Comment history

Bahamianpride says...

She has no fear of him & she let him know with that pimp slap a while back

On Loretta: I have no fear of Dr Rollins

Posted 20 September 2016, 7:21 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Have a feeling someone may have worked for Mrs. Wallace or is associated with someone in the area that was given the info that a defenseless elderly lady would be home alone. This does not feel random, all involved need to be tracked down and punished to the full extent of the law.

On Beverly Wallace-Whitfield bound and robbed

Posted 13 September 2016, 8:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...

Some Lawyer is licking their chops for this one. Bahamian Communism..

On Two in custody over 'vile' rap song

Posted 14 August 2016, 4:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Bahamianpride says...


Bahamianpride says...

S.p. ur nuts. What does south Africa & apartheid have to do with us... The situation here in the Bahamas for the original group of white Bahamians who have segregated themselves over generations is worse. They are guilty of an even more damaging consquence at lease from a biological perspective, Too much inbreeding. If you ever take a tour through some communities especially in Abaco u get the feelings there is desperate need for new DNA.

Bahamianpride says...

Agreed, he should have included men. Poorly though out presentation but many of our politicians say stupid things example Leslie Miller would be top of the list. But even in his ignorant rants there is some truth in some things even millers says. I think family planning, proper birth control protects women & children more than men from living lives of abject poverty. Women are more at risk of suffering which is why I think he only mentioned women. Like the saying goes moma's baby papa's maybe which is not right but that's reality. Lightbourn should of used men and women plus presented this as voluntary family planning decisions and discuss free opportunities to get this done. Vesectomies are quick and more efficient since a man can impregnate many women. I know many Bahamian men with Kids all over the place which many are not caring for. This to me is disgraceful. At issue for is the family, the degrading of that structure and the negative consequences that follow.. I encourage men, married, single etc that have kids and don't want more to get a visectomy, I did it and was in and out in 30 minutes. Even for responsible people who try it's a difficult to provide proper resources and care to each child if u have to many. Going forward these things must all be addressed for us to succeed.

Bahamianpride says...

No society can prosper if we continue to act irresponsibly by denying certain truths. I don't know or care about Lightbourn nor do I care about the plp or fnm because to me they have played equal roles in creating a dysfunctional society. His speech was not presented well, not though through, however I cannot deny he presented a valid issue that needs to be address for us to have any chance of turning this country around. In the 21st century science, technology, health, nutrition etc has allow mankind to live longer, healthier lives. In the early 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th century it was necessary to have large amounts of children to replenish the population and supply labor because life expectancy was so short. To survive childhood diseases and make it to 50 was a major achievement. In poor undeveloped nations around the world there is a consistent reality. Either through colonial exploitation or poor development millions are born recklessly into abject poverty which places massive strains on the social, economic & environmental future. In the Bahamas we have illegals flooding our shores and this ignorant mentality of holding on to destructive behaviors. Logically if one keeps breeding kids they cannot care for combined with influxs of illegals the result can only be chaos & destruction. High crime, unemployment, pollution, and massive inflation. Let's not pretend we don't have a serious problem & demonize Lightbourn. He presented it wrong but I don't think there was any ill intent.

Bahamianpride says...

B.S. SP, I'm a black Bahamian. My issues is personal, every time a relative produces an unplanned birth it gets personal when family have to chip in constantly or the state pays. It cost me thousands to pay for this derelict behavior because I refuse to watch kids suffer. Now the hatian issue only gets me more upset, no society can exist with boats of illegals showing up and breeding like crazy putting futher strain on an already overburdened system. What I'm not going to do is play this blame whitey game for every problem as if we are wild animals and have no control of our behavior.

Bahamianpride says...

Agreed, message delivered wrong but lightbourn at lease had the balls to address this recklessness that's destroying us. People need to stop trying to make this racial. This is about responsibility, accountability.

Bahamianpride says...

Advocacy idiots. How about advocating for moral decency and responsibility. Producing kids u cannot afford is creating life to suffer, that's Child abuse. People like to inject explosive issues like race into the conversation to distract us from the reality that in this small island nation we must get this loose irresponsible breeding under control. Too many kids being born into abject poverty or in situations of poor supervision. Too many unplanned pregnancy, teenage pregnancy, pregnancy from affairs, fathers with Kids all over the place even married men. Lightbourn presented the issue wrong but he was heading in the right direction. If we don't get this under control the population will explode & crime & polution will force all of the productive people to immigrate elsewhere. This is not a women's rights issue, it's an accountability issue. 24 he free voluntary sterilization I support for men & women, I would even support cash for sterilization it's a lot cheaper than dealing with the societal problems brought on by reckless breeding.