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Bahamabird says...

This headline suggests that the assaults took place on campus and I found it misleading. The story is about an issue that we must ALL be concerned about. It is not a UB only problem. This is a sensational and misleading headline which detracts from the truth of the story.

Bahamabird says...

...said she was focused on representing "the entire business community no matter their political persuasion".

What a strange statement. I do not think that I have ever walked into a business and been able to determine its "political persuasion". Seems that it is Mrs. Rutherford-Ferguson who is seeing things through a political lens which must be of concern to Chamber members. So unfortunate that the business community must find ways to work around the Chamber.

On Chamber war on COVID advocacy

Posted 2 November 2020, 10:29 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

I do not think that Bishop Ellis came to play at all. He is absolutely right, especially his comment about Bahamians being humiliated. Long lines everywhere; arrests and being dragged before the courts for walking to the water pump; unemployment and being made to wait on never ending lines at NIB and food distribution centres. The food distributors saying take whatever we give you! The list goes on and on. While stripping Bahamians of dignity, the PM does not even show sufficient respect for us to present us with a plan. A plan is needed and no MP should support a further extension without being provided with a plan as to how this will end and how decisions will be made in the meantime. The decision making process seems too arbitrary. Why, for example, were Arawak Cay restaurants unable to open when all others could? Respect us, Mr. Competent Authority. We deserve it.

On Playing politics in the pulpit

Posted 26 October 2020, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

For Mr. Gibson to even put this out there, when so many people are already on the edge mentally, evidences a level of immaturity and poor decision making that warrants dismissal. The anxiety that this causes for no reason is so insensitive! What is the point of disclosing the contents of his letter? Why not let Cabinet consider the issue and if there is a change in policy, announce it then? Please be mindful of the people that you serve, Mr. Gibson and the stress that we are already under, even those who remain employed. This though is just the latest reminder of just how insensitive this Government really is.

On Water Corp warns on disconnection restart

Posted 15 October 2020, 1:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

The idea of the Government disconnecting water supply during this pandemic is incredulous. Our national goal at this time must be to get our numbers down and every entity and corporation should be considering what it can do to meet this national goal, not frustrate it. The shortsightedness is amazing. The Government also owes money to WSC. Why not ask it for a substantial payment? We might as well make use of our incredibly expensive new loan. Ultimately, the same residential customers (being taxpayers) will pay for it. Maybe in the meantime, they can get a little reprieve. Disconnecting supply and putting the interest burden of a new loan on us at the same time ... where is your heart, Mr. Gibson?

On Water Corp warns on disconnection restart

Posted 15 October 2020, 1:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

Do we know who paid for these tests?

On Ministers clear of COVID-19

Posted 14 October 2020, 11:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

Incompetent Authority. Why Dr. Sands is saying this now, though? Wasn't he a part of the Cabinet when these decisions were being made? Dr. Sands was slow to ramp up testing and we are where we are. These Cabinet Ministers (and fired ones) speak as if there is not collective responsibility. Take responsibility, Dr. Sands!

Bahamabird says...

Happy that Mr. Davis pulled through and praying that others do, too. Let's pray that the drugs will soon be available here. I am sure that there is a process, but in the circumstances, surely it can be expedited.

Bahamabird says...

Rather than restricting the beaches , Minnis should encourage Bahamians (and residents) to get outside, get sunlight, get exercise and still practice wearing of masks, social distancing and other safer protocols. Vitamin D is so important and we have it naturally, yet a primary way for us to get it is being restricted by our government.
Unfortunately, it also seems that the CMO has become a political operative whose statements now contemplate the political impact and not just health matters. Government officials should just give us the facts when addressing the Nation. Leave the politics to the politicians.

On COVID-19: The workplace is now a 'hotspot'

Posted 3 October 2020, 8:06 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamabird says...

Books... so 2019. The Minister of Education has said that the need is for devices and the need seems so clear! Half as many devices would have been more impactful and supportive of the Agenda of the Government in the time of Covid.