Comment history

Bahamianbychoice says...

This whole issue is unfortunate and will wait to see how this plays out in court. The concept was quite good, but there always has to be a lack of good governance and internal controls which always leads to questions over process and money. Failure to mitigate risk opens the entity up to corruption and fraud. The sad thing is now, you wonder "what else". Given the lack of transparency at the BOC and Mr. Rahming's position as former Treasurer, I wonder if its time for a forensic audit there as well, just to ensure all is in order. Especially since the BOC is receiving international funding.

Bahamianbychoice says...

I respectfully disagree. The Board that replaced approved expenditures that were unnecessary and further moved the country to power insecurity, which keeps getting the country deeper in the mud and harder to get out. The court agreed that the previous Board was unjustly handled so irrelevant what either you or I think anyway. The point around the makeup was an attack against a woman in an authority position.

On Sands accuses govt of victimising women

Posted 13 September 2023, 12:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianbychoice says...

I didn't hear Dr. Sands say anything when the FNM were victimizing Board members and senior executives (women & men) at BPL when the FNM was the sitting government. He sat right there quiet while Mrs. Osborne was accused of "stealing makeup" by the then Minister. Mrs. Osborne and the other Board members sued the government (FNM) and won! He said nothing when senior executives were pushed out of BPL for trying to protect the peoples money, women included. Some of those same executives victimized donated and worked his campaigns. Sickening...

On Sands accuses govt of victimising women

Posted 13 September 2023, 11:56 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianbychoice says...

I am tired of politicians in general using people for their own agendas. If the FNM was “morally and ethically right” neither Minnis or Pintard would even be in the FNM so I will continue to “yap” if I please.

Bahamianbychoice says...

My question is, why did Pintard take the internal memo public and use it as political maneuver; dragging Ms. Ferguson name into this. Like is this all you got?? He had no concern for the ramifications to Ms. Ferguson as he knew full well this would then put her in a position to be a political piece and force the PLP's hand. If the FNM was in power same would and has happened. Further, Mr. Pintard and the former immigration minister under the FNM had no problem in contradicting the Constitution when implementing a law during their tenure that seriously compromised Bahamian families. Where is the Opposition when it comes to regularizing the law to allow women to pass on Bahamian citizenship to their children as Bahamian men can...despite majority of families in this country being single parent mothers.

Bahamianbychoice says...

I get the impression Mr Pintard is cherry picking Ms Ferguson’s comments in order to try and get traction. Ms Ferguson is well aware the Constitution speaks to the fact that the sitting Minister has the perusal to make exceptions if he/she feels it is in the best interest for the country. Exceptions have happened under all administrations and Mr Pintard is ware of this. I also think it is quite hypocritical that Mr Pintard speaks to any immigration issue given he and the former immigration Minister championed a change to the law that immediately created unemployment and significantly impacted those Bahamian families effected by the change. A more important question regarding immigration, is why does the law not allow Bahamian women to pass on citizenship to their children automatically as it does for Bahamian men? Especially, given that approximately 70 percent of Bahamian families are headed by single mothers. What is Pintards position on this..and maybe Ms Ferguson should be questioning the present Government on this.

Bahamianbychoice says...

Boy when ya dumb ya dangerous. Isn't this the same former Minister with oversight for BPL that intentionally ignored Engineers techingical advise, and Board Members recommendations to not purchase the engines. When same pushed back he had those same Engineers "retired" and Board Members fired. Then engaged rentals to supplement the "new engines" and the governement covered the addtiional rental and fuel costs thus creating an artifically lower fuel charge to consumers. You cannot argue with data, and I am sure Mr. Cambridge has more to present. Truth always comes to light.

Bahamianbychoice says...

I hope this government final takes a stand for the people and has an inquiry. The lack of internal controls and oversight under the previous CEO/Board is shocking. The amount of corruption and nepotism that happened is criminal. A proper governance and financial audit is due...and by a firms outside this country....

Bahamianbychoice says...

It's shocking that Bahamian women cannot pass on citizenship to their children like that of Bahamian men. Women have become the economic engine of this country with strong voting power, yet they and their children do not have access to equal rights in regards to the passing on of citizenship if the Bahamian woman is married to an expat. Not regularizing just fuels the already detrimental brain drain in this country, which in turn, hampers GDP growth, which affects all of us..... Why would students return to a country that they cannot have basic equal rights when first world nations will absorb them into their labour force and provide them with a quick immigration status. This has to be addressed.

Bahamianbychoice says...

Agreed @sickened. Ironically, women are the economic drivers in this country despite pay inequality. Most households are run by women yet they cannot pass on citizenship to their children in the same way Bahamian men can. This is one of the reasons I believe we see such a brain drain. Why as a young educated woman would you stay? Why would you want to raise your daughters here if you have another option...what amazes me is why the female politicians past/present are not more vocal about these issues, especially since women make up the voting majority....