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Alan1 says...

There is really no good reason why we should abolish our democratic inheritance of a stable Monarchy system. The system works well with a parliament, independent British-style courts, a neutral Governor-General above politics and NOT answerable to politicians. A politician's republic would be disastrous. Keep what is proven and a stable system attracting investment. There is too much at stake to change what has been proven to be in our best interests.

On Bahamas ‘not ready’ for step to republic

Posted 13 September 2022, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

I agree with the editorial. A few months ago after the very successful visit of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge the government told us that there were no plans for a republic referendum. Abolishing our current constitutional framework is a major change in our country for which, other than a few voices, was never considered to be on the horizon. There is nothing wrong with our current governmental framework. The Crown is a solid anchor with an impartial Governor-General who is above politics and not in the control of politicians. Why would we ever think of changing a system which works and provides an excellent climate for investment? For our neighbouring Commonwealth country Canada the news networks have been having non-stop coverage of the events about our Queen passing away. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been very strong in his remarks in support of the Monarchy and the excellent way the system works in Canada. We need to better understand what is at stake if we try to abolish our democratic inheritance. Frankly it is a frightening prospect.

Alan1 says...

The last thing we need is a referendum on a republic. Why should our Bahamas join the failed third world republic club?We have an excellent parliamentary system with British-style courts and a neutral Bahamian Governor-General above politics. This system works very well in Canada, Australia,New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries.It attracts needed investment here. Why should we throw all of that away? We have too many other immediate problems before tackling unnecessary issues.


Posted 10 September 2022, 6:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

We are grateful for the 70 years of devoted service given to us and the other Commonwealth countries by our Queen. She was deserving of the highest respect. May She rest in peace! As she wanted let us now as Bahamians give to her son King Charles III our support in the time ahead.

Alan1 says...

We thank God for The Queen's life of devotion to duty and helping the people of The Commonwealth . She was deserving of our greatest respect. She will truly be missed. Now we must give our support to her son - our new King Charles 111 as he continues in her path.

On Bahamians pay tribute to monarch

Posted 9 September 2022, 6:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

Our Queen was deserving of every honour and respect. She served our Bahamas and the other Commonwealth countries with dignity and was always interested in our well being and the progress we were making as a proud independent nation. The Crown is our anchor of stability. Let us be proud of our heritage of freedom and democracy under our Constitutional Monarchy. We now must give our support to our new King - Charles 111 who knows our coun try well.

Alan1 says...

The Queen served The Commonwealth in dedicated service for a remarkable more than 70 years! She has earned our respect and affection. She has trained both Prince Charles and Prince William well to undertake their constitutional duties. The Crown is our anchor of stability in a turbulent world.We have in our Bahamas a freely elected Parliament, British style courts and an impartial Governor-General overseeing the administration. Like Canada, Australia ,New Zealand and other Commonwealth countries we value our Westminster system of government which guarantees our freedoms and civil liberties. Let us appreciate our heritage and give our support, as The Queen has wanted, to her son -now King Charles III - and Prince William as they continue to help the Commonwealth of Nations.

Alan1 says...

Jamaica already has many problems. Now Holness wants to make Jamaica a republic and join the club of failed third world republics . Investors have little confidence in these republics which become corrupt and authoritarian. Stripped of its democratic inheritance Jamaica will likely never recover its former status.

On CARICOM and Haiti’s gang issues

Posted 27 July 2022, 6:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Alan1 says...

With regard to the last comment Canada is NOT a Communist country. It is a parliamentary democratic country with Queen Elizabeth II as Head of State and a Canadian born Governor-General. It has free elections, a British style Court system like The Bahamas and other Commonwealth countries. Canada has a proud record of service in the world wars and is a vibrant free society.

Alan1 says...

There are some good points made in the article. But to say Prince Charles is urging countries to become republics is not really correct. He does not get involved in political decisions. Canada,for example, has entrenched the Monarchy in its Constitution so it is not going to be abolished anytime soon.The system works well there. The stability of the Monarchy compared to the many failed third republics is quite stark. Bahamians are usually quite realistic. Many of us cannot see any advantage in abolishing the current system. Its stability and the impartial British style court system have attracted worldwide investment because we are seen as a safe haven. The actions of Barbados' Mia Mottley in thrusting a republic suddenly on the country without consultation or a referendum is very anti-democratic. The other Caribbean nations will require a referendum before such a massive change to our democratic foundations can happen.