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Well said contributors to this article.


Start a petition and a class action law suit....many customers are paying for what they are not getting, yes all of the above happens daily with Cable Bahamas channels. In the middle of watching, it just goes black or grey,and they removed many of the channels you use to have without even advising their clients..its wrong. class action law suit! Speak up consumers or you will continue to be taken for a ride....all around!


Honestly, agree with DDK! How can Bahamians not demand a Forensic Audit into this BEC? I mean go way, way back, decades! There is no way that BPL should be in way...just ask all those folks in Lyford, Albany, Ocean Estates, Old Fort Bay, how much they pay or paid over the last decades...just the accounting from those gated communities should pay off our debt! That's not to say its fair what they have been charging us all! It has and always has been extortion at its highest! Its raging what people pay for electricity on the Island, its more than Mortgage! Greed is the order of day. Time to fix this....and its time to go dig deep and find out where all the money went...Start with Panamanian Banks and the Swiss Banks..even Cayman Island...

On BPL: Base rate cut 'genesis' of woes

Posted 19 August 2019, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal


Why does he have a need to mention ABB? Every single business in this country is affected. Tell that to the Salon owner, who everything ran by electricity.....has a perm or a dryer on a client's head and all shuts down! Tell that to countless Seniors who live alone, where a family member perhaps has to leave work to hopefully take them to a place that has some fan or a/c. The most important point....Generators are pollutants!! TOXIC and Noisy! You cannot even open your windows SIr! to get some fresh air, so you sweat buckets! this is a national crisis sir! this is no joke! The next crisis will be consequences of people having to inhale the toxic fumes, and listen to the horrible loud generator motors going off around them. .....No thanks..would rather Solar. BTW, how dare bpl say they have no money to pay for damages?! You better go back and do forensic audit to find out who took the money! BBP makes millions! someone has to be accountable! For Gods sake Bahamians wake up and say something!

On Frequent outages are hitting Airbnb business

Posted 14 August 2019, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal


The audacity of this man! Jesus take the wheel! Ask them about the JL building on Blake Road! The post office on East Hill, that saw staff working under the most dangerous conditions..for years and years! The Clarence A.Bain Building... all tose govt. buildings that were left in deplorable states, because they were not maintained? Its just like the BPL crisis, this did not happen over night....its years and years of neglect, instead of maintaining the machines, they band aided it, and used the funds for their own good. Journalist of the Bahamas, please, please, why do you have this man of no repute always on your front page..shame..shame... do your investigative work, and come out with facts. Stop giving this man the time of day..he does not deserve it.






Some citizens are quick to complain, but let's remember, the ease of doing business in this country has been lacking from Governments past and present. It's nothing new! Why would this man be complaining now, and did not in the past? Sure, agree with him, to some extent. The current Administration is at least attempting to fix some of our problems. What we need is complete fresh start in this country, by that I mean get rid of Parties, both PLP and FNM..once we change our electorate system, and vote in reputable C.E.O s with tract records, et al.....we may begin to see some progress. No Lawyers please!!! We the people will do the hiring, its about time we The People act like the Employer!


Honestly, lets be honest!! If you vote in Men with no Morals or values or coot,etiquette or diplomacy, Men who cheat on their wives, etc. how do you expect the country to be ran? Why would any right thinking well read and intelligent Voter, who knows the facts vote this Party back in? We will then remain the laughing stock of the world! Move on.....we can do better, even if it means taking our chance with the lesser of the two...current administration, and building a new and better opposition. Yes, the day we rid ourselves of Parties, is the day we move forward.


People will swear for their Party! those colors Red and Yellow! Until we stop voting for Party or color, we will never get anywhere in this country! No matter how you try to defend a party, or call names about whose doing what, etc. remember one thing! god has the rap sheet on each and everyone! we can do things in the dark, but jesus sees all things! What you do in the Dark will come to Light!. Live by the 10 commandments to start off!


Posted 27 July 2019, 9:51 p.m. Suggest removal