Comment history

ADubbs says...

The article is primarily about sex workers, and not MSM (though they are mentioned).

ADubbs says...

Very misleading. This article has nothing to do with sexual preference.

ADubbs says...

4 years is a long time to wait for justice. Maybe if the court system improved we would see less criminals being released. Maybe then we would see witnesses and complainants showing up.

This is absolutely disgusting.

Even without witnesses and the complainant, why was no evidence presented? Did they not have any?

On Four accused of rape walk free

Posted 14 May 2014, 11:02 a.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

Indeed! She did not address him or what he did, or what the rest of them did, in the least. I can't believe she took two days to come up with THAT.

ADubbs says...

Munroe needs to have a seat. Who does he think he is? He needs to concern himself with his church and leave governing to the government.

ADubbs says...

Tell 'em, D!

ADubbs says...

Can't these idiots just make a decision?! Stop wasting money asking us every single thing. It's not like they follow through and do what we vote for anyway. Put the bills forward. Pass the laws. Stop this laziness you call governing, Christie! Man up. Do what you want, and then carry the blame for it.

ADubbs says...

Well, everyone else is getting robbed. Maybe this is a criminals' cry for help. They are attacking the higher-ups, saying, "Please! Stop us! Can you see us now? Do we have your attention now?!"


Posted 9 December 2013, 12:38 p.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

Man, PGC can't waste his big words on this small issue. Y'all better relax before he asks to be put in a medically induced coma. You know he's been tired for months, and now, after all that travelling, what do you expect?

On PM silent on double dipping

Posted 28 November 2013, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

The Tribune could use a lot less paper and ink by printing what PGC IS aware of.

On PM not aware of cost of trip

Posted 28 November 2013, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal