Comment history

Alltoomuch says...

I love it - "Roc wit Doc" goes all around the world...What level of education do we have here?

Ah but we do have two doctors vying now - which one do we choose?

Alltoomuch says...

But we still don't know what has happened to the VAT money or where it has gone?? How has it helped the situation? with the cost of living rising all the time!

Alltoomuch says...

Sorry Banker - first of all the education system has to be vastly improved!

Alltoomuch says...

and who is talking about "sheer emotionalism" now??

On PLP reaction starkly different from 2002

Posted 10 June 2016, 5:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Alltoomuch says...

This is only a repeat of what happened on May 2, 2007 - the evening of the election results coming in, the results suddenly totally dried up! PM Christie didn;t concede defeat until 10.30p.m. and then it was a good two days before all the recounting had taken place. Seems like our PLP don't like to accept defeat at all easily!

On PLP reaction starkly different from 2002

Posted 10 June 2016, 5:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Alltoomuch says...

No one even mentioning how these results mirrored the ones that occurred in the 2007 election - suddenly all the results coming in just dried up and, finally then PM - Christie conceded the election around 10.30p.m on May 2nd. Think it took a few days of recounting before the results were fully accepted.

Alltoomuch says...

Talking of arrogance - did anyone else notice Dr Minnis's response to the reporter who asked him a question about Laneisha Rolle ? he did not stop walking - he did not turn around - he said something like - "It is finished" in a very dismissive tone & that was it!! Arrogance anybody?! There has to be better!

Alltoomuch says...

And don't forget - we will be celebrating 50years of Majority Rule in January - we planning for that already!! Party loves party!!

On Carnival is a 'win-win'

Posted 9 May 2016, 7:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Alltoomuch says...

Life is the Bahamas is just SO much fun - one big party!! Wonder who's paying for it!!?

Alltoomuch says...

and I see that the Minister of Foreign Affairs is travelling - again!! And this country has NO money!!