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Bahamabird says...

If the DPM does ride this out, only God can help us. A country with absolutely no standards. At the very least, it is clear that the DPM has to focus on a significant, personal legal matter and should resign for this reason. The fact that the matter concerns financial irregularities and financial fraud and other matters of a criminal nature in which he was involved and continued while serving as the Minister of Finance should put his need to resign beyond doubt. We will see what the PM is made of. How low can we go?

On Turnquest - will he ride this out?

Posted 23 November 2020, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

Carlyle Bethel, the adult son of the Attorney General (who is a political leader in his own right), deserves to do the "Bank Lane Shuffle" just like the son of the poor woman from Over the Hill who holds no position. Based on the immature intervention by the Attorney General in the Senate, it seems though that young Bethell may not have learned some basic lessons, like two wrongs do not make a right. After watching the father this week, the half-hearted apology, selfish behaviour, lack of personal responsibility and audacity of the son to even do what he did makes a little more sense.

On Tempers flare over who broke the rules

Posted 14 November 2020, 6:54 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

According to section 72(3) of the order, they have the option to pay a fine and walk away, unscathed and unblemished. There would be no criminal record. I suspect that only the poor will end up with a criminal record for breaching the competent authority's orders. Why this is the case...only the competent authority knows. It seems so unfair!

On Police fine wedding party for breach of orders

Posted 12 November 2020, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

He also said: “The persons who receive the tickets today they have a pay period. If they pay within that period, then there’s no record. If they decide to challenge it, they go before the court and they get convicted. That is a conviction that will be recorded.

Follow up question: What of the people who do not challenge that they were wrong, but cannot pay? They go before the court, plead guilty and get a record?

Bahamabird says...

What an awesome story! Congratulations, Ms. Fountain-Sampson.

Bahamabird says...

This is a start. Can the Tribune please inquire as to the rationale for Mr. Bethel not having a criminal record when others who have breached the orders (perhaps for a lot more valid reasons) do? Is there any other law where a person is able to pay and avoid a criminal record? I am aware of paying a fine and not going to prison, but the criminal record would still remain. Please refer to the Issue of Notice section on page 30 of the latest order. It is paragraph number 3.

On EDITORIAL: Credit for action over wedding breach

Posted 12 November 2020, 12:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

“I apologise if my judgment to stand in the wedding has caused any disappointment or concern.

mr. bethel, the bahamian people are not disappointed or concerned about your judgment. it is the judgment of your father and this corrupt government that is of concern!

you, mr. bethel, are just a criminal. made so by the laws of the competent authority and your father. the fact that you can pay the fine to avoid a criminal record is something that the competent authority shoud be made to explain.

On Police fine wedding party for breach of orders

Posted 12 November 2020, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

The Emergency Powers Order allows for the rich and poor to be treated differently - see page 30 of the latest Order. You can pay a fine and not even go to court and have no criminal record. THIS is criminal. The AG may have had his son in mind when writing law for the rich, selfish and privileged. I would like to see young Mr. Bethel's criminal record! Young Mr. Bethel is a criminal according to the Competent Authority.

Bahamabird says...

Fortunately for young Mr. Bethel, his father has drafted a law that will allow him to avoid appearing in court and having a criminal record. He will simply have to pay a fine and avoid the "perp walk" and, importantly, the criminal record. It seems that under the FNM courts are only for the poor ... and political opponents (but that is a story for another day).

On Playing by the rules?

Posted 10 November 2020, 5:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

Ms. Morley needs to be President (or Chair?) of the Chamber! She is proving herself to be fearless and competent. The present holder or the position... not so much. It is in the country's interest for leaders of organisations of key stakeholders (like the business community) to present strong, opposing views to Government (or the Competent Authority) to consider. He appears to be surrounded by sycophants, and, regrettably, the Leader of the Chamber seems to be among them.