Comment history

ADubbs says...

Where did you get that information?
How do you not see an issue with people not having assistance for any period of time?

On New benefit programme suspended

Posted 25 August 2017, 2:17 p.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

This is an unfortunate position to take, and seems to be ill-informed. The "referendum" on gambling was nothing more than an opinion poll conducted at the (poor) discretion of the government. A referendum is not needed for legislation, but it is absolutely necessary for a change to the constitution. The constitution itself states this, and constitutional referenda are binding. Choosing not to participate is silencing oneself, and does not spite the government in the least.

On Why I won’t vote

Posted 8 March 2016, 9:19 a.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

You are misinformed. The bills concerning children will not be retrospective. People born before 1973 will not be entitled to Bahamian citizenship. Additionally, Bill #4 seeks to allow protection for males and females from discrimination under the law. A vote for Bill #4 is not a vote for same sex marriage as the Marital Causes Act is protected by the provision of 26(4)(c).

On Two FNMs have concerns about referendum bills

Posted 11 December 2014, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

No, it doesn't. Read Article 26 of the Constitution. You will see that there are exceptions. Marriage laws are exempt from Article 26. This gives legislation ability to discriminate on specific grounds. See Article 26(4)(c).

On Will Marriage Act be void?

Posted 28 August 2014, 11:45 a.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

These comments have absolutely nothing to do with the argument against this plagiarist becoming President of COB.

ADubbs says...

Disappointing, disgraceful, and disastrous. Fitting for a D-average country. Forget COB's motto. Flush it down the toilet.
Seeking university status? What a joke!
Members of the Council should be ashamed of themselves. There is a price to be paid for this. I hope their motivations were worth it.

ADubbs says...

Plagiarizing is most certainly NOT a mistake. It is a willful act. This man should be both ashamed and unwilling to put COB in such a terrible position. They are seeking university status. Who will be able to take the institution seriously with a known, proven CHEAT - a thief of another's work. What sort of example is this to set for the students of COB? How will the College take action when students are found to plagiarize or cheat?

Mistakes do not make great leaders. They make messes.

A cheat and a thief cannot be trusted. Rodney Smith does not deserve trust.

On COB chooses Rodney Smith as president

Posted 31 July 2014, 8:50 a.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

Talk to the magistrates. They're doing a lousy job, and it prompts people to seek other measures. A few months ago there was a story of a woman who was beaten badly by a man and may not recover sight in one of her eyes, and the man had to pay a fine that wouldn't even cover her medical expenses. A few weeks ago, two people found guilty of theft were told to pay the victim back, apologize, and do community service. Justice does not prevail in this country!

ADubbs says...

They need to learn to pay their bills! They have that beautiful building to operate from, very close to the cruise ships, and their rent is only $140 a month? what more do they want?! When you don't pay your rent, you get evicted. It's as simple as that. What the hell do they want anyone to do about the consequence for their failure to pay?

On Vendors evicted at Straw Market

Posted 14 July 2014, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

So the Queen - who does not live here and rarely visits - knows who the PM has selected, but the people must wait for it to be revealed? What a bunch of garbage!

This gov't, specifically the PM, certainly does all it can to show us how little relevance we have in its eyes. The leaders of this country do not care what we think, what we want, or how we are affected by its decisions.

If they select Lady Pindling, there will be a lot of displeased people. I just hope they are all prepared to raise hell. We don't need another person in leadership, collecting our money, who does not care to meet his/her own obligations, or feels entitled to tax-free living.

On Queen notified of choice for governor role

Posted 27 June 2014, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal