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If we be stupid enough to put these corrupt criminals back in office, then we deserve what follows! We need to change our 2 party systems and look for CEO s of good repute and track records to run our country. never again should we allow the plp back into office...never. never..we must all learn from our Mistakes! They all have God to answer too.....Oh when are you all moving into your The Pointe Pent houses? Journalist go and put the Mic into their faces and ask the hard questions......


Posted 25 July 2019, 4:45 p.m. Suggest removal


The country needs to wake up..the sooner they get rid of Party Systems, i.e. FNM and PLP, and vote in Men and Women of good repute, solid demonstrated track record of success, morally upstanding and high values and standards. Try C.E.O s who run top rated companies, let them debate, like all civilized countries do, and vote yourselves in people who care about its Citizens and progress for ALL! Anyone who align themselves with the likes of that former Administration has put themselves in the same corrupt stew! At least the current Admin. is doing better.....lesser of the two evils.....


Please get out of Politics Fredrica! Once you align yourself with that corrupt PLP party, you have no integrity left....period! and that goes for Chester too....The dirt will come out soon, and you will al be judged accordingly. I implore all of those who benefited from stealing from the Public Purse to ask for forgiveness and turn themselves in.


Running the country like their dysfunctional homes! It is embarrassing how we allow our Country to be so inefficient! This is why we need a New Fresh start, choosing Honorable and track recorded C.E.O. s , of good repute to run our affairs. Calling all Men and Women with decency, good morals, values, integrity, honesty. Do we have such, you bet!


What do we expect, voters just go to the polls, cast their vote, then go home and never look back, just allowing some greedy Politicians, Card Blanche!!! to do what they want with the Peoples Money. Treating the country and the public treasury like they run their homes. Problem No. One....we have lost our Moral Compass, Values and Standards. If a Politician can lie and cheat on his Wife, or vice versa, how can you expect them to run a Country?! The time has come to put a Microscope under every single person that want to run...forget parties, we will elect Morally decent, sound, Men and Women/C.E.O. s, as suggested by someone on social media. The day we get rid of both Colors in this Country, i.e. FNM and PLP, the sooner we can get a fresh start. As for the Roads..If it was not for HAI, we would still be driving on worst roads, and all we the voters do is complain, instead of keeping an eye on where all the money has gone from Road Traffic! FNM where are the Forensic Audits that should have been done on all the public accounts? Do the Math, we have almost 600 thousand vehicles on this little island, drivers license plus car license over all these years....Its maddening to think that no one has been put before the courts! God knows the truth, and the people who have been stealing all their lives will have to answer to him!

On Hot Mix offered to raise $750m loan

Posted 10 July 2019, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal


I agree with Jack Arawak!

On Hot Mix offered to raise $750m loan

Posted 10 July 2019, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal


Our heavenly Father, Jesus, we say a prayer for all those subjected to abuse during their childhood or life, and we ask that you deliver them all from the evil and perverse lifestyle that they think or feel is natural. Why would anyone need a Gay Pride Parade, it is nothing to be proud of. No human being should be subjected to what you do behind close doors. Its your private life, so why shove it in the Media as though it is natural. One thing is for certain, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. It is clear that Male has a Male anatomy and a female a female anatomy, putting the 2 together, in holy matrimony they can procreate, as God intended. 2 males or 2 females cannot produce. To the LGBT community, you cannot call people Homophobic because they do not agree with your life style, or haters. You cannot go out demanding that we accept that 2 males or 2 females is normal. it is not! Christians are being hated because of their beliefs? It is wrong. Why are we following the world? We have our own belief systems here on this Island, we have always believed in the Trinity, we have been worshiping in spirit and in truth. Every single Church has been filled with Homosexuals for decades worldwide, and God welcomes all people into the church, to hear the Gospel of Christ that people can turn from their wicked ways, and be convicted and come to Christ. Remember it is an Abomination, you cannot change that from the Bible...Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed... the final words of Christ. now go sin no more!!


Wow, some people are so blinded by their greed and insatiable appetite for power. PLP is the father/inventor of lies and corruptness! The former Administration has been in power far longer than the current Administration. The Children's Ward did not just deteriorate over night! it has been a long standing issue, in fact the entire hospital! Read the article, PLP would rather party than look after sick kids! The day we get rid of PLP and FNM parties altogether, the better it will be. We will not vote for any of these parties next election! Rather, we will vote in, seasoned C.E.Os, who we the people will elect, we will give them our Collective Vision and Agenda to carry out, and we will then, hand select the Lawyers we want representing us, the People! Together, the people, We, will weed out inhumane laws and policies, we will ensure that our Sovereignty remain in tact; we will ensure our Educated citizens are given equal opportunities, and make this Commonwealth of the Bahamas, the Envy of the World! it should be or should have been!


Agree with most sentiments posted here. Who does Mr. Kinsale think he is fooling? Why did he do this article...they do it to stay relevant and to try pretend they have a good reputatin and heart. Name one community they built geared towards affordable homes for young professionals? First off, why don't we just do a forensic audit on how Mr. Kinsale came into his wealth? All these high end developments I suspect, does not belong to Mr. Kinsale, the numbers boy knows just how to use the once legitimate Developers, who went bankrupt to help them launder their dirty numbers money all over this country! Gamblers all over this country are giving their hard earned money to these numbers bosses easily, whilst they have to get up and work countless hours to make a salary. They live in their fancy Ocean Estates homes, whilst the poor gambler scrambles to find money to pay for food, light and wonder. And you would think they would build homes for the low to middle such thing, its all about the money, money, money...greed, greed, greed, and extortion. The Expat investors are over paying for them anyway...One Cable beach looks nothing like the rendering, they deviated from the plan, and so it looks like a Police Barracks or a commercial building from the outside. They also racked up the prices from the original first brochure, ensuring out of the reach of most Bahamians. Now lets talk about the greedy Realtors, who tell all the Expats to stay away from East and West, unless its gated......there are many lovely homes in the East and West just sitting because Realtors and some Lawyers are telling them not to buy in regular neighborhoods, such as Westward Villas, Cable Beach, The Grove, West Ridge Estates, etc. Well there are many lovely homes in those areas, and they have far less crime than some gated communities,....Sandy Port always have incidences, and so too does Lyford Cay,Old Fort Bay..... so Realtors stop this practice forthwith!!!! and show the clients homes in all areas, not just the gated ones.....Let them choose for themselves. We are kept down by are very own..sad..sad.....


People have no shame! Anyone that aligns themselves with the former Administration is corrupt...period! Their records speak for itself. There is not doubt that theft has been going on for decades in this country, and, i dare say, under the PLP. You think you can hide from the almighty God..he knows all things, no matter what they say, because what you do in the dark will come out in the light. All she does is rant about nothing, because they are jealous of the way Minnis is reaching the people, although, some of us have a problem with the way in which he does things....all in all Minnis has a heart for the people...he just made a mistake not letting people know what state those mafia PLP people left this country in! If he had done that in black and white, people would understand more. Raising vat to 12 percent