for picking Leaders, please for Gods sake Bahamas, pick someone with Integrity, morals, ethics and has a proven track record of success as a CEO. TIme for us to place an Advertisement for a Team to run our country for 4 years.

On PLP old guard signed on for fight in 2022

Posted 4 February 2021, 9:42 p.m. Suggest removal


Exactly! If we are honest with ourselves, we would not have allowed some of these Politicians to Run our country, knowing that they are sweet hearters, cheaters and corrupt. Seems some Bahamians love that piracy legacy. Wake up Bahamas! We cannot ever allow these hypocrites back in power.

On PLP old guard signed on for fight in 2022

Posted 4 February 2021, 9:35 p.m. Suggest removal


Agreed, thie Idi Amin man has a lot of nerves! We need Independent Candidates, whose proven to at least have some moral decency; ethics and decorum. There is no way that we should have accepted most of these Leaders, past and present with questionable backgrounds. Truth be told, If you can lie and cheat on your wife and family, how do you expect to run a Country? You cannot vote for corruption with a clear conscious and then proclaim to be a CHristian?!!!!