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Alan1 says...

Until we get rid of the Health Visa and the tests to enter our country we will never see a return to pre-Covid travel numbers. Potential visitors do not have the time or the will to go through all the hassles to come here when they can go most other places with far fewer requirements. The Government and those associated with the Health Visa are both making money from the tourists who are willing to come here. But it has been a great deterrent for many to book for trips here. Many simply cannot get a rapid antigen test anywhere near where they live, or if available, cannot get here within the required three day limit because it takes too long to receive the test result. The tourism industry here is the big losers in all this process .Yet the roadblocks continue.

On Tourists’ five-day test to be scrapped

Posted 4 March 2022, 12:40 a.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We shall look forward to their visit and all the publicity for The Bahamas which will result especially about environmental initiatives.

On Dates for Royal visit revealed

Posted 26 February 2022, 11:37 a.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

Until we get rid of the Health Visa and all the health tests which are time consuming and expensive many people who would come here are going elsewhere. Florida tourism is booming. There have been so many complaints over the past year but the old and new Government stubbornly refuse to ease the rules. I wonder if those who designed the rules would undertake all the requirements themselves to just go on a vacation. This has seriously harmed our tourism numbers and many people who formerly came here are going elsewhere and, according to reports, have no plans to return here anytime soon. The stories from Government officials that the Health Visa has been "successful" are ludicrous. Travel agents from the U.S.A.,Canada and the U.K. have all said in letters to The Tribune that it is killing tourism to our Bahamas. Why have the business and hotel operators not complained over the years rather than accepting measures which are harming their businesses?

Alan1 says...

Until the Government abolishes the cumbersome and expensive Health Visa and ends all the rapid antigen tests required to enter and stay in our country we will never see a return to the travel numbers we had pre-Covid. They have become a nuisance and time consuming and many people are travelling elsewhere and can enter other destinations without all the hassles. But so far the Government refuses to budge so our winter season will not be as successful as had been hoped.

Alan1 says...

Sir Godfrey was a very fine gentleman. He led a life of dedicated service to our Bahamas and to his fellow citizens. His contributions in so many endeavours have long been appreciated. He will truly be missed. It was fitting that The Governor-General, on behalf of our Queen, attended the service to pay tribute to this most remarkable man.

On Final respects paid to Sir Godfrey Kelly

Posted 19 February 2022, 6:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

Sir Godfrey was a very fine gentleman. He was a true Bahamian and committed his life to the service of his country and his fellow citizens. He had a remarkable record of dedication to our Bahamas and many causes. He will truly be missed. It was fitting that The Governor-General, on behalf of our Queen, paid tribute to Sir Godfrey by attending the funeral service.

Alan1 says...

Trudeau called an unnecessary election at the end of last summer in the hope of regaining the majority he had lost in the election less than two years before. It was costly and he won another minority with the smallest vote share-just above 30%- ever recorded for a "winner". A rejection by 70% of voters. Rather than exercise restraint in his actions he has successfully through his arrogant attitude and terrible accusations against all who criticize him- to turn the public against him. The Opposition parties who have the majority- do not want yet another election so the country is in a stalemate. His star is fading quickly.

Alan1 says...

I would not get overly excited about a relaxation of the rules for returning Canadians. They first have to find somewhere in Canada where they can get a Rapid Antigen Test to ENTER The Bahamas. Speaking to Canadians today there are massive shortages of these tests and average cost,if available, ranges from $100-$200 and results can take up to 48 hours for the written result. . Then they have to scan it to Nassau for our Health Visa which is cumbersome. Confirmation time varies from a few hours to 2 days for the Visa. . And they have to be in Nassau by the third day!. Mostly impossible. Whoever dreamed up these rules they are a complete failure to attract visitors. Even our regular winter residents cannot get here in the short time limits. The whole situation with the Visa and tests should be abolished immediately if we are ever to get back to pre-Covid numbers. Where is the common sense?

Alan1 says...

We will look forward to their visit . Prince William and his wife have been very interested in promoting environmental and climate change concerns which are vital issues for our country . Their contribution at the recent international conference in Glasgow was well received. The publicity associated with their visit should raise our problems internationally. We have a good system of government which works well here. It is a democratic foundation which has encouraged investment together with an impartial court system which is important for investors to ensure their assets are protected. Why would we want to change a system which works? There are enough failed third world republics. Why would we want to join that club?

On Duke and Duchess to visit The Bahamas

Posted 15 February 2022, 8:02 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We shall look forward to the visit by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Their great interest in the environment has allowed us to focus on this issue with international interest. Prince William was very forthcoming in his views to assist smaller nations like ourselves tackle the climate change crisis. We need his support. Our form of parliamentary government under The Crown will continue . It is an historic heritage of freedom which has served us well. We are a sound place to invest with this system of government included in which is our impartial court system. Let us be proud of our Bahamas and our heritage. Why change a system which works?