Comment history

Alan1 says...

A wonderfully sincere message of friendship. We shall look forward to his visit. We are proud to be a part of the Commonwealth of Nations and our long history of association with The Crown.

Alan1 says...

Dr. Gail Saunders served for several years as President of The Bahamas Historical Society as well as her work as Director of the Archives. She brought many historians from The Bahamas as well as other Commonwealth countries to address the members at the monthly meetings of the Society. She made a tremendous contribution to The Bahamas and will be really missed by all who knew her over the years.

Alan1 says...

Many Bahamians have been honoured by our Kings and Queens over our long period of history. This year that tradition continues with our new King Charles III. The monarch's honours are respected throughout the Commonwealth of Nations to which we proudly belong. It is a meaningful way to honour our people for their service to the community.

Alan1 says...

What an encouraging article. We have had a long and mostly happy connection with the U.K. We in The Bahamas share the Monarchy with the U.K.,Canada, Australia,New Zealand and many other Commonwealth nations. Let us continue to work with our friends to our country's benefit.

Alan1 says...

Becoming a republic will not benefit The Bahamas. The current system works well and has a proven track record. The track record of republics which are controlled by politicians is very poor.. We have far more important issues to deal with than getting involved in a divisive prolonged and emotionally charged debate and referendum on abolishing our Monarchy. Canada is certainly not going down that path. The Monarchy is entrenched in their Constitution and very difficult to change. The entrenchment derived from the debate in 1980-1982 when retention was agreed by both the Federal and Provincial Governments. Australia has already rejected a republic decisively at the 1999 referendum and sentiment has not changed despite the media pundits and talking heads. New Zealand has little appetite to get involved in that debate. So if West Indies countries want to change that is up to them. Republics do not bring investments- they turn international people away.

Alan1 says...

Munroe is quite correct. We are proud of our history and heritage. The Governor-General performs important non-poltical duties and attends many functions in an impartial nation-unifying msnner.. We have far more important issues to discuss than changing our form of government. Let us keep a system that works well.

Alan1 says...

A very interesting article. I have also visited India and it is a fascinating place.

Alan1 says...

Let us all give our support to our new King! His grasp of Commonwealth and world issues is significant. All people of goodwill will hope that he succeeds.

On New king can make a difference

Posted 10 May 2023, 1:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We have a proven form of government. Republics have proven to be failures everywhere. Say no to a politician's republic. Let us stay close to our friends. There are far more important issues to deal with than changing our form of government.

Alan1 says...

It was wonderful seeing Sir Cornelius Smith our Governor-General and Lady Smith sitting right behind The Royal Family at the Coronation concert and Prime .Minster Philip Davis behind them. Special places of honour there and at Westminster Abbey for our representatives. Like our neighbour Canada the Constitutional Monarchy system has worked well here for a long period of time . We are best to retain it and keep connected with our friends. Like Canada we are fully independent but maintain the same parliamentary system.