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BDN says...

Sounds great. Once you call the clinic near you, they will come with traps. I'm sure they wouldn't mind the extra help.

On Operation Potcake gets under way

Posted 5 February 2014, 8:35 a.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

My wife is saying that if you call the Human Society, they should give you a clinic number close to your location. Just let them know you are calling for the Operation Potcake project.

On Operation Potcake gets under way

Posted 4 February 2014, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

I'm sure they go those times as well. As I said, my wife goes for the cats and they trap dogs as well. I'm sure doing over 2,000 last year they know what they are doing. It will take some time to get the population of strays down.

On Operation Potcake gets under way

Posted 4 February 2014, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

They are working on strays as well. Done quite a few so far. Even started on the stray cat population. I'm only familiar with the cats because my wife is helping. I believe they have done about 200 so far. Also, everything is done free. No one has to pay anything.

Generally, animals that are spayed become non-hostile. It's a humane way of lowering the population. Some owners can't afford to get their pets spayed. This program is to educate the public about owning a pet and to get the numbers reduced. I think its a great thing. Last year they did around 2,200 dogs. This number was achieved in one week.

Dogs also roam the streets during the day. This is why trapping is done at that particular time. Cats are trapped in the early mornings as that is when they come out (5-6).

On Operation Potcake gets under way

Posted 4 February 2014, 9:43 a.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

I keep saying this... Don't forget the refrigerators...

BDN says...

Boy... First of all... The Bimini project is against the environment. Dredging the sea bed only damages the environment. Secondly, talk about immigration. Blaming it on other countries! Who owns the Shanty Towns?

On PM urges importance of protecting environment

Posted 29 January 2014, 3:51 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

Been saving up for a few years just in case of something like this.Our business license fee is around $120k. After the new business license increase it will be around $300k.. Then add VAT.

On New attempt at mortgage relief

Posted 28 January 2014, 4:18 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

Not sure which country these officials live in... VAT is a gateway tax. We will soon have income tax as well. This and every government we have ever had has spending issues. Until this issue is taken into consideration, we will always be in the financial situation we are in now. Everyone is going to lose 15% of their pay right off the top. Salaries aren't going up but prices are.

The poor and middle class will feel it the most. I've heard rumors that Excise Tax (Duty) will drop by 17% and that VAT is only 15%. Reads well, but figures don't lie.

You buy something for $100 and pay 85% duty. Your final figure is $185. Taking 17% (now $68) off means something that cost $100 will cost $168. The thing is, you now add the 15% to the total cost making your final price $193. That's a whole $13 increase. Businesses are subject to price control which means their profit margins on items have to reduce due to VAT. On top of that you have utility bills, maintenance, salaries, and more. Going to be a rough adjustment.

On New attempt at mortgage relief

Posted 28 January 2014, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

Don't forget refrigerators lol.

BDN says...

Not just that... What type of warehouse do you know of that can hold that much inventory? Just a smoke screen.

On VAT 'won't be smooth' if July 1 target stays

Posted 22 January 2014, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal