Comment history

Altalk says...

neymour them een gat no shame....

Altalk says...

they need to put Leslie in charge of crime.

On Miller 'is reappointed as chairman of BEC'

Posted 29 August 2014, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

so yall gingoks and gingok lovers can express yall belief and opinions and this Scavella cant...hypocrisy of the highest....from time ppl always wants to control preacher..tell him what to say or what not to say!..Are yall God or gods or just mere men like the rest of us..who needs guidance..from God Almighty....God in His all knowing all wisdom told His ppl the Jews(his earthly chosen ppl)and us christians(his Spiritual ppl) that if we want to live long ,if we want to prosper as a to treat one another and how to abstain from certain practices ,like homosexuality,withcraft human sacrifices adultery incest order to continually be bless and sickness free..from generation to generation.......heed Gods word or perish...Righteousness still exalts a nation.

Altalk says...

My God it took a SDA preacher to come out first at bat swinging.....but he is speaking truth,but we have a lot of gay pastors and bishops who will marry alot of ppl same sex ppl for the almighty dollar because mammon is there god........but I say repent all you gay people and yall supporters ..repent or may the earth open up and swallow you whole,or may fire from heaven fall on you immediately...

Altalk says...

and yet only same sex relationships you mention is an abomination unto The most High God!!!

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 29 August 2014, 12:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

and what "hate crimes"?..there is no hate crimes against these ppl with gay tendencies,they suffer crime from there own kind gay on gay crime..even to the murders they either got "there things" by there lovers or there clients.

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 29 August 2014, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

of course he did....but obviously he never got delivered ...because as a christian one should advocating for no christian discotech .......but now he is more worst of than he was before!!!!

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 29 August 2014, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

good move

On Miller 'is reappointed as chairman of BEC'

Posted 29 August 2014, 12:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

Erinous Greene is the spawn of satan.......I read her page the other day on fb...she said "God isnt a Bahamian so keep Him out of bahamian affairs"......its a minority of people who is trying to hold this country hostage.....I voting no straight cross the board.....woman have way more rights than men in this country.....

Altalk says...

I really believe if UR wasnt molested by The FNM in 2007....I do believe that murder rates would of been a little lower...