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Agree 200% with Mr. Holdom! Why, Why do we keep our very own Solar Professionals from moving up in this industry? Any Solar Job, Large or Small, should be given to a Bahamian reputable local Solar Companies in this Nassau, I am aware of APS, and from what I have heard, they are very knowledgeable about everything Solar, because they keep updated and current with latest technology. Imagine training our young men to do something powerful as Solar energy! I implore the Government to give these local Companies a chance, the opportunity they deserve to grow just as big as the Foreign companies they seek to hire. Speak up Bahamas about these injustices!

On Solar’s pioneers being ‘bypassed’

Posted 22 January 2021, 12:23 a.m. Suggest removal


Can anyone say that there lives have gotten better under these Administrations? Sure for the opportunist and die hard party supporters. Every single Government worldwide should be ensuring that everyone can live a reasonable and happy and healthy life by giving them the tools and resources they need. Why vote, if your life gets harder and harder, things get more and more expensive, Governments keep taking your money in taxes, vats, even on your personal bank account? taking money from any source you make it? never giving you a break to save and enjoy life. GOd has put enough for everyone's needs but not enough for Greed! Rise up.


FrustratedBusinessman is spot on! The day we disband the two party system is the only way out of this nightmare we put ourselves in every 4 years. The time has come for us to not give anyone man that much Power. Just how you open a business, you seek the best CEO to run it, right. So we the people are the employers, so we should always have the say in everything that runs our Country, instead we go vote, then we go home and shut the door, leaving or giving the politrick-cians card blanche to do whatever they please to us, setting inhumane policies and laws, taxing us to poverty, signing us up for WTO, WHO, and all the other organizations without our approval?!!! No, this must stop....and THe Bahamas will be the first to stand up, Rise up, and say "no more'! Remember, please remember, that you hire the Government and you should be able to'FIRE" them! Dame Joan Sawyer, please help us on this? What does our constitution say?. We should not have to struggle to remove a Government that is ineffective.


There are some Real Estate Firms that bad mouth certain areas in Nassau..I know for a fact a Realtor who said she refused to show her clients anything in a really nice area out West, with lovely homes, because of xyz. Yet they only sell homes that has a gated community, and some even scare prospects by telling them, its crime in some areas out Cable Beach area ,not gated. Man how many times Sandy Port and other gated communities have robberies..they have more than the non gated ones....and sandy port is nothing but Marsh, filled in run off areas that they allowed that Buckner man to build on. use to be some nice ducks in that area. And man who wants to buy in Sandy port anyway, its so jammed up, and they're still putting in more buildings, and filling in more areas. Wonder who approved those, and where is the Phillips women, whose in charge of environment and the Ministry of environment....these projects should have never been an investigation to see who benefited by approving them. Sandy port also has a huge Sewer issue, just go to Twisted Lime, and you could smell the bilge water and idea how people could buy food from them. Do they tell their clients that Sandyport break all environmental laws by filing in the land we need for runoff to avoid overflowing during rainy and hurricane seasons. Then there is Charlottesville, in the back of the bush...and you should see the prices they charge and get for those homes, all because a gate is in front....well many nicer homes out cable beach area, and West Ridge have nicer homes and their own private gates, whats the difference.....but do they all get a fair share of the, because no gates at the entrance there. If i was a resident of that area, I would gate it..i think its privately owned anyway.... if those owners care about their value, they would gate it, just like a neighborhood in there. So Realtors stop bad mouthing homes that are not in gated communities, and stop telling your clients lies about Sandyport GHetto.


It is not constitutional for any Government to trespass on Peoples private Property and demand they pay you for life for owning your own home, that you purchased privately! How could we allow this inhumane collection of money from people who are struggling to pay their Mortgage! A Mortgage is the biggest investment anyone makes....Its a sacrifice for so many, and it takes on average between 10 to 25 to even 30 years to pay it off. DOes the GOvernment understand the struggle for so many, that they place another burden on the backs of the middle class in this country. A family takes 25 years to finally make a last mortgage payment! then along comes Governments demanding them to pay, for life!! Real Property Tax! Its mortgage for Life! Does the Government help to pay to repair that home, when the roof needs repair, when electrical pipes need to be changed, do they help you maintain that home! NO. NO.....they have no right on your private property! No right! CItizens of The Bahamas, stand up, and protest, because your Government is paying millions to a foreign consultant company to put the system in place, like they have in the United States. You cannot paint us with the same brush as these bigger nations! abolish real property tax now!

On No $480m property tax arrears write-off

Posted 2 October 2019, 5:54 p.m. Suggest removal


I totally agree with Mr. Holdom! When will our Citizens wake up and see that we are being dictated to. We are all for Laws, Policies, Rules etc...but not all of these are reasonable. We the People should call our own Meeting and we put together what we feel is fair and decent policies and rules, laws and such, because we decide what is good for our Country! We should never just vote and then let these Politicians decide our fate, without the input of the People who put them there! No one, Government or otherwise should tell you how or which method you use to power your own private home. As long as it is an approved professional Company. Mr. Holdom, I say we start a conversation and invite all Citizens who refuse to be pushed around and dictated to by The very People who put them in Power!


Agreed but we should move for the Abolition of Real property Tax! all you journalist, go and ask the government how much they are paying for those consultants to put in an expensive system for real property tax. they are sending them out to your private property! how dare one has the right to come on your private property to value it and then charge you for it. no way.....government dont pay us when our pipes get rotten, or the house is falling apart, who has to pay to fix it. so what the hell is this real property tax about. Its insane and extortion. No one should have to pay for life Real Property Tax, you work hard enough trying to pay off your 25 yr mortgages, only to be saddled again with a lifetime tax that is not constitutional! Everyone should read this, and think.…

Why do we allow Governments, or vote them in, to tax us to poverty! If you do the Math, we are paying substantial taxes in this country, and get nothing back! Why cant we just be Leaders not followers? Not all Laws created are reasonable, and as such, we need to rid ourselves of the ones that extort from us. abolish real property tax!


Well said WMTS! Because we know the nature of the Beast...I say bring in British Policemen, Judges n all! and change our Electoral system, so that we vote for reputable upstanding C.E.O s or Men and Women with impeccable integrity, morals and values. Then no more can people cry, "oh he got that contract because he's dam PLP or FNM!" For every Bahamian in top Government positions, we should bring in one British to understudy.....and to maintain accountability. Amen!


Agreed with all ! Investigative Journalist do your jobs....put the microphone in the face of the former administration and find out how many of them got a Penthouse at The Pointe?! another energy sucker! and all the countless new developments all over the island that they just signed on to gain political browny points at the expense of consumers....they knew this would put a strain on the unmaintained Power plants they let run to the ground. Lord I pray!

On Baha Mar: Power disruption is not acceptable

Posted 19 August 2019, 11:58 p.m. Suggest removal