Comment history

BSObserver says...

Why is it that just about every time you comment you need to deflect the issue at hand? Are you purposely trying to draw attention away from the actions of the present looters?

And BTW are you aware that, when those that you refer to were unseated, the Public Treasury was actually flush with funds? That is to say we didn't start running a deficit until the PLP bandits came to power.

BSObserver says...

They are OWED Christmas Bonuses? Really?

That's like telling me I HAVE to pay a gratuity.

On Disruption affects airport as workers take action

Posted 11 September 2014, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

BSObserver says...

Much press interaction is needed because every where you turn this government's illicit agenda is doing the Bahamian people in.

On Minnis demands audit of BAMSI

Posted 11 September 2014, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal

BSObserver says...

Mr. Wells destroyed himself when he allowed himself to be used as a scapegoat.

On PM laughs off calls for Wells review

Posted 7 September 2014, 12:05 a.m. Suggest removal

BSObserver says...

Which good decision? Do you mean the decision to run rough shod over our democracy? To spit in the face of Bahamians and say sorry?

The "referendum / opinion poll" was not a mistake, it was a set-up. Do they really expect us to believe that some of the supposedly top lawyers in the country couldn't see how this was going to play out?

Either they are stupid or they think we are.

BSObserver says...

I would say that Dr. Rollins just bitch- slapped Mr. Munroe, and frankly he needed it.

On Rollins hits back at webshop lawyer

Posted 6 September 2014, 11:34 p.m. Suggest removal

BSObserver says...

Would someone on here actually deal with the issues in their comments and stop with the ad homonym attacks. The PM of The Bahamas is pandering to special interests at every turn, and this is all you people can talk about?

It seems to me that this forum is used more for running interference for one's favorite political party than serious social commentary. The reason these scoundrels can scam us so easily is because, rather than demand accountability, people try to outdo one another with snide remarks.

Grow up!

BSObserver says...

Here's one that didn't escape on foot. Give the man a medal, along with his shotgun and let him go defend his property.

On Shotgun owner accused of attempted murder

Posted 3 September 2014, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

BSObserver says...

Did you read the article? He died at the age of 61 after a fight with cancer.

BSObserver says...

Nightmares? When you can tune into over a dozen radio stations and here opinions that attack the very party that gave them the opportunity to broadcast their views? Try that before the FNM wrestled the PLP death-grip on Bahamians out of their greedy, self-entitled hands.

Nightmares? When you can drive from East End to Clifton in 40 minutes?

Perhaps you don't have any bad dreams about a government that crams legislation down the throats of the people because they need to return political favours. I'm thinking about Stem Cell Research, Gambling (after the people said NO, and now VAT (with one day of debate that no one knew was coming)

Give me a break, and sweet dreams when you see your have VAT added to your bill at the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker.