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ADubbs says...

Any more promises in that big bag of promises, PGC?
It would be nice if just ONE of them could be delivered. Oh, wait! That's the FNM's job. Ha!

On Briefly

Posted 28 November 2013, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

I see a lot of ridiculous things in the news, but this... This is just... Who ARE these morons? Why would they stop volunteers from coming in to help take care of this problem? They suddenly want to do it themselves? And want to be PAID?! Get the hell out of here! The next person to suffer an attack should be one of those idiots.

ADubbs says...

Nothing wrong with these church men shutting their mouths and sticking to what they know.
Who asked Stupid Hall for his opinion on this issue?

On Hall: nothing wrong with reasonable force

Posted 4 September 2013, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

GOOD. I'm glad they are finally pressing charges against that idiot. He is disgusting, and a poor excuse for a human being.

ADubbs says...

I agree with Miller. disconnect!
There are a lot of people struggling to pay their bills. BEC disconnects homes owing a few hundred dollars. Why not the hotels?! And they owe millions?! cut. them. off!
It is NOT Miller's job to keep those people employed. That falls to the hotel. His job to take care of his constituency and do what is right for the Corporation. cut. them. off!
People don't stay in hotels for free. Don't do it!

On 'Sack Miller over hotel threat'

Posted 2 July 2013, 4:34 p.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

everyone deserves to be protected. We, as a people, should NOT stand for the absolute foolishness and LIES being spewed by the idiots we are sorry to call "leader" of this country. How idiotic to say that we should exclude a group of people because there are no formal complaints from them. And we KNOW that THAT is a big, stinking lie.

Good job, Erin Greene! Thank you for speaking up!

I would love to see what dumb ish Maynard-Gibson has the balls to respond with.

ADubbs says...

I would have slapped him too if I'd told him to move his arm. I have no tolerance for violations of my personal space.

It is regrettable that it happened the way it did, but is anyone TRULY surprised?

It's ridiculous that we expect our children to be respectful in school, but our leaders give them no good examples to follow.

On FNM deputy slaps PLP MP in House

Posted 12 June 2013, 3:05 p.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

What an IDIOT.
Let's wait for loads of complaints come in. Let's encourage people to discriminate based on sexual orientation by intentionally leaving it out.
How does that make sense?!
The leaders of this country REFUSE to be precautionary rather than reactionary. This is why we never get anywhere. This is why there is so much hate in this place. This is why people are suffering.
I hope people don't forget to discriminate against her for being utterly stupid. There's no law against that, right?

ADubbs says...


On Delays after US diplomat is robbed

Posted 11 June 2013, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal

ADubbs says...

Wait. Which one is it? Were operations shutdown in response to violence in the country, or was the office unable to function without this person being present? One or the either. Which is it?

On Delays after US diplomat is robbed

Posted 11 June 2013, 1:07 p.m. Suggest removal