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BahamianAway says...

I say charge the student with criminal possession of a weapon, intent to cause harm with a deadly object, and for assault. Lock him a juvenile detention facility for a year during which time he will receive anger management classes and learn ways to diffuse situations without violence. And once he has completed the sentence providing he behaved and had not other incidents he would be released and made to complete mandatory community service (ie volunteer at Ranfurly Home, Salvation Army, clean the prison etc) until his 18th birthday. At which point if he has successfully graduated school with no more incidents his record will be sealed and he would be considered rehabilitated.

however, if he continues to act out and refused to follow rules then I say lock him up because more than likely he will become a career criminal.

This is what they need to start doing with these young them that crime will not be tolerated at any age and you will be held responsible for your actions if they are criminal. If this boy had killed the teacher or another student this outcry would have been different. The way this situation is handle can determine a lot in terms of other students and for the boy himself.

I pray the school and the system does not fail him now....he needs direction more than ever at this point.

BahamianAway says...

Agreed, a prime-minister's term should be limited to two terms, whether consecutive or not (cause we know people will find a way around saying he didn't serve the two terms consecutively).

However let's be honest, unless you are getting new people with new ideas and new views no matter how many terms a prime minister serves it will be the same thing. Just a new bull in the same pen, running the same game, in front of the same crowd. What we need is new people who aren't afraid to voice THEIR opinion and not some party rhetoric they are all indoctrinated to believe. Until that happens we will end up with the same results just a different person carrying it out.

BahamianAway says...

Can't park up on the beach no more for a little romantic midnight ghost move. These people targeting vehicles. I can't say how many times I have heard of people being robbed while park up on the beach during late night hours. And half the time they don't get reported because the majority of them park up sweethearting...

This country is overrun with criminals....sad sad sad

On Car set on fire

Posted 28 May 2014, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianAway says...

Old man...he was not a good boy. Please stop telling people that...if he was a good boy he would not have been in jail and he would not have had a troubled past. These people need to stop fooling themselves, these men are not good. Good people don't intentionally kill people...

Sorry for his family, but realistically you live a life of crime do not be shocked when it comes back around. Maybe was attempting to clean up his life, but every action has consequences and just because a person chooses to turn life around doesn't mean the past won't come back. You plant a seed and walk out the garden, doesn't mean it won't grow cause you decided to ignore it.

They need to start teaching these young actions have consequences. You can't dally in crime and then when you decide to move on expect people to forget what you have done. SMH!!!!

On Killed after being freed from jail

Posted 28 May 2014, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

BahamianAway says...

Agreed, as I previously stated if you have nothing to fear from the law then there should be no issue if you are pulled aside. Answer the questions respectfully and give them no reason to manhandle you. I have seen situations escalate because people want to save face in front of their friends. Let the police do their job, and unless they just randomly start beating you then if you are in public on public grounds they are well within their rights to search and question you if you appear suspicious.

You know how to solve not appear suspicious!!! Just a thought..

BahamianAway says...

Are you listening to yourself, we don't live in some la-la land where people can walk around looking like vagabonds and roughnecks and think it's okay. That's the problem now...I refuse to desensitize myself under the pretense that it's discriminatory.

The moment you turn your head and think that the man walking towards you with his face hidden behind a mask is just covering up from the cold is the very moment when you get struck across the head, robbed, and possibly murdered.

If you call it discrimination then go ahead, but I will continue to be wary of people dressed a certain way, because as sickened said the majority of people who lead respectable, law abiding lives don't walk around looking like they are up to no good.

/not saying that there aren't well dressed respectable people out there committing crimes. A person should be aware of all surroundings, but if you are an upstanding person why dress the part of a person who isn't

BahamianAway says...

Maybe you are a potential criminal element but I am not, call it what you want. I live to avoid situations where anyone could mistake me for being criminal element. i won't be shot or stabbed in a case of wrong place with the wrong crowd at the wrong time.

You sound just like all these Bahamian mother's when their "good son" gets murdered in a place where he was not suppose to be. Sorry that your son was murdered no one deserves to die but if he was so good why was he leaned up on a wall in Kemp Road- knowing full well in these times the dangers of being in areas like that.

Just saying as a police officer if I saw a suspicious looking person I don't care who you are I will stop and check you out, again better safe than sorry. If you aren't doing anything illegal then you should have no issue with being stopped and checked. But the problem is people want to have lip and make noise which escalates the situation.

I've been stopped in routine traffic blockades, my vehicle is licensed and insured. So all I do is hand the policeman by driver's license and the requested information, he checks it and moves on. No need for fussing which then makes him upset and then he pulls me out the car and next thing there is a whole big swarm of people.

Point is I feel the police are well within rights to search people if they appear suspicious looking in nature.

BahamianAway says...

And if I were the mother/father I would have taught my child to watch the company you keep. What were you doing hanging with potential criminal elements if you are "my good son".

BahamianAway says...

I agree to some extent, but as I said the Bahamas is in the grip of a massive crime problem. Can we afford to just assume that everyone is a law abiding citizen? As I said if you look the part of a person who could potentially be involved in criminal acts, and you are associating (however briefly) with known criminals then you will be treated as criminal until proven otherwise.

Sometimes if it looks like a duck it might be a chicken, but I bet 9 out of 10 times it's a duck, and I rather 1 chicken get caught up and released than lose 9 ducks because they assume they are all chickens.

Let it be a lesson to the hard working young black Bahamian men out there, watch the company you keep. Strive to show yourself above reproach, they want to be one thing but walking around with their pants hanging to their knees and keeping bad company just because they grew up in the same neighbourhood. At some point you have to realize what is important, a life where you are a respected upstanding ciitzen or that round-the-way friend.

BahamianAway says...

Lots of vigilante justice going on it seems, but as the saying goes "live by the sword, die by the sword". These dudes think they can commit crimes with no retaliation...think again.