Comment history

BahamaPundit says...

It's the people's job to pay money into the treasury. It's the politicians' job to find ways to get it out.

BahamaPundit says...

I've tried so many times to warn about doing business with the Chinese Government, but money talks louder to Bahamian politician ears. How can a constitutionally defined "Christian Nation" be gunning and horny to do business with a country that locks up Christians and pulls down churches. How can we fathom doing business with a country that has concentration camps with hundreds of thousands locked up and tortured based on their religion. It simply doesn't make sense how Bahamians could still want to walk into the same trap that every other "debt trapped" country has told them about. We really don't deserve The Bahamas.

BahamaPundit says...

What you are saying is the country owes poor Bahamians because they are poor. You are supporting the saying with your argument.

BahamaPundit says...

We're 8 billion in debt and growing every year. We still defecit hundreds of millions. VAT hardly scratches the surface. You paying VAT on chicken in the bag does not mean this will cover Bahamians defaulting on BOB mortgages or student loans. Are you even serious? If Bahamians are paying these costs, why is the Bahamas currently rated at junk bond status?

BahamaPundit says...

This is very similar to BOB. Nothing will happen. Not even the FNM believes the people have to pay the country back. This is a socialist nation. Bahamians feel that the country owes them and should make them rich. Nothing will come of this but some news stories.

BahamaPundit says...

Freedom of speech is very important. Say no to censorship Bahamas. The Bible also says harmul things about homosexuality; should it be censored too?

BahamaPundit says...

The FNM's favorite trick. Start a lawsuit for the public show, then change the rate to favor the webshops. It's all a setup. Same with the shanty towns. Any time the Government goes to court, you can be sure it's just for public optics. They never really plan to take action in the first place.

BahamaPundit says...

Well. They sure did well. One of the largest bank robberies in human history and not a scratch.

BahamaPundit says...

There is no clear answer how this fiasco could have been avoided. Even Switzerland was caught with its pants down, and they are much more on top of things than us. Even Cayman appears to have its days numbered. The big winners will be places like Delaware, Signapore and London, due to the removal of competing jurisdictions.

BahamaPundit says...

Cayman is still succeeding in offshore finance mainly because it is a colony of a G8 country as I said. You didn't disagree with me. A country either needs big balls or a big brother; The Bahamas has neither.