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Altalk says...

And Im not suprise that bro.victor rollins name is called.....I remember he wanted to open up a christian disco club in nassau.......

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 28 August 2014, 7:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

this is why our beloved country is in the dumps....but hey this is freeport right?..These aabominations was going on from the developers of freeport reach ..along with idol worship.and human sacrifice.....but I pray that the fire of The Lord God of Elijah fall from heaven on that private function....enough is enough

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 28 August 2014, 7:17 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

your right all of them is one in the same.....I voting independent

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 28 August 2014, 6:32 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

We keep rewarding bad apples.. What u expect when this government legalizing Web shops that was illegal for years.. Next they should put ninety Knowles picture on the $2 bill

Altalk says...

Yes two time would recognize,when someone is being silence ..coming under the iron fist of the great dictator.

Altalk says...

LBT says she hasnt anything to disclose.....most m.p`s knows how to hide there monies..including the butlers...they are all employees of there family businesses ..if i remember dupuch did the same cant sue them personally..or ever know there personal wealth

Altalk says...

She is a pawn...But God will deliver her out this Jesus name!!!!!

On Rise and fall of Pleasant Bridgewater

Posted 4 March 2014, 2:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Altalk says...

Sir...It is obvious that your guilty and Dr.Myles is talking what he have an agenda to push your gay agenda..this party i support is riddled/infested with ging goks..before 2017 all infestations will be removed in Jesus name!!!!!