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Alan1 says...

We shall never return to pre-Covid19 numbers until the Health Visa and all the tests are abolished and we return to the easy access to our country which was a successful policy for decades. The more complicated the entry the fewer visitors we will have. However the Tourism Minister so far refuses to open our borders to a more tourist friendly welcome.

Alan1 says...

This is an excellent letter outlining the problems to enter our country.It is done in a spirit of goodwill and constructive criticism. We are falling behind because visitors,as he says, can go nearly everywhere else without all the hassles. Tourism is too important for our economy to be ignoring advice from people who actually book visitors to our shores. We have to make the final decision but with Covid19 declining it is sound advice to get our economy up and running again.

Alan1 says...

It was a wonderful visit to the school and to our country. May they soon return.

Alan1 says...

It was a wonderful visit to The Bahamas. We are proud to be in the Commonwealth and thankful to The Queen for over 70 years of service building up our multi-racial Commonwealth.

Alan1 says...

The Health Visa and all the tests should be abolished immediately, We have had two years of complaints from overseas travel agents and visitors how difficult and impossible in many cases to come here. We have lost so many visitors and revenue to our competitors who did not impose the time consuming entry requirements. All the legitimate complaints were ignored by both governments. . No wonder hotel workers did not have jobs and hotels closed. Even regular visitors are going elsewhere now. A tragic error on the part of the Ministry of Tourism and the two Ministers.

On Health Visa providers warned on testing end

Posted 28 March 2022, 10:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

The Royal Visit was a smashing success. The dynamic young couple are learning more about the Commonwealth countries and are so willing to help us which is good news. Let us be proud of our history and heritage.

Alan1 says...

It was a wonderful visitThe Royal Couple mixed with all the Bahamian people so well. The publicity overseas has been so positive for our country. Let us be proud of our history and heritage. We should be thankful for our inheritance from the U.K.of a free parliament and our legal system. Bahamas is a safe place to invest as a result.

On Bahamas bids farewell to the Royal couple

Posted 28 March 2022, 10:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We are fortunate to have the democratic foundation of a constitutional monarchy. It has served us well over many years as it continues to do so in our neighbour Canada where there is NO republic talk. How would we benefit by a republic? I can see no advantage. We have a free Parliament, an impartial Governor-General and the British style court system which is the envy of the world. That is why investment comes here. Their money and resources are safe here. The world including some Commonwealth countries have abolished the Monarchy. Most of them have become failed third world republics like Zimbabwe. The economy is in a perilous state there, mass unemployment, little if no investment coming in , a dictatorial President and human rights abuses. But now they are "free" of the Monarchy and have become a total disaster. Let us as Bahamians be proud of our history and heritage. The Royal Visit was a smashing success. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge interacted so well with all the Bahamians and are eager to help us with our problems. The Queen's tremendous record of service to the Commonwealth is to be highly appreciated. We need to look at all the benefits we have under this proven system of government. To the doubters all I can say is "Wake up to the real world". !

On The debate on Republic has begun

Posted 28 March 2022, 8:33 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

Why change what works? Our Monarchy system with an impartial Governor-General, freely elected Parliament and impartial courts is sound and our democratic foundation. Investment comes into our country because of the stability of this system. We would become like all the other failed third world republics going down. Just look at the countries who abolished our Monarchy like Zimbabwe and many others. Now they are in a perilous state with mass unemployment, a dictatorial President and human rights abuses. I am very impressed with The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. They took a great interest in all their activities here and the interaction with Bahamians was fabulous. A dynamic younger couple interested in helping the Commonwealth countries. Let us give them our support. Let us as Bahamians be proud of our history and heritage.

On Leslie Miller: Republic issue is dead talk

Posted 28 March 2022, 8:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

Nearly every country which has abolished our Monarchy has joined the ranks of a failed third world republic. Why would we want to change our democratic foundation of a free parliament, our own Governor-General and impartial courts? . This stability has brought us the investment we really need to progress. What advantage to us is a change to a republic? None that I can see.