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BDN says...

That's true. But do you think any government we have now will not spend it? lol. It seems to be a bad habit they have.

On Mitchell: Critics are 'politically motivated'

Posted 19 December 2013, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

I understand where you are coming from. Typically however (from both parties), if they don't spend what is in the budget they lose what money is left over. I have had government agencies come into my work and say they have to spend this money or they will lose it. It just seems to me that they have to spend the money..

On Mitchell: Critics are 'politically motivated'

Posted 18 December 2013, 8:34 a.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

So... He is allowed $120,000 a year on travel? $600,000 in five years. That is a lot of travelling. Where could I go with that much money? Is that just his travel budget? Or does that include his posse? That is waaaaayyy to much. That is crazy!

On Mitchell: Critics are 'politically motivated'

Posted 17 December 2013, 2:07 p.m. Suggest removal

BDN says...

How is it even possible that the individuals kept the cash on hand? Either stupid or it was never actually taken.. At least, that is my opinion.

BDN says...

You state this point saying foreigners do not pay their dues. The first article claims that Dion Smith owed fees and had not paid them. If this claim is true, would this not mean that a Bahamian is not paying what he owes? I think we also have to remember that we have many different colour foreigners. I see in some of your posts from other articles about white foreigners. It seems that you are perpetuating the topic of racism as well. I have heard what you are talking about people who live in those areas going to the US to shop. Bahamians do the same thing... I bet when you go away you stuff your luggage with dirty laundry to hide what is beneath it.