Comment history

BSObserver says...

It seems as though men of courage and self determination, free thinkers, are not welcome.

BSObserver says...

When honourable men can no longer follow and demonstrate the respect for the people who head the organisation that gets you elected to the House of Assembly

Really? I thought Dr. Rollins' constituents put him in the HOA. He was certainly right to resign as party whip, but since when does a Chairmanship depend on slavish approval of the "party line"? Is that considered to be a political favour?

If they want to deal with a blatant breach of policy, let them deal with the issue Dr. Rollins addressed regarding the violation of public trust committed by Mr. Wells. Now that is a major problem that the Honorable Leaded seems to be avoiding at all costs, and one must wonder why.

BSObserver says...

A week or so ago Mr. Miller reported that be was about ready to report to the Bahamian people, based on a report that was soon to be ready from the consultants that BEC brought in.

Did he make the reported report and I missed it? Or has he now delegated that function to a middle manager?

On BEC says it is 'doing its best'

Posted 13 August 2014, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

BSObserver says...

And when was that sir?

BSObserver says...

"low grade whitey" wow. Let a Caucasian get on here and comment about a "low grade black" and see what happens. No no racism here.

BSObserver says...

Ok, let's see how leadership requires accountability. Under his former administration PGC ordered then Director of Lands & Surveys to convey waterfront land in Little Exuma to his good friend and long time supporter. Remember now that land grants are the purview of Cabinet, not L&S.

Also the land is granted for tourist development, but is quickly flipped as a private home site to an American who builds a house, never lives in it and defaults on his mortgage. As a result the land and house become the property of a US bank that sells it to another foreigner.

The original grantee then turns around and buys prime commercial real estate in a major Nassau business district. This all involved funds in the half-million range.

It so happens that the Grantee is a family member of the Director of L&S, who was a strong FNM supporter. The story does not break however until HAI is PM. When the wicked deed is disclosed someone has to answer for it and the Director finds himself without a job by order of the FNM PM whom he has supported.

A true case of dammed if I do and dammed if I don't. Had the Director refused to sign for the transfer of land to the former PM's friend he would have been fired for insubordination. However the new PM knows that accountability is required and must fire his long time supporter.

So now, who is the real leader?

On Christie: I decide on Wells future

Posted 9 August 2014, 2:18 p.m. Suggest removal

BSObserver says...

It might be good perhaps to consider what has happened in other countries where the word "gender" has been redefined to mean more than male and female. Consider one dictionary's definition; "The psychological diagnosis gender identity disorder (GID) is used to describe a male or female that feels a strong identification with the opposite sex and experiences considerable distress because of their actual sex."

A person "distressed" in this way is given certain protection under the law in some countries allowing special consideration to be given. For example one school-aged boy in the USA claiming to suffer from GID was allowed to use the girl's changing room. When some of the girls complained they were told that the individual rights of the GID patient superseded theirs.

Or the experience I was told about by a friend, who was traveling abroad, where on the destination country's immigration form where gender was to be declared there were not two, but three, choices; male, female, and "other". Yes, other.

So let's be informed Bahamas, there are agendas at play that would have us open the doors to the "other" genders that they feel should be acknowledged.

BSObserver says...

But Mr Smith, didn't you receive year-notices? What about notices before the June deadline for publishing by the Gazette?

BSObserver says...


"So we need everyone to do the best you can with trying to get your bills up to date, including myself, the chairman and everyone else in this country. We are all in this boat together.”

BSObserver says...

None of this gives Mr Davis leave to BREACH fiduciary trust.

On Davis rejects estate concerns

Posted 31 July 2014, 2:22 p.m. Suggest removal