Comment history

Alan1 says...

A wonderful welcome to the Royal Couple . We are proud of our history,our heritage and I am sure they will have a lovely and meaniingful visit to our country.

Alan1 says...

We are looking forward to welcoming this dynamic progressive younger couple who are dedicating their time to help environmental and charitable causes throughout the 54 member Commonwealth.

Alan1 says...

The letter writer has said a future choice for our Bahamas is between a realm state and a democratic republic. Nearly all the countries which deposed our Monarchy have turned out to be failed third world republics with autocratic leaders, human rights abuses and failing economies. Investments have left and their future is not very bright. The latest example is Barbados. Their Prime Minister Mia Mottley imposed a republic on the Barbados people without proper consultation and without a referendum to let the people decide their future. Two opinion polls showing the people would not support her republic were ignored. Hardly a suitable or encouraging start after they abolished a fully democratic constitutional monarchy. I certainly hope that our country will keep a system which has worked well and gives us stability and progress like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries.

On Governor General successor

Posted 22 March 2022, 10:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We are fortunate to have inherited the British form of governmrnt. . We have a free Parliament, an impartial Governor-General and an excellent and fair court system. Why would we want to throw all of that away and become another failed third world republic. ? It makes no sense. The move to a republic in Barbados was rushed with little public consultation and no referendum. Hardly a good start. for a new start as they said there. Where will their investment come from now that many countries are pulling out their investments. China is very involved now in Barbados. Do we want that fate? I certainly hope not.

Alan1 says...

The Royal Visit will give us tremendous publicity worldwide so any costs incurred will be minimal compared to the positive results for our tourism. We need more of a world view. It is also a chance to show appreciation for our democratic freedoms- Parliament and our court system which is a significant heritage from the United Kingdom. This has given us stability and a safe place for investment. Let us appreciate our heritage.

Alan1 says...

An excellent letter and right to the point. However will the Tourism Minister and his officials listen? They have brushed off all the criticism over the past two years of the complicated entry rules. We have lost so many visitors due to these poorly thought out policies.

On No sign of normal

Posted 18 March 2022, 10:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

If we had abolished The Health Visa and ended all the tests we would be receiving far more visitors in this the best time of the year to attract tourism. Sadly all the complaints over the past year have been brushed aside so all the cumbersome requirements to enter our country have substantially reduced tourism. Peopke are travelling elsewhere to our detriment.

Alan1 says...

If Covid is coming to an end when is Minister Cooper going to abolish the anti-tourism Health Visa? He admitted several weeks ago that it was just for marketing information. It has just become a tax and has now nothing to do with health. All the time consuming requirements and expense have turned many people off coming to our country . The Bahamian public are the big losers with this poorly conceived policy.

Alan1 says...

The Government should abolish the Health Visa immeciately.. It has just become a money making operation for the Government and those associated with the online payment system.

Alan1 says...

As long as the cumbersome Health Visa requirements remain and tests before people can come here and tests to get back home we shall never return to pre-Covid numbers. People can and are going elsewhere as other destinations are nearly all easier to enter than our country . . There are too many expensive hassles to come here. The Health Visa appears not to be for health reasons at all but a tax and money making operation for Government and their friends operating the payment system online.